Lu On Twitter?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Lu On Twitter?

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    Nothing like another social website on the internet, however, I do find myself logging into twitter more and more these days. I did a search for Lu and found 2 Lucinda Williams on twitter but neither one looks as though they are the Lu we follow.

    I then just did a general search on twitter to see if there was Lu chatter and found that, yes, there is! A few samples I copied and pasted are below:

    ChairMissing listening to Lucinda Williams for the first ever…and loving it 14 minutes ago from TwitterGadget

    woxy_vintage 12:05 Lucinda Williams – Car Wheels On A Gravel Road about 2 hours ago from web

    TwangCity Now playing on TwangCity: Lucinda Williams – Happy Woman Blues about 10 hours ago from TwitterMail


    Hell no, I won’t go, Lafayette (insert smilie here). Is no cyberspace immune? But truth to tell, I never thought I’d be on this Forum so constantly either, so maybe one day–months and years hence, let’s hope–I’ll be a twitterer too.

    Keep that good old-fashioned poster and radio publicity for Covington going. . . .


    I wasn’t going to post a reply for fear of raining on Lafayette’s Twittering, stoger, but now that you have voiced thoughts uncannily similar to my own, I will “pile on” if you will. I, too, have a strongly held bias against “social networking” sites (despite being rather technical & Internet savvy if I do say so myself). And not just Twitter, but the entire lot of them – MySpace, Facebook, etc.

    Hmmm. I wonder what is behind this sharing of the minds? Could it be we are both just old curmudgeons of the Internet, drawing our virtual shades & locking our virtual doors, refusing to socialize with our Internet neighbors? 😆



    Count me in as another Neanderthal, boys. You’re just in the fast lane, CB – – you go, girl!
    It may not be a coincidence that one of my fave bands is DINOSAUR JR.


    ha, ha! I’m always one for a good natured rib. Thanks for the laughs this morning, you can always kill me with satire and humor…

    I am trying to figure out how to send tweets from my phone. I signed up, sent a test tweet and it didn’t work, so I will have to ask some friends to help me get on board on that. Just imagine, real time information, and pictures, say, from a show, that can be instantly sent for others to view and read.

    I’m just saying…. 😮


    Oh, and by the way, stoger, yes, I”m on my way to hang posters for Lu’s Cincinnati show today! Going to stop by the studio as well. WNKU is officially on board now for promoting the show.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    I am trying to figure out how to send tweets from my phone.

    Ah, so is the proper verb “Tweeting” as opposed to “Twittering” as I wrote above?

    So much to learn, so little time… 😆



    @tntracy wrote:

    Ah, so is the proper verb “Tweeting” as opposed to “Twittering” as I wrote above?

    Things that may make you go hmmm…?

    My favorite Lu tweet for the day. v

    “stonermc I love this woman! Lucinda Williams – Car Wheels On a Gravel Road ♫ about 9 hours ago from”


    Does all this have anything to do with “Tweeter and the Monkey Man” by the Traveling Wilburys? 😕


    Lu Tweet Of The Week. Apparently, Lu was out on the town last night. How cool for this band, eh?

    “Holy fuclity duck! Lucinda Williams came out to see @romanticamusic !!! She is super nice !”


    if i ever make it to Covington or Cincinnati, lafayette, i’m sticking to you like glue for the latest tweets! 😀


    So, on Twitter, do people ever actually use complete sentences with subjects and predicates and so on? Is that acceptable?


    Oh, stoger…puh-leeze. You can’t be serious… 🙄
    signed, Alley Oop


    @stoger wrote:

    So, on Twitter, do people ever actually use complete sentences with subjects and predicates and so on? Is that acceptable?

    Tsk, tsk, stoger! Your English professor stripes are showing! 😮



    The first two C’s I ever received in my life (yes, the rest were A’s and B’s until then) was English Comp 101 and 102. It’s true. Complete sentences and those predicate things don’t apply to me. That’s my story and, yes, I’m sticking to it.

    Actually, I’m intimidated, at times, with the writings that are posted in this forum. Above my pay grade. However, I always enjoy reading everyone’s posts about Lu and how much her music means to everyone here.

    Here was a twitter I just posted today about LU.

    sugarmarie1980Today I hung Lucinda Williams posters advertising her show at The Madison Theater on June 10 in Covington, Ky.

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