LU In 08

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records LU In 08

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    Just downloaded it. It is terrific. “Masters of War” is excellent!


    I’ve never been able to figure out why Masters of War wasn’t included on Live at the Fillmore. The two versions she did at the very end of the 2004 tour might be the best covers I’ve ever heard. Her voice was almost completely gone and she was screaming with such hate, her voice cracking as the Luv band slowly builds and builds creating an apocalyptic rage that feels like its raining fire down on everyone over the course of nine minutes…… had a momentum and intensity that this version lacks. I was hoping this ep would include the 2004 version, although listening to the different arrangement is cool.

    The version of Hate Machines is good as always, and I like the version of For What It’s Worth more than others I’ve heard, and Bone of Contention has also gotten better, more intense.

    Overall well worth the purchase as always 🙂


    Listening to it several times, you realize “For What It Is Worth” and “Masters” are just as relevant today as they were in the 1960’s.

    Masters of War is raw and unapologetic. It is just as biting as when Dylan sang it on freewheelin’. It is hard to cover a Dylan protest song with as much venom as he spit originally, but I think Lucinda succeeds, making this version of MoW her own.

    I had never heard “Bone of Contention” before listening to it here. I really like it. It has the same unrelenting guitar drive as “Masters of War” does. Lu’s answer to “Masters of War”? I think it could be.

    These four songs work great with one another. VERY SOLID.
    Lucinda, Tom and Buick 6 should be proud.

    That said, VOTE!
    No matter where you stand VOTE!
    Republican, Democrat or Independent, GO VOTE!


    Where can I get hold of this? It is not available in UK iTunes, not available in the store on this site and Amazon downloads don’t work over here!

    Help! 😯


    Foolishly I set up an iTunes account and downloaded “For What Its Worth” only to be reminded that iTunes only offers a sub standard 128 kbps sample rate, which is about half of what you really need to get CDA quality sound. And I’m sure I I have very limited abilities on what I can do with it compared to the CDs I own. I like how Apple allows you to buy each song individually for 99 cents, and charges 3.99 for you to buy the whole album, nice volume discount. Those artsy fartsy types must be math impaired at iTunes.

    I do like the music though, sounds great. I loved it live in Columbus. Isn’t that a Stones album?



    OK where is the highest sample rate? Amazon?


    Amazon. That I know of.


    the thing is fucking amazing–and ‘masters of war’ is worth a million bucks.

    only thing–the bass is mixed in this weird way so that it ruins my listening experience–too booming!


    I’m loving this release. Though I was dissapointed to see Lu supporting Obama (I hate to see any of my faves shilling for the Man), she records the best kind of protest songs- songs that don’t mention a specific person or setting, leaving the interpretation completely up to the listener. Which means that even an antiestablishment libertarian like myself can enjoy them. Great ep, highly recommended.


    Wow, I am blown away by her cover of Masters of War – at once angry and beautiful. I’m at a loss of for words, further description may actually cheapen it. Go Lu.


    I just bought the EP and I too am basking in the power and relevance. On a personal note, I was in attendance at the Greensboro, NC show September 23, 2007 in which three of the songs were recorded. During the show Lucinda read a note that was handed to her before the show by a new fan named Roger who was a Viet Nam vet. Roger was moved by the song “Are You All Right” which he heard on the radio and sought out Lucinda to tell her how the song was sung at a eulogy for a platoon mate who was recently buried in the Arlington National Cemetary. He and other remaining soldiers from the platoon sang the song at the friend’s gravesite. Lucinda said she was touched by the emotion, so much so that she debuted “For What It’s Worth” live that night. She also read the Ferlinghetti poem “Pity The Nation” that night. You can hear it on this YouTube link as spoken by the author.

    That was my first Lucinda show. I was already a fan, but that night I knew I was experiencing something special, and powerful. To hear three of these very same songs again tonight is goose bumps material.

    Good stuff. Thanks Lu.


    It’s sad: One would like to buy Lucinda’s music and can’t because one’s living in the wrong country.
    I couldn’t get the Best Buy exclusive version of Little Honey with the demos because BestBuy doesn’t ship to Europe.
    And now I wanted to get Lu in 08 and I can’t get it, neither from Amazon nor from itunes, because I live in Switzerland and not in the States. 😥


    Can somebody please explain why this album is not available legally outside of the USA? Or could someone give a date as to when it will be?

    I would much prefer to purchase this music legally through official sources but I am not made of patience and I am aware of several less than official outlets that are quite happily stocking this product – temptation looms!

    Once again the poor cousins are left to fend for themselves!

    Inside Job

    I will see if we can make that happen.


    @Kaes wrote:

    Wow, I am blown away by her cover of Masters of War – at once angry and beautiful. I’m at a loss of for words, further description may actually cheapen it. Go Lu.

    I agree. Great stuff.


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