Lost Highway Records Street Team

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  • #30298

    A new social networking site for us to spread the word on Lu.

    Lost Highway Records seeks fellow music nerds to help spread the gospel of both our artists and label.
    If you enjoy introducing people to good music, talking to strangers and scoring free goods then please join us in fighting the good fight for good music everywhere.
    End Quote:

    Here is the link to join.


    I signed up. Thanks, again, for the links, lwj!


    I’ve recently started getting my “orders” to help promote Lu on the Lost Highway Records Street Team. Complete 5 orders and get a free copy of “Blessed.” If I earn a copy, I plan on having Lu sign that one and the one on pre-order will be my CD to use and abuse.


    Thanks for bringing this thread to the top, Lafayette. It reminded me to join, which I just did! 😉



    I joined “Lost Highway Records Street Team” in March and have really enjoyed it. Gives you a lot of opportunity to earn free music and Lost Highway artist merchandise plus get the word out to others about new music.

    This is just my opinion, but I think a system similar to this would work great just for the Lu community. We could earn merchandise, tickets or meet and greets. Anyone else have any thoughts?


    Is there a sidewalk team? Driveway team?


    how about Gravel Road Team?


    ParkerCA, all joking aside, 😀 I think that is a great idea. BUT, and this is a big “but”, the organization & coordination of that kind of ongoing promotion would take a significant amount of time & money. And, far be it from me to speak for TO here, but I would imagine that that is time & money “Lu. Inc.” doesn’t have at this point what with all the touring, etc. going on. I do know for a fact that they are trying in every way they can to cut expenses to in turn keep ticket prices as low as possible for the fans. One large case in point of this effort is the fact that they have ALL crowded onto one tour bus (Lu & TO included) this leg of the tour to save on expenses (i.e., $$$-GAS-$$$).

    From my (granted, limited) perspective, I think that at this point it is best to leave the “street team” effort at the Lost Highway level, as they already have the infrastructure in place to handle it… 😉



    It wasn’t something I thought could be implemented tomorrow but over a span of a year or so to get forum members involved.
    It was just an idea I thought I’d throw out there. Obviously don’t know the ins and outs of the music biz.


    Hey, what do I know? I’m no expert either – far from it. Maybe it is something that could be easily implemented. My comments were just my opinion, and we all know about those… 😉 I do think it is a good idea, and that it would be fun.


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