Lu and Her New Orleans History

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    @Lafayette wrote:

    I have finished my NOLA recap following in Lu’s footsteps.

    Lafayette, just a superb read of your blog.
    You surely have earned your PhD in “Luology” with a strong minor in computer savvy.
    I loved the Preservation Hall web site with it’s virtual interactive tour.
    One sign you can zoom in on was neat, as follows”
    Tradional Request $2.00 , Others $5.00, The Saints $10.00
    The black and white video of Sweet Emma Barrett pounding on the piano was great.

    I felt like I had returned to New Orleans from your report.
    It must have been very special to receive hand-written notes from Lucinda for your tour.

    P.S. The photo in your blog-I’m assuming it is you.
    What does it say on your T shirt? I’m…… (just curious-also the badge on your hat )


    FYI–I tried to post the pictures of the actual notes here in the forum for future reference of anyone else going to NO but the files proved to be too big and couldn’t be compressed enough to put up. I have webmasta working on it but it has proved to be a real challenge.


    I would be more than happy to forward Lu’s handwritten NO lists to anyone interested. Hopefully, webmasta can master uploading these gems. I gasped an OMG when TO forwarded them to me. Lu included places, addresses, opening dates and times, not to mention her personal recollections. Priceless.

    PM me with your email address and I will happily pass along, especially since it has the TO seal of approval.

    lwj ~ The photo on the blog was taken after a Mellencamp show in Omaha, Nebraska, sharing a drink with my husband and some buds. We had M & G passes through the fan club for that evening with the band members, hence the shirt, adorned with a skull and guitar and “I’m With The Band.” I picked it up in Disney at the Rock and Roll roller coaster gift shop, you know, where, after you exit a ride there is always a gift shp with “stuff” to purchase? The pin is a vintage photo badge of John. I’m glad you enjoyed the links on the blog.


    I have found a cleaner looking blog format so I took the oportunity to repost the NO trip with typos corrected and cleaned up and tried to condense some of the grammar stuff. The format is much easier to read than the prior.

    The new blog is “Circling Around The Moon”, a Mellencamp title reference and a good description of what life could be (for me) and has been experienced in the past.


    Lafayette, thanks for taking the time to put this together – it was fascinating. I sent a link to your first blog entry to a good friend of mine who grew up in Baton Rogue & lived in New Orleans for a while (as well as visiting frequently). He also has family in NOLA. His comments:

    I know New Orleans is pretty small, but there’s a lot of overlap between
    Lu’s and my NOLA. Never heard of the Coffee Pot, but all the other
    restaurants are part of my standard list. My godson works at Muriels and
    my family is from the Irish Channel. Been to Parasol’s and Camelia Grill
    many times.

    I’ll have to check out the Coffee Pot soon.



    @Lafayette wrote:

    I would be more than happy to forward Lu’s handwritten NO lists to anyone interested. Hopefully, webmasta can master uploading these gems.

    A big thanks to Lafayette. I received the notes last night as Pdf’s via e-mail.
    What an add to my collection of Lu memorbilia. I don’t know how Lucinda does it in her busy schedule but to take the time to write such detailed notes is something else.
    TO replied yesterday to fuiji81 under Lucinda Shows ” She has finished 3 songs in the last two days” ( Faster then the great song from World Without Tears ” Those Three Days “).
    Everyone will be suitably impressed when WebMasta gets the notes up on the site.



    Thanks, tnt, I am pleased you found the blog fascinating as it was truly fascinating for me to be visiting all of Lu’s suggested places and then some. Lwj- You’re welcome!

    A few things I didnt mention, more on a personal level, as the blog was really long and probably more than a blog, is on the day of the game, we went to the Garden District to visit our friends, as was mentioned, however, our tailgating plans at the mansion they rented were “keboshed” by the owners of the home. I suppose they feared major damage could ensue. The Bearcats had an official tailgating event at the HOB so we went there after our visit. Dollar beers (for the tailgaters) and good service. As you all might recall, Lucinda played HOB last February. I ended up asking to see the peformance area, so one of the servers took me over and showed me. General admission with a balcony area. Lu’s type of venue.

