Lu Memoir

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  • #32079

    [Lafayette, I’m starting this thread in response to your Annapolis link, from which the below quote is taken.]

    “Before Williams preformed ‘Car Wheels on a Gravel Road’ she shared that she was in the process of starting her memoir.  Williams stated  ‘I don’t know how I’m going to do this. It’s going to be scary!'”

    Her memories, life experiences and career need to be memorialized, and she is a natural at storytelling, as we all know. As far as I’m concerned, if you just strung together the song intros, personal history, and anecdotes from her shows, you’d have a worthy memoir right there. If she works with a collaborator, I hope that her unique voice, warmth and humor are honored and maintained in the process. Go after it, Lu!


    I agree, Viv. Good idea on starting this thread.

    I found a piece on Lucinda written by Bill Buford in 2000 for the New Yorker. It certainly chronicles, in detail, much of the stories behind some of the songs and detailed personal information, as well. It’s very riveting. I found this months ago but never posted, after stoger posted a set list with a bracketed entry behind Lake Charles. The comment pertained to Lu talking about pawning a guitar and he had never heard that story before (something along those lines). I went ‘in search of’ and found the article.

    “I’m sitting in Lucinda’s house in Nashville, going through three meticulously organized volumes of photographs. Clyde appears regularly, a big fleshy man with a flap of dark hair and round cheeks and a barrel chest. Lucinda points out Clyde’s characteristic pose—arms thrown out wide, a come-join-the-party look. There are pictures of the two of them in Austin. “That,” Lucinda says, “is when Clyde persuaded me to pawn a rare twelve-string guitar so we could get food and beer” (whereupon the pawnshop burned down, a typical Clyde touch of fortune).”

    Here is the article in it’s entirety. Bill Buford would be a great collaborator, IMHO.


    Collaborator -nope. She was very mad about that piece and still is to this day. Never bring that topic up.


    Okay, thanks, Tom. I was wondering if I should post. It was very personal, but I did think riveting. I’ll delete if you think best. Anything posted in the forum, I believe, can be pulled up when doing google searches with the right key words.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Okay, thanks, Tom. I was wondering if I should post. It was very personal, but I did think riveting. I’ll delete if you think best. Anything posted in the forum, I believe, can be pulled up when doing google searches with the right key words.


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