Lu "Guest Appearances" List

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    I don’t see this one on your spreadsheet
    Album by Michael Fracasso called “Love/Trust” from 1993
    Description says Lu does background vocals on one track. Which one?
    Also she wrote the liner notes.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    I don’t see this one on your spreadsheet
    Album by Michael Fracasso called “Love/Trust” from 1993
    Description says Lu does background vocals on one track. Which one?

    Yeah, that one is not on the spreadsheet precisely because I could not figure out which track. Also, listening to some snippets I found somewhere didn’t help. My guess is that, since the credit is “background vocals” instead of “vocals” (something you’d see on a duet), it may be hard, if not impossible, to pick Lu’s voice out.

    I did some more research, however, and discovered Lu is also credited on Mr. Fracasso’s greatest hits compilation, Retrospective. Cross referencing the tracks from that album with Love / Trust, I came up with the following list: “Thing About You”, “Door #1”, “Brazos River Blues”, “Wise Blood”, “Girl in New Mexico” & “Outside the Rain”. So, I suppose the track Lu sings background vocals on is on this list…

    I also found out a couple of other interesting connections between Lu & Mr. Fracasso. One, he has a song “Never Enough” which he wrote as a tribute to Lu (I find the title very appropriate! 😉 ). Also, according to this description of Retrospective, Lu “calls herself ‘one of his biggest fans'”…


    tntracy wrote:
    To track my efforts at acquiring copies of songs Lu has recorded for compilation albums, as well as other “guest appearances” (harmony vocals, duets, etc. with other artists), I developed an MSExcel spreadsheet listing all “known” (as in, that I know of thanks to, & songs w/ a column to indicate whether I have a copy of the song or not and, if so, what format I have it in (so, for example, if I only have a marginal-quality 128 kbps MP3 version of a song, I can be on the lookout for a higher quality copy). I thought others here may be interested in having a copy of this spreadsheet, hence this post.

    Tom, you have probably seen this data base as well, but you never know.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Tom, you have probably seen this data base as well, but you never know.


    No, actually, I haven’t. Thanks!


    Drunken Angel

    @LWjetta wrote:


    Thanks for that link. Very informative. I noticed on there that Lucinda sang background vocals for a Terry Allen record. He is the one who wrote Bloodlines —-the song that Lu does a beautiful job of singing in the movie The Baby Dance. It’s been many years now but I do wish there was a soundtrack available. Well, that one song anyway.


    @Drunken Angel wrote:

    Thanks for that link. Very informative. I noticed on there that Lucinda sang background vocals for a Terry Allen record. He is the one who wrote Bloodlines —-the song that Lu does a beautiful job of singing in the movie The Baby Dance. It’s been many years now but I do wish there was a soundtrack available. Well, that one song anyway.

    Drunken Angel-You are in luck”if” you get the Showtime channel on the Flix program.
    Check this out. Airing today, Mar.14 and Mar. 17


    @Drunken Angel wrote:

    Bloodlines —-the song that Lu does a beautiful job of singing in the movie The Baby Dance. It’s been many years now but I do wish there was a soundtrack available. Well, that one song anyway.

    Drunken Angel you are in luck.
    Here is (Part 9) of the movie “The Baby Dance”
    The video is 6:17 in length and our gal Lucinda sings “Bloodlines” starting at 3:50
    It is truly a beautiful but haunting song with the accordian playing.
    Here we go for your Friday listening pleasure.

    Drunken Angel

    Thanks for posting that video, LW!

    Beautiful but haunting is exactly right. The arrangement and Lucinda’s voice on that song are just perfection. I have that movie on VHS tape and put that portion onto audio cassette. There is a reprise of Bloodlines that plays during the ending credits. Lucinda is humming a cappella followed by a lone dobro.

    I appreciate you tracking this down, giving Lu fans the chance to hear it, LW.

    Well done.


    I tuned in today to my favorite NPR station. CLICK. First song I hear is a duet and on first listen my thoughts were it’s Lu! Before the song ended I knew it was her (and her unforgettable, unique, and endearing twang.) I was not familiar with the song and embarrassed to say not familiar with the artist either, when named, until I googled him. Then I recognized one of his penned classics, “Polk Salad Annie.”

    I don’t see this duet on your guest appearances list on initial scan, however, I could have overlooked.

    “Closing In On The Fire” Tony Joe White / Lucinda Williams

    The mojo is happening in this tune.



    @Lafayette wrote:

    I don’t see this duet on your guest appearances list on initial scan, however, I could have overlooked.

    “Closing In On The Fire” Tony Joe White / Lucinda Williams

    It should be there – I just checked my copy & I have it…

    Thanks for thinking of me, though! 😀



    Another one possibly to add to your spreadsheet.
    Song is called “There’s Something There” written by Bob Woodruff and accompanied by Lucinda.
    This was a sound track from the 2005 movie called “Her Minor Thing”

    The song was published 01/01/2003 by Red Velvet Records but I can’t find it.
    Anyway have a listen to the song from Bob Woodruff’s My Space page.
    Just scroll down on the playlist. beautiful song.


    Yup, that’s a new one on me! 😀

    Thanks, LWJ – I’ll check it out!



    One more perhaps for your spreadsheet.
    From 2007 Gene Butler’s Concrete Country.
    Lucinda on background vocals on 2 songs.
    Cold,Cold,Cold Woman and God’s Fallen Star.


    OK, I’ve been slack on keeping this spreadsheet, as well as the list in Lu’s Wikipedia article, up to date. Time to rectify that.

    I have the following on my list to add to my spreadsheet (FYI, some of these are already on the list in Lu’s Wikipedia article):

    2007 – Gene Butler Band – “Cold, Cold, Cold Woman” – Concrete Country
    2007 – Gene Butler Band – “God’s Fallen Star” – Concrete Country
    2010 – Various Artists – “Kiss Like Your Kiss (w/ Elvis Costello)” – True Blood – Music From The HBO Original Series Volume 2
    2010 – Various Artists – “The Ballad of Lucy Jordan” – Twistable, Turnable Man: A Musical Tribute to the Songs of Shel Silverstein
    2010 – Jimmy Webb – “Galveston” – Just Across The River
    2010 – Various Artists – “Somebody Somewhere (Don’t Know What He’s Missin’ Tonight)” – Coal Miner’s Daughter: A Tribute to Loretta Lynn
    2010 – Ray Davies – “Long Way From Home” – See My Friends
    2011 – Amos Lee – “Clear Blue Eyes” – Mission Bell (Release Date: Jan. 25, 2011)
    2011 – Over the Rhine – “Undamned” – The Long Surrender (Release Date: Feb. 8, 2011)

    There is also the forthcoming Michael Monroe guest appearance, but I could not find the name of the song Lu sings on – just the name of the album – Sensory Overdrive. It is due out March 16th. Until I get the name of the song, I will leave this one off of my spreadsheet…

    OK, I am sure I am missing something on this list. I glanced through this thread, as well as the thread list in the “Lucinda Records” forum, and this is what I came up with. What else should I add? (Bear in mind, I am including only commercially released songs on albums. If it was on a soundtrack of a movie, but never released on an audio CD / album, I am not including it. This is a spreadsheet I started for my own use in buying all songs Lu has made an appearance on &, if I cannot buy it, I am not putting it on my list)…




    from the top of my head, lucinda is guest vocal in “nanny’s song”. it’s from “just believe it”, by susan cowsill (2010). great song, btw.

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