Lu and Her New Orleans History

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    Here are Lu’s handwritten notes about her NOLA history:

    Page 1:

    Page 2:

    Page 3:

    Page 4:

    Page 5:

    If anyone would like to download larger-sized JPGs of each page, they can be downloaded from the following links:

    Lu’s NOLA Page 1 JPG
    Lu’s NOLA Page 2 JPG
    Lu’s NOLA Page 3 JPG
    Lu’s NOLA Page 4 JPG
    Lu’s NOLA Page 5 JPG

    Finally, in addition to the images above, for those who are interested, I created a PDF with all five pages that can be downloaded here.



    P.S. If anyone is having trouble downloading any of these files, just shoot me a PM with your e-mail address & I will be glad to send you the file(s) you want…


    Good job Tnt.

    Were you sub-contracted by WebMasta to do this? or Is he still a little wobbly?
    TO wrote
    Webmasta is getting wobbly in Cabo this weekend -when he returns I will put this question to him. Hopefully he’ll have some brain cells left.

    As I reported earlier, I received these notes from Lafayette about a week ago and am thinking of minimizing them and setting them up as a collage in a frame for another great piece of Lu memorbilia.
    Thanks again.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Good job Tnt.

    Were you sub-contracted by WebMasta to do this? or Is he still a little wobbly?
    TO wrote
    Webmasta is getting wobbly in Cabo this weekend -when he returns I will put this question to him. Hopefully he’ll have some brain cells left.

    As I reported earlier, I received these notes from Lafayette about a week ago and am thinking of minimizing them and setting them up as a collage in a frame for another great piece of Lu memorbilia.
    Thanks again.


    You’re welcome & thanks.

    Actually, I was “sub-contracted” by TomO after I volunteered. Assuming that WebMASTA was busy with other, more pressing matters, I sent Tom a message offering my services…

    The collage idea sounds nice. Perhaps you can get them signed by Lu at the next show you see…



    Just had to find the right man for the job.


    You the man, tnt!

    These notes are truly 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    You the man, tnt!

    These notes are truly 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten.

    Hey, Lafayette, This might be a nice addendum to your blog on your trip to NO.

    This You Tube is from Country Music Magazine-“Barndance Segment” from a way back in 1991.
    Lucinda singing “Crescent City” from 2:45 to 4:15 in the tape. Really well done high quality video.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    @tntracy wrote:

    “Tours of N’awlins by Lu”.

    Hey Lafayette;
    Seems to be one place Lu played.
    In ’72, ’73 I had a gig in New Orleans. One summer, I was down there, and I got offered this little gig playing for tips at this little place on Bourbon Street. It was a coffee shop–a bar, called Andy. Each person had a shift and you’d sit on a stool. But it was a big deal for me because it was a regular gig. That was probably the biggest turning point in my career.
    End “Quote”

    At about the 32 minute part of this interview from American Routes Radio based in New Orleans, you can hear Lucinda elaborate on “Andy’s Bar”
    Nice hour long radio music / interview with Lu interspersed with songs from some of Lucinda’s favorite artists.
    I love the words in “Six Blocks Away”
    I did a fast search in this Forum and didn’t see a previous posting from Routes Radio.
    Kind of a neat web site with what looks like an old AM radio dial.-Move the station marker to fast forward song selections.
    Listen to and enjoy Hour 1.
    p.s. 1.-No need to dust off your old Lu CD’s. Well more than a dozen of her “oldie”song clips are played on this show.
    p.s. 2.-Happy Easter everyone


    While everyone clamors around for their favorite LW clip or song or clever quip, I am going to hold on to my memories of visiting the home of the best Po’Boy in NO (affectionately referred to as the “debris sandwich”) along with the ice-cold root beer. Parasol’s is one of the best without question–followed up by a Plum Street snow ball…


    Thanks for the link, LWJ and a Happy (belated) Easter to you as well…



    @DavidinMaine wrote:

    While everyone clamors around for their favorite LW clip or song or clever quip, I am going to hold on to my memories of visiting the home of the best Po’Boy in NO (affectionately referred to as the “debris sandwich”) along with the ice-cold root beer.

    Hey DavidinMaine, thanks for posting this, now look at what I discovered.
    The Barq’s Brothers Bottling Company was founded in 1890 in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana, by Edward Charles Edmond Barq and his younger brother, Gaston. The Barq Brothers bottled carbonated water and various soft drinks of their own creation. Early on their most popular creation was an orange-flavored soda called Orangine, which won a gold medal at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition World’s Fair in Chicago, Illinois.
    Edward Barq moved to Biloxi, Mississippi, in 1897 with his new wife. The following year he opened the Biloxi Artesian Bottling Works. 1898 is often given as the debut year for what was later to be known as “Barq’s root beer,” but some sources say this particular product was not produced until some two years later.[2]
    For many decades Barq’s was not marketed as a “root beer.” This was in part a desire to avoid legal conflict with the Hires Root Beer company, which was attempting to claim a trademark on the term “root beer.” It was also due to differences from other root beers at the time. The base was a sarsaparilla drink of the style of the late 19th century, in a formulation with caffeine, less sugar, and higher carbonation than other brands, though with less of a foamy “head.” It was decided to market the soft drink simply as Barq’s.
    End “Quote”
    I have preferred Barq’s Root Beer over Hires and A&W for many years.
    Again thanks for bringing this to the Forum’s attention.


    HA! Barq’s Root Beer, over ice cream…a brown cow! My favorite as a child.


    Mmmmmm. Root Beeeeeeer… :mrgreen:



    As I was casting my vote for Barq’s Root Beer and relaying a brown cow was one of my favorite childhood treats, I immediately thought of a local children’s television show I use to watch and how Barq’s soft drinks were advertised on the show (in house commercials).

    I found the “Uncle Al” show on wiki, perused the page, and sure enough, it mentions Barq’s “soft drinks.”

    Barq’s Soft Drinks: This was when Barq’s had other flavors besides just root beer; they also had orange, grape, lemon-lime and cream soda flavors as well. Wanda would sing the jingle while she and an assistant served drinks to the kids. Whereas vanilla ice cream and root beer was a root beer float, other Barqs flavors over vanilla ice cream would result in “Purple Cows” (grape); “Orange Cows” (orange); and so on.

    AND, to get this thread back on track, I need to post my photos from my NOLA trip with the Lu places I visited.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    AND, to get this thread back on track,

    You are not “off track” at all Lafayette.
    After all, it was DavidinMaine that brought up the subject of ice-cold root beer with his New Orleans Po’boys.
    Now I’m going to provide the link to a Barq’s root beer commercial actually produced in New Orleans.
    At one point, Barq’s cases of root beer contained “Barqtoos”
    See it’s all linked to Lucinda in one way or another with her tattoo.
    In the commercial look at the 10 second mark showing a Lil Devil “Barqtoo” just like Lu’s T Shirt in the store.

    Enjoy the commercial.
    And as we await DavidinMaine’s preference of root beer brand, I thought I would jump the gun and provide a link to “Sea Dog Root Beer” brewed in Portland, Maine.
    p.s. Fascinating show history for Uncle Al’s show from WCPO in Cinci.
    I was living in Toronto at the time ( no cable TV or satellite) but we could pull in the ABC (WKBW) signal from Buffalo with rabbit ears and I do remember the show.

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