Liverpool [UK] @ the Philharmonic Hall 6.27.13

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Liverpool [UK] @ the Philharmonic Hall 6.27.13

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    [attachment=0:qbaftwpz]Liverpool.jpg[/attachment:qbaftwpz]Gig # 30 of 32 coming up tomorrow.

    The usual venue pic. outside followed by a video of the interior.



    I will be there !

    Will try and give a set list, but may have trouble because I don’t actually have Blessed


    Here are the song titles on Blessed, martinsh:

    1. “Buttercup” 3:50
    2. “I Don’t Know How You’re Livin'” 5:00
    3. “Copenhagen” 4:30
    4. “Born To Be Loved” 4:38
    5. “Seeing Black” 5:14
    6. “Soldier’s Song” 6:09
    7. “Blessed” 5:48
    8. “Sweet Love” 3:33
    9. “Ugly Truth” 4:22
    10. “Convince Me” 5:45
    11. “Awakening” 6:25
    12. “Kiss Like Your Kiss”


    @tonyg wrote:

    Here are the song titles on Blessed, martinsh:

    1. “Buttercup” 3:50
    2. “I Don’t Know How You’re Livin'” 5:00
    3. “Copenhagen” 4:30
    4. “Born To Be Loved” 4:38
    5. “Seeing Black” 5:14
    6. “Soldier’s Song” 6:09
    7. “Blessed” 5:48
    8. “Sweet Love” 3:33
    9. “Ugly Truth” 4:22
    10. “Convince Me” 5:45
    11. “Awakening” 6:25
    12. “Kiss Like Your Kiss”

    Yeoman’s work to post these possibilities, Tony, but I doubt Liverpool will see more than two from this album, perhaps just one. But wouldn’t a guitarless reprise of “Seeing Black” on Lucinda’s part be a fine treat for listeners in this legendary music town?


    Yes it would. I thought you knew I was a yeoman? 😆


    @Martinsh wrote:

    I will be there !

    Will try and give a set list, but may have trouble because I don’t actually have Blessed

    Any luck with the list, Martinsh?


    The set list…

    Side Of The Road (with Doug)
    Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
    Pineola (including a false start due to Lucinda being in the wrong key)
    Fruits Of My Labor
    When I Look At The World
    Concrete & Barbed Wire
    Drunken Angel
    Hard Time Killing Floor Blues
    Real Live Bleeding etc
    Changed The Locks

    Passionate Kisses (with Doug)
    Everything But The Truth
    Get Right With God

    Had a great seat in the front row on the right hand side, there was a little wedge type monitor pointed towards the audience just a few feet in front of me, the sound was absolutely superb, the acoustics of the hall were pretty special and commented on by Lucinda. I could also hear all the off mic chatter, scrapes and clicks between songs including Doug sneezing during the spoken intro to Drunken Angel.

    There was a nice bit of capo adjustment by Lucinda at the start of RLBF&BGS on striking the first chord she obviously noticed something wasn’t right and quickly moved it from the third to the second fret followed by a knowing smile towards Doug.

    Nice to get Side Of The Road, a tour debut for me, and also Passionate Kisses with Doug on lead was a bonus. Lots of shouted requests (including two from me) when they came back for an encore but Lucinda seemed to have already decided on what they where going to play.

    A really memorable show which seemed to fly by for me and was appreciated by both audience and band.

    Looking forward to catching some of the Glastonbury set via the BBC’s blanket coverage, although I hear that only some of the Stones’ show will be broadcast live, mind you I’ll be in the Olympic Park then watching Brooce & the Flamin’ Groovies!


    Great report Exile!


    @stoger wrote:

    Any luck with the list, Martinsh?

    Exile beat me to it. Just as well because I didn’t recognise songs I and 3, and had to leave after Passionate Kisses (to catch train home).

    The sound may have been great on the front row, but it wasn’t quite so hot on the second row of the circle. Instruments wwere fine, but vocals tended to be overloud / distorted at times (luckily I know most of the words aleady !).

    Was disappointed with the audience. I only booked a week ago, and 2nd row of circle wass best I could get, but looking around during the show, I could see better seats unoccupied. Looks like some folks didn’t turn up ? Also, circle didn’t seemed to have filled up since I saw the seating plan when buying my ticket.

    Not been to a full Lucinda show before, so don’t know if these comments of hers about the songs are normal or unsual

    “there are lots of Greenvilles in the USA, but this song’s about the oen in Mississippi”
    “this ones a lot of people’s favourite” (Drunken Angel)
    “he tried to keep up with Townes van Zandt – but no-one could keep up with Townes”


    @Martinsh wrote:

    @stoger wrote:

    Any luck with the list, Martinsh?

    Exile beat me to it. Just as well because I didn’t recognise songs I and 3, and had to leave after Passionate Kisses (to catch train home).

    The sound may have been great on the front row, but it wasn’t quite so hot on the second row of the circle. Instruments wwere fine, but vocals tended to be overloud / distorted at times (luckily I know most of the words aleady !).

    Was disappointed with the audience. I only booked a week ago, and 2nd row of circle wass best I could get, but looking around during the show, I could see better seats unoccupied. Looks like some folks didn’t turn up ? Also, circle didn’t seemed to have filled up since I saw the seating plan when buying my ticket.

    Not been to a full Lucinda show before, so don’t know if these comments of hers about the songs are normal or unsual

    “there are lots of Greenvilles in the USA, but this song’s about the oen in Mississippi”
    “this ones a lot of people’s favourite” (Drunken Angel)
    “he tried to keep up with Townes van Zandt – but no-one could keep up with Townes”

    Thanks. you two: exile, you were needed in Gateshead with your requests. Doug must be allergic to Blaze Foley, what with the sneeze.

    Martinsh, those comments are pretty standard, though the bit about Greenville, MS is a nice clarification; I assumed MS, though my own Greeneville, TN (only one in America with extra -e in middle I think) would have been nice to think. But “Jackson” isnt’ about TN either. . . Sorry the crowd and sound were less than perfect.

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