Lu appears on Son of the Velvet Rat new CD

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Lu appears on Son of the Velvet Rat new CD

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    I don’t think this one has been discussed yet on the Friendly Forum, so here goes.
    Son of the Velvet Rat is the latest project of Austrian singer-songwriter Georg Altziebler (voc/guit) backed up by his partner Heike Binder on vocals and various little instruments.
    Georg used to be in a band called “pure laine” they had some inroads in the US during the early 90ies with support from college radio stations leading to a feature on the then legendary MTV show 120minutes.
    The music burns slowly, the sound is simple and stark. There is nothing more arresting than a single note echoing against the darkness.
    “End Quote”

    The new album is called Red Chamber Music and Lucinda is featured on at least the first two cuts, namely:
    “Moment of Fame”
    “White Patch of Canvas”
    I haven’t listened to all the songs on the album yet, but our Lucinda sounds great as usual in these duets with Georg Altziebler.

    Here is a link to the new album for your listening pleasure.

    And, if you can read German check out the group’s website.


    And here is a Lucinda quote.

    ““…And there’s another band from Austria of all places who we heard here and we’re trying to help them get a record deal over here and get back over here to tour. It’s a husband and wife team called Son of the Velvet Rat. He’s got this great sexy, gravelly voice. He reminds me of that a little bit – this Dylanesque thing. It’s beautiful melodies and sort of this Nick Drake, Mark Lanegan kind of thing. I freaked out when I saw them at this little place called the Hotel Cafe…””
    — Lucinda Williams, Stereo Subversion interview

    Here’s Georg and Lu at the Hotel Cafe[attachment=0:x1ttnzaf]Georg & Lu at the hotel Cafe.jpg[/attachment:x1ttnzaf]


    Thanks for the heads up, LWJ. I had some promotional MP3 download credits at to burn, so I downloaded both of the aforementioned tracks here (note, they are listed as track #’s 4 & 5, not the “first two tracks” as stated by the article quoted above)…


    BTW, according to this, those are indeed the only two tracks on the CD featuring Lu…


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