London 11/9 & 10

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows London 11/9 & 10

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    dr winston oboogie

    From the official Jazz Festival site :-

    Royal Festival Hall | Sat 10 and Sun 11 Nov
    Lucinda Williams – she takes over the Royal Festival Hall for the first weekend; Saturday is almost sold out but more good seats are available for the Sunday

    Jessica Bluesky

    Hello there, sorry to hijack this forum but a friend of mine going to the Lucinda show in London on the Saturday night thought it might be cool to share this with other fans looking for somewhere to go after the gig finishes.
    Southbound Club is near Oxford Circus tube and we’ll be partying until 3am, drinking and dancing to the sounds of the South, mainly 70s Country and Southern Rock. Its in a basement below the Phoenix Pub and always a great atmosphere.


    With this kind of club description, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the frontwoman and her managing spouse themselves boogying down afterwards. Certainly dr. winston might bite at this. Wish I were crossing the pond for it. . .

    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for the info Jessica, Well Stoger you might just be right, however the Saturday wil be a long day for me with lots of travelling, checked the tube map and everything fits into place ok so if still feeling frisky after the show, might give it a try, I take it there will be no dress code expected ?

    Just three weeks now, really looking forward to the whole weekend.

    stoger wrote:
    Wish I were crossing the pond for it. . .
    Dear Stoger I can offer to take you in my thoughts 😀 Sure you do not want to cross the pond? Looking forward to the weekend!!!

    @Blessed wrote:

    @stoger wrote:

    Wish I were crossing the pond for it. . .
    Dear Stoger I can offer to take you in my thoughts 😀 Sure you do not want to cross the pond? Looking forward to the weekend!!!

    Gracias, blessed! I just wish Madrid and Barcelona were on the table too; then I would really be tempted.

    dr winston oboogie

    Less that a week to go now to the two shows just one week before my birthday…

    It may not be the kind of show to do requests, but if I may be as bold Lucinda,
    please do Copenhagen and Ugly Truth at least once each over the two nights.

    Thank you.


    @dr winston oboogie wrote:

    Less that a week to go now to the two shows just one week before my birthday…

    It may not be the kind of show to do requests, but if I may be as bold Lucinda,
    please do Copenhagen and Ugly Truth at least once each over the two nights.

    Thank you.

    I agree Dr. Winston,Copenhagen is one of my favorites.
    You have had a long wait since this weekend with Lu was first announced.
    I and the rest of the forum look forward to your reports.
    Just wondering if you are leaving Edinburgh on this.[attachment=0:7wb171yo]Flying Scotsman train.jpg[/attachment:7wb171yo]
    I took it many, many years ago. most enjoyable trip.


    dr winston oboogie


    Just want to hear some of the Blessed album live, as have not had a chance to so far.
    As for the travel, I am afraid it is a good few miles further that Edinburgh as I live
    near Aberdeen in the North East, flying to London Saturday AM back home Monday PM.
    Will try to bring as much info about he two nights as I can.
    Sunday press here are quoting Lucinda as saying they have and will play quite a bit of
    new material, either way looking forward to it all.

    Also forgot to mention, got an email from the event holders to advise that support
    for Lucinda would be Bhi Bhiman, not known to me, but checked out some stuff on
    you tube and provided I can get to the venue soon enough sounds good.


    You can listen to Bhi Bhiman on “Later” with Jools Holland BBC 2 November 6th.
    Here is the link



    @dr winston oboogie wrote:

    Less that a week to go now to the two shows just one week before my birthday…

    It may not be the kind of show to do requests, but if I may be as bold Lucinda,
    please do Copenhagen and Ugly Truth at least once each over the two nights.

    Thank you.

    And, here’s hoping you get “Ugly Truth,” Doc — one of my recent faves — 🙂


    Hugely looking forward to seeing Lucinda for the first time. Just in case the playlist hasn’t been finalised for the Saturday night in London, a plea for ‘I Can’t Let Go’. Two summers ago I drove my then fourteen year-old daughter, Tanner, and her friend to the South of France for a holiday. Just after dawn we were pounding south through the empty French countryside, the girls in the back with long faces because I had loaded Car Wheels on the hifi and had told them to take their earphones out of their ipods for at least half an hour. By the time we arrived back in the UK we had played all my LW albums over and over again and I had two dedicated fans who regard LW as the “American Adele”. Whenever Tanner’s friend climbs into my car the first thing they want to hear is ‘I Can’t Let Go’ and they air guitar all the way through it. They’d be ecstatic to hear it live! Have a good time in London Lucinda.


    Biblus, your daughter’s comments about Adele were very prescient!

    There was a short interview with Lucinda on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme earlier today, you can listen to it here…

    It starts just after 2 hours 43 min.

    Not long to go now to The Weekend.

    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for posting, missed that first time around..

    short but sweet….


    @Biblus wrote:

    Hugely looking forward to seeing Lucinda for the first time. Just in case the playlist hasn’t been finalised for the Saturday night in London, a plea for ‘I Can’t Let Go’. Two summers ago I drove my then fourteen year-old daughter, Tanner, and her friend to the South of France for a holiday. Just after dawn we were pounding south through the empty French countryside, the girls in the back with long faces because I had loaded Car Wheels on the hifi and had told them to take their earphones out of their ipods for at least half an hour. By the time we arrived back in the UK we had played all my LW albums over and over again and I had two dedicated fans who regard LW as the “American Adele”. Whenever Tanner’s friend climbs into my car the first thing they want to hear is ‘I Can’t Let Go’ and they air guitar all the way through it. They’d be ecstatic to hear it live! Have a good time in London Lucinda.

    Well, both Adele and Lu are on the Dylan Amnesty International tribute record. Enjoy the show.

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