FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LOUISVILLE, KY 4/24

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  • #28818

    Hey Everyone:
    last night’s show was amazing. The Brown Theatre only holds about 1,300 people and the sound is really great. Lucinda commented on the place a couple different times.

    she played 2 hours. There was a 11 pm curfew. She open the show solo acoustic with Passionate Kisses. The last 2 songs were Come On then Real Live Bleedin Fingers.

    She seemed in a very nice mood. Although she said she wasnt going to talk much so they could get a lot of songs played she did chat briefly during a number of songs. One new song she played that she said she had recently written was called “tears of joy” she said she had written it after meeting her new boyfriend. She said she had been asked by journalist if she would still be able to write a good song if she was happy and content in her personal life. She dismissed that thought as “just Silly” after finishing “tears of joy” she said see thats a pretty good song.

    Highlights for me were

    Fancy Funeral
    Unsuffer Me
    Come On

    anyone else at this show. I would like to see the full set list.


    String Man

    Here are the songs that I remember being played although I don’t think I have the exact order. Somebody can help me on that. It was an excellent show and I especially enjoyed her chatting between songs.

    1 Passionate Kisses(Lucinda Williams by herself)
    2 Metal Firecracker (Lucinda Commented it referred to Tour Bus)
    3 Pineola
    4 Fancy Funeral
    5 Over Time (She mentioned Willie Nelson’s Version)
    6 Crescent City(She started a couple of times and joked about being always perfect)
    7 Out of Touch
    8 People Talkin
    9 World Without Tears
    10 2 Kool 2 Be 4 Gotten
    11 Hard Times Killing Floor Blues
    12 Unsuffer Me
    13 Joy
    14 Wrap My Head Around That(She really was great on this!)
    15 Righteously(Carrie Rodriguez and Her Band joined in)
    16 Tears of Joy
    17 Sweet Old World
    18 What If?
    19 Come On
    20 Real Live Broken Fingers

    Carrie Rodriguez was on stage through the Encore. Lucinda’s Band was exceptional in playing the variety of types of music her songs fall in. One of the best shows I have seen in my 30 plus years of going to concerts.

    Hope that helps!


    thanks for posting. I really enjoyed her talking too. She seemed very real. I thought it was cool when she kissed Doug Pettibone. It was funny when she said its hard to do these rap songs you cant miss a beat.



    My husband and I drove down from Cleveland to see this show. I must say we had an amazing time in Louisville. Learned about (several 😉 ) KY bourbons that were new to us, from a very friendly bartender at the Brown hotel. The highlight of the trip of course was the concert. Both Carrie and Lucinda were fabulous. When Carrie came out to do a quick sound check before the show, my husband commented ” she can play fiddle too?!”. She looked really surprised when her band came out behind her to do”Joy”. I think it may have been a surprise for her. The look on her face was priceless! Lucinda seemed to really enjoy herself, and commented on the the great sound at the Brown Theater. I wanted to thank Mario and his friend (not sure if either of them read this board) for great conversation before the show and between acts. Plan to come back next year for the “Thunder over Louisville ” fireworks show.


    Does anyone have any good pictures of lucinda on stage? If so, please share. I got mine developed today and they aren’t so good. 😥


    Williams keeps it loose at the Brown
    By Marty Rosen
    Special to The Courier-Journal

    Standing alone with a guitar, Lucinda Williams opened her Tuesday night concert at the Brown Theatre with “Passionate Kisses,” a full-throated example of the blunt candor that marked her early career as a songwriter.

    At her best, Williams is a lucid explorer of her own id — as open about and driven by her wants and hurts as a child or a love-obsessed teenager
    And at her best, she’s a masterful recorder of the telling detail that illuminates an entire life. All the pleasures of a steamy sweaty bar came together when she sang “The Night’s Too Long”: “She’s holding a Corona, and it’s cold against her hand.”

    For two hours, Williams, Doug Pettibone (guitar), David Sutton (bass) and Butch Norton (drums) roamed loosely through her extensive catalog. Her face shrouded by a long-brimmed cowboy hat, Williams flipped through a thick binder of lyrics, drawing heavily from albums such as “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road,” “World Without Tears” and her newest, “West,” singing defiant anthems, wistful elegies, blues-inflected romps and rap-influenced expressions of wordplay.

    “Pineola,” her anguished account of the impact of suicide, had the elegiac power of a bugle. “Over Time” and “People Talkin’ ” were steeped in country pathos and irony — the former sung as a crumbling, husky shuffle about recovering from lost love, the latter a defiantly brassy claim for love in the face of outside pressures.

    A sympathetic crowd reveled in the show’s loose, improvised feel, ignoring Williams’ occasional false starts and slapdash arrangements that ended nearly every tune with the band huddled around the drummer coordinating a slow fade.

    And the crowd loved Pettibone’s guitar solos, which took over many of the songs, imbuing them with fuzz-laden rock pyrotechnics that often seemed unrelated to the texts and delivery and eventually grew tedious with repetition. When Williams sang “Righteously” with an almost deadpan lack of affect, Pettibone responded with a guitaristic bombast.

    Austin-based singer/songwriter/fiddler Carrie Rodriguez and company opened the show with a glowing, moody set, full of reverb, breathy vocals and minimalist, impressively smart songs from her recent CD “Seven Angels on a Bicycle.” She earned every bit of the enthusiastic standing ovation she received.


    All I Ask

    IB see the post titled ‘some lucinda williams photos’ by photographix on 4/22 in this forum sub-header for pix.

    Disco Stu

    Did she really sing The Night’s Too Long? If so, that’s gotta be the first time in a long time she’s done it. And man, do I wish I could’ve seen her play some of these older songs (Sweet Old World, Hot Blood).


    no she didnt play it. I think the writer either was using that song to illustrate a point or he is mistaken.

    String Man

    I agree She did not play the Night’s Too Long!

    Innocent Bystander I currently live in Louisville but I grew up outside of Ashland, KY near Rush. It’s good to see someone else from that area on the forum.


    in boyd county or carter county? Yeah it is good to see someone else from this area with good taste in music. 😉

    String Man

    In Boyd.

    How long have you liked Lucinda? I bought her live cd a couple of years ago and now I have everything but the second cd. I’m sorry I didn’t find out about her sooner or I would have attended one of her shows earlier.

    Lucinda’s kinda unique in the various styles She utilizes in her songs. I think that’s what I like most about her.

    Your forum name is not based on a Warren Zevon song is it?


    I got into Lucina through Neil Young’s yahoo rust list. Ive been a Neil fan forever. Her name kept coming up so I checked her out. It also was around the time of Car Wheels which was getting tons of good reviews. Then I bought live at the Fillmore and that started me buying more and more of her stuff. This was my first Lucinda show though.

    the innocent bystander is not from Warren Zevon although I have recently listened to GENIUS: the best of Warren Zevon.

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