    Also, as we were walking around on Saturday afternoon, taking in Jackson Square and the river area as well as the Lu tour, we went inside St. Louis cathedral. My father in law is a devout Catholic attending Mass every week, so he was happy to see they had a Saturday afternoon service. My husband decided to take our son back to the room to hang, he was bored, and I stuck around the Quarter with my in-laws. We went to Pat OBriens’ for a hurricane to kill some time before Mass. I joined them at Mass, a little late, as I went to Koko’s Gallery first. Let’s just say, Mass is a lot easier to get thru after a hurricane. 😯 The priest actually delivered a really interesting liturgy and even mentioned all the Bearcat fans in attendance. He said he could tell between them and the regular congregation, the fans all sat in the back! That’s where I was sitting… 😀

    My husband and I walked around the Quarter one night, past one of the ghost tours. We overheard one tour guide say the Quarter boasted over 500 bars in a 15 block area. That’s a good line for a song, don’t you think? 😉

    I hope when Lu hits the tour circuit again she returns to NOLA. I am so there, if the stars align.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    I hope when Lu hits the tour circuit again she returns to NOLA. I am so there, if the stars align.

    Oh man, what a party that could be! Maybe we could join you! 😉



    thanks to lafayette/lucinda, now i know what a po’ boy is.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    thanks to lafayette/lucinda, now i know what a po’ boy is.

    Cool! Your next task is to find out what a Muffaletta is! 😉



    Interesting. These sound much yummier than Adelaide’s culinary claim to fame: the Pie Floater. Which is an upside down meat pie in a bowl of mushy pea soup with lashings of tomato sauce (ketchup) on top.

    Truly dreadful and only consumed at the end of a BIG night out.

    Many years ago friends of mine made it a mission to come up with the most disgusting variation and I reckon the Magnum floater (Magnum Ice Cream swimming in the peas…) got the chockies… 😆


    @ali wrote:

    Interesting. These sound much yummier than Adelaide’s culinary claim to fame: the Pie Floater. Which is an upside down meat pie in a bowl of mushy pea soup with lashings of tomato sauce (ketchup) on top.

    Truly dreadful and only consumed at the end of a BIG night out.

    Many years ago friends of mine made it a mission to come up with the most disgusting variation and I reckon the Magnum floater (Magnum Ice Cream swimming in the peas…) got the chockies… 😆

    Oh yeah, po’ boys & Muffalettas are delicious sandwiches (unless you dislike green olives which would eliminate the latter; Muffalettas are chock full of a wonderful olive salad slathered all over the ham).

    I must say, ali, that, while those of us here in the U.S. familiar with some of these delicacies from New Orleans have you folks overseas running to to figure out exactly what they are, I had to just do the same to determine what “chockies” are. According to the Google hits I got on “Austrailian slang chockies”, it means “chocolates”. But I am still confused – while the variation of the Pie Floater you describe does sound dreadful indeed, how does it “get the chocolates”? ❓ 😉



    heh heh, Tom, this is the sweet slang payback! 😛

    “Got the chockies” is an expression that kinda means ‘did well’, ‘got rewarded’ or ‘won’. I’m not sure of the origin to be honest, it might be a play on the old Cadbury Roses chocolate boxes ads, you know ‘thanks for doing me a favour’.

    I do remember a greyhound called ‘Got the chockies’ – it never won but I always got a cackle outta that name.


    West Words

    Awesome job, Lafayette! Thank you so much for sharing. I’ll probably have about 3 hours next Saturday for a whirlwind tour before the trade show drudgery begins. 😀

    My trip to NYC this week consisted of my work computer dying and me coming down with the flu – ah the glamour of life on the road. My appointment this morning ran way late, so in order to ensure that I made my flight, the very kind Haitian guy at Avis drove me in his personal car directly to the Delta terminal. God bless him, and all of his countrymen.


    @West Words wrote:

    God bless him, and all of his countrymen.



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