Louvin/Stinson/Fairfield gig photos

FORUM Forums Other Topics Singers and Songwriters Louvin/Stinson/Fairfield gig photos

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    If you scroll down a little, there’s a story and some nice photos of Saturday’s Spaceland show.

    In Living Color: Charlie Louvin, Lucinda Williams and Benji Hughes


    Great find Tim. Good pictures. His story of the show sounds about like mine. Couple things wrong, though. Both audience members who joined Charlie for one song each were invited to do so before the show. I know this because I asked. It’s true one girl wasn’t having a great night vocally.

    The other thing was about Lucinda. She was perefectly fine.


    There is an acronym for “fine”, yes?


    @DavidinMaine wrote:

    There is an acronym for “fine”, yes?

    Frodo Is Not Elvish?

    Fish Is Nice Eating?

    Flint Is Non-Elastic?

    Fiestas In New England?

    Frog Intestines Never Explode?



    None of those are correct nor are they close to being correct. Perhaps others may be aware of this acronym, no?


    i had to google it (even tho i’ve been all of these things at one time or another)
    how come you know it so well DIM? ha, rhetorical……….it must be cold in maine right now…….
    but you need to chill dude……….

    F**ked Up, Insecure, Neurotic & Emotional


    It’s funny how some outside reviewers often say one thing while a few posters here defensively say every concert, every performance, is “perfectly fine”… Interesting is the idea that we never say “fine” except when we are covertly saying something else, really. A good movie, or meal, or concert, or romantic encounter is never “fine” yet we often say they are fine! when they are everything but. Only things that are F.I.N.E. are fine, right? What did we ever do B.G. (before Google)? Objectively speaking, fine is never used in context… [syn: all right, ok, o.k., okay, hunky-dory]


    okey dokey

    people go out to hear music for a myriad of reasons, and funny enough, some of those reasons don’t have anything to do with the music or the artist…… i’m lucky to have Largo and McCabe’s for serious listening and the Belly Up etc etc for the rest of it.
    hope y’all aren’t getting cabin fever…….!!!


    I’ll use whatever word I want. I was there. And your stupid acronym describes you, not Lucinda.

    Do you ever get tired of beating your dead horse, from your ivory tower no less?

    Just go away. Your act is weak.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Do you ever get tired of beating your dead horse, from your ivory tower no less?

    Just go away. Your act is weak.

    No, tonyg, for Internet trolls, it never gets tiring. This is how they have their “fun” – seeing how many people they can engage in pointless & emotional arguments. The best way to get them to “go away” is to not give them what they so desperately seek.

    Ignore them & they will go…



    @tntracy wrote:

    Internet trolls, it never gets tiring. This is how they have their “fun” – seeing how many people they can engage in pointless & emotional arguments. The best way to get them to “go away”

    Tom –> There are really no such things as Internet Trolls, ‘promise! If so, they might be defined by such characteristics as posting 315-times on a single forum–usually several times per week where in they agree with and support the status quo where everything is fine all the time! Fun little concept, tho, this troll thing.


    Stella –> you are lucky, indeed, to have McCabe’s for the likes of David Lindley all the way to the Belly Up when the likes of David Lindley want to rock… and Green Flash when it’s time to grab a good pint…

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