London 11/9 & 10

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows London 11/9 & 10

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  • #49469
    dr winston oboogie

    First of all, Thank You, Thank You Lucinda and TomO for Ugly Truth and Copenhagen on Sunday night.

    Now a few thought on a superb weekend, thanks to very kind stage staff I managed to aquire a set list for each night at the end of the shows, Blessed and Exile earlier reports are very good and summed up much of what happened, although I would agree with Exile that Blessed seems to be quoting from a set list, however there were slight changes
    Saturday started at 08:35 with Lu doing Passionate Kisses solo, then being joined bu Doug for Side Of The Road and Jackson, the plan at this point was for David to join them on stage for three songs, however Butch also walked on stage much to the amusement of Lu who wondered what was going on, and promplty telling Butch he should not be there (hence the Red Card), some good natured banter ended with Butch staying with the sound board staff stageside, whilst the others did World Without Tears, Lu then explained about the situation with her Brother before playing I Don`t Know How You`re Livin`, this was the most poignant moment of the weekend for me as we had arranged to meet my Nephew for Monday breakfast the first time we had met in over thirty years, he so much wanted to get in touch with the Scottish arm of his family after losing touch all those years ago, went great and sure will not be another 30 years, and his brother hopes to make it next time. Butch finally gets his cue right and joins for Fruits Of My Labour followed by my personal Saturday highlight Bus To Baton Rouge, those last two verses always send a shiver down my spine, at this point Lucinda commented on how great a venue it was and that the sound was good so Mama was happy, therefore everyone was happy.
    The rest of the set was as described by others above with two NEW songs Bitter Memory and Something Wicked This Way Comes and Lu starting with the wrong guitar on Bleeding Fingers…superb work by Doug on Essence a three song encore and ending a long day at 10:36.

    Sunday began at 08:28, again with Lu solo on Lake Charles, Doug joined then for Greenville, then David joined in and the tear in the corner of my eye had hardly dried when Lucinda announced a request for someone who is here tonight and played Ugly Truth followed by Minneapolis and one of my all time favourites Blue (first time live for me) and that teardrop just got bigger and bigger then she pulled out Copenhagen……at this point I though I had died and gone to Lucinda heaven…what an opening half dozen, Overtime,Concrete & Barbed Wire were followed by another new track Stowaway then Crescent City into Are You Down (just noticed my copy of set list says Are Love Down) another track in which Doug excelled and as he finished the word sublime entered my head. Drunken Angel was followed by yet another new song Protection and then yet another which sounds so good when done live Out Of Touch, by this time the crowd were really warming to the task and I am sure the band sensed this as they were just superb on the next one Unsuffer Me all four of them in top form at the same time, I lost count of how many sticks Butch went through on this song alone, I got a signed stick from Butch in Dublin 2007 and had my eye on one of these he had thrown over his shoulder, but did not manage to get one…the first part the concluded with Cross To Bear,Come On,Righteously and Honey Bee.
    After a short break the four encores began with Lu doing a request from by Ray Davies, one of only three songs played both nights Essence followed by Seeing Black being introduced by Lucinda explaining the story behind the song then came the aborted Salt Of The Earth and yet another blistering Get Right With God to close with the show ending at 10:34.

    A great weekend I must be pleased, got a total of 45 tracks 42 of which were different, we never got any Blessed tour dates, but over the two nights Lucinda played half of the album and they are great live and also got two NEW tracks each night and the quality of these makes the prospect of a new album in 2013 very exciting…………

    Lucinda please tour the new album with us here in the UK and even better in here in Scotland.

    Hope this has not bored you to death and just to finish by once more thanking Lucinda, Tom O and the band.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.


    Awesome report Dr. oboogie. You really scored by getting your requests played. Well done.


    Great report! Have you come back to earth yet?


    Sunday night was indeed exemplary. The best I have seen Lucinda since 03 when she played here in England at Shepherds Bush Empire and I then caught both nights that summer at Red Rocks (when they were opening for Neil Young). She seems so at ease nowadays and it only magnifies in her performances on stage.

    To answer a previous question, yes Doug’s guitars were rentals as thet flew in on Friday from L.A. and headed home again Monday. A brutal itinerary.


    Thx for the info G-Man! Glad you enjoyed it.

    dr winston oboogie

    Five Star review of London from the Telegraph…


    …I have a quikcly question for my spanish report please…what do you understand about the song “Something Wicked This Way Comes” and Gregg Allman reference?…


    Another five-star review from London. Words and pictures by, er… me.


    Good show, Brian! Thanks for posting 🙂


    Thanks to Blessed for his great review for Sat 10th Nov. Here’s some slight corrections to the setlist.

    01. Passionate Kisses (solo)
    (enter Doug)
    02. Side Of The Road
    03. Jackson
    (enter David)
    04. World Without Tears
    05. I Don’t Know How You’re Living
    06. Everything Has changed
    (enter Butch)
    07. Fruits Of My Labor
    08. Bus To Baton Rouge
    09. Born To Be Loved
    10. Tryin’ To Get To Heaven Before They Close The Door (Bob Dylan)
    11. Can’t Let Go (Randy Weeks)
    12. Bitter Memory (new song)
    13. Pineola
    14. Something Wicked This Way Comes (new song)
    15. Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings
    16. Essence
    17. Changed The Locks
    18. Joy
    19. Honey Bee

    20. Blessed
    21. Hard Time Killing Floor Blues (Skip James)
    22. Get Right with God


    @bigsubi wrote:

    …I have a quikcly question for my spanish report please…what do you understand about the song “Something Wicked This Way Comes” and Gregg Allman reference?…

    I imagine, Bigsubi, that “Something Wicked This Way Comes” was introduced by a reference to the work by the late Ray Bradbury of the same name. His title, in turn, was inspired by a line from the [later] Bill Shakespeare. Leastways that’s how she prefaced it in the States earlier this year. Greg Allman? Probably just a nod to his memoir “Cross to Bear”–the ungrammatical “ain’t” may be a Lucinda addition to the actual song title, but she does a rollicking cover of it live, no?

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