London Brooklyn Bowl I Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows London Brooklyn Bowl I Setlist

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    1 Protection
    2 Real Live bleeding
    3 Crescent City [rough out of the gate; David mouths the opening to help]
    4 Drunken Angel [[Lu unhappy, saying she wants to “connect” with us but it’s too loud–“Iron Maiden should be playing in here”; after some more grumblings, she says “I’ll try to transcend it”]
    5 West Memphis [“I can just see the reviews now” & “I need to hear Stuart more” & “I know; I’m crazy; whatever”]
    6 Those Three Days [full stop in middle, but Lu finishes, then “Tom’s over there looking at me like ‘honey did you take your medication'” + “This place is so imposing, so corporate” + “I’m going to pretend like I’m playing in a pub”]
    7 Ghosts of Highway 20
    8 When I Look at the World
    9 Side of the Road [with kudos to Jeff Travis of Rough Trade Records, who is in the house]
    10 East Side of Town
    11 Dust
    12 Are You Down
    13 Come On [second Iron Maiden reference from Lu]
    14 Seeing Black
    15 Foolishness [perhaps the only time the names Donald Trump and Jesus Christ have been interpolated into the lyrics of the same song]
    16 Essence
    17 Joy
    18 Honeybee [Lu apologizes at length for her “moodiness” et al]
    19 Should I Stay or should i go
    20 Righteously
    21 Rockin in the Free

    a double encore might have ensued, despite the earlier troubles, had not the DJ launched into Earle’s “Copperhead Row” before the band left the stage. the house soundtrack was nice overall (including a Zoe Muth song), but too loud, too aggressive.

    Corporate? Yes. Imposing? Yes. When I got off the tube at a stop called North Greenwich (which somehow sounds gritty, authentic), things were great until the top of the exit escalator. Then Retail Hell set in, some under the moon, most covered. There’s no other way to approach this venue, apparently. The TG Fridays soundtrack was worse than the house’s by far, so a quick meal in the official Brooklyn Bowl restaurant went OK.

    I’ve loved the actual souvenir tickets on this tour, but some ominous words were beneath Her name on this one: “Bowling not included.” Shucks, i had been practicing in the West TN alleys and byways for weeks, hoped to score some strikes with my admission price. Sure enough though, the lanes were visible if darkened as I roamed around between sets, at one point perching on a hassock near lane three–pretty good vantage point actually. The balls were in place and I was tempted, but the presence of red shirted security and the absence of a shoe rental point deterred me. At any rate, i hope those New Jerseyians don’t expect some free strikes and spares for their trouble. Come on night two, even so.

    Despite all, night two beckons.

    dr winston oboogie

    A good mix up in the set list from Wednesday night, was great to hear Bleeding Fingers and Righteously, and real big finish with Free World, I may not have caught the last tube if there had been a double encore, and really Stoger has captured all in his report.
    There was a lot of love for Lucinda in the room last night and it felt great to be a part of that.

    I wanted the double hit of When I Look at the World/Lake Charles, and Lucinda duly obliged in Glasgow,
    if I could be really really greedy Blue would be on my wish list for tonight please, but so happy with the large selection so far anyway.

    Go slay them again tonight Lucinda and the boys


    Great reports fellas!


    If forced, I’d have to go with Real Live Bleeding Fingers as my all-time fave.. followed by many, but Righteously would be right up there..
    Great setlist.

    Brooklyn Bowl’s, either Vegas or London have not been the best venue’s for Lu..
    Amazing fried chicken though… 😉


    My first time back under that canvas since the turn of the century when it was the Millennium Dome. I flew over from Dublin yesterday, as one Lu show is never enough for me if there are more within reach.

    The DJ must have some pedigree as he was listed on the stage times and I thought he did a great job, playing lots of my favourites. Where would you ever hear Iris Dement and Caroline Rose played in a club ?! 🙂

    Despite the sonic troubles on stage, the sound from the PA was wonderful from where I was standing. I’d say it’s one of the smallest spaces I’ve seen Lu play. It’s great to hear the new songs amongst all the wonderful back catalogue tracks.

    That voice, those songs, and the fantastic band… One of life’s treasures and top treats for sure. Roll on tonight, and please keep coming back to Europe as often as possible.


    @BlueKoyote wrote:

    My first time back under that canvas since the turn of the century when it was the Millennium Dome. I flew over from Dublin yesterday, as one Lu show is never enough for me if there are more within reach.

    The DJ must have some pedigree as he was listed on the stage times and I thought he did a great job, playing lots of my favourites. Where would you ever hear Iris Dement and Caroline Rose played in a club ?! 🙂

    Despite the sonic troubles on stage, the sound from the PA was wonderful from where I was standing. I’d say it’s one of the smallest spaces I’ve seen Lu play. It’s great to hear the new songs amongst all the wonderful back catalogue tracks.

    That voice, those songs, and the fantastic band… One of life’s treasures and top treats for sure. Roll on tonight, and please keep coming back to Europe as often as possible.

    would love to hear your thoughts on night two, blue. yes DJ had some cred, but if you noticed his start and end times as listed were EXACTLY the times the two live bands were listed to stop or start, no transition. and he clung to that. Maybe a 5 second pause betzeen the Neil cover and dj last night.

    The venue was small yes, but the kind Lu oft calls “boomy”.


    @stoger Maybe the venue insisted the DJ keep the sounds going so there’s no silence, like some radio stations do. I guess most of the clubs I go to in Ireland (and the UK) tend to do that, so the continuum didn’t stand out for me. I’ve been at shows where the DJ kicks in too early when another encore is planned, and someone just tells the DJ to stop.
    I’ll write on the Night 2 post about that show.

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