Louisville, Ky; Headliners, May 2, 2016

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Louisville, Ky; Headliners, May 2, 2016

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  • #31917

    1. Can’t Let Go
    2. People Talkin’
    3. Pineola [Lu proclaims ‘best audience’ with a big smile]
    4. West Memphis
    5. Drunken Angel
    6. Bitter Memory [mentions the song was featured on the show Nashville and she wrote it as a real country song. I may have this part incorrect, but she went on to say T Bone Burnett was the music supervisor and he wanted to submit a country song as he was fed up with country music in Nashville]
    7. Ghosts of Highway 20 [CWOAGR comparison along with the stretch of road in her life between 1953 until they settled in Fayetteville in 1971. She asks the audience “Do most of y’all live here? ” She gets resounding yesses and then responds with how cool Louisville is.
    8. Lake Charles (solo) [Much talk about owning a used yellow El Camino for a short period, getting boudin and Dixie beer at the Stop and Shop, and mentions Clyde by his full name, Clyde Joseph Woodward III]
    9. 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten [Much talk about Birney Imes book of photos, influencing the lyrics of the song, as well as using photos from the book on the covers of CWOAGR and DWTSMTB. She also spoke of traveling through the hills of Eastern Ky and was astounded by the level of poverty she saw there.] Soooo happy to hear this song! 😀
    10. Temporary Nature [Mentions talking to her father after the passing of John Ciambotti and how she had written down his words from that talk, along with these words of wisdom – “The saddest joys are the richest ones.”
    11. Doors of Heaven
    12. Sweet Side (I’d like to note that this isn’t exactly a mainstream Lucinda song, and the section of fans, my stage right, Stuart’s side, were singing these lyrics and dancing like no tomorrow.)

    Band Intros

    13. Dust
    14. Changed the Locks
    15. Out of Touch
    16. Essence
    17. Honey Bee


    18. It’s Not My Cross To Bear
    19. Joy [Lu throws the love sign]
    20. Get Right With God
    21. Rockin’ The Free World

    AMAZING show, incredible crowd. Lu said at the end of the show it was in her Top 5.


    Sounds like a great night!
    Thanks for the report, love how the crowd really does influence the show.


    Good report, Laf, good notes. YOu got it right; T-Bone’s country-solicited material apparently wasn’t getting used on the show, so he quit–only to return later I think. Meanwhile, Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys produced “Bitter Memory” for the Nashville soundtrack and that one episode at the end of season one. The song is OK as such, but obviously no match for the trio version of last night and several nights on the Lu tour.


    From Tom:
    That was one for the ages. Seven weeks into an eight week tour we have had so many amazing audiences but this night in Louisville was unsurpassed. We are all still blown away. From the opening notes of Can’t Let Go it was like throwing a match into a pool of gasoline. During the second song I saw Lu turn to David and mouth the word “wow”, and she had a big grin on her face. I could just instantly see her energy change Lu and band were completely lifted up and it it just went upward from there. And did I mention that this was a Monday night. After the show Stuart told that towards the end of the show he was having trouble hearing his amps.
    I could go on and on but I don’t know what else to say than thank you, thank you, thank you Louisville for one of the all timers -not just from this year -but any year.
    That one will be not soon be forgotten.


    “…I don’t know what else to say than thank you, thank you, thank you Louisville for one of the all timers -not just from this year -but any year.”

    Good job, CB 8)


    @Lefty wrote:

    “…I don’t know what else to say than thank you, thank you, thank you Louisville for one of the all timers -not just from this year -but any year.”

    Good job, CB 8)

    Thanks, lefty! Happy to take the burden off the Professor.

    It was so cool to witness the history. 😀

    The Professor, I might add, zipped in after a day of classes, and zipped away just as fast [we’re not worthy], but not before he slipped a cup of wine or two in my hands.

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