Live Nation Hurting…

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    Gee, guys, I wonder if the 12% drop in ticket sales for the “top 100” bands and the 16% nosedive in your share price has anything to do with YOUR OUTRAGEOUS FEES?!?!?!



    I won’t shed a tear. I read an article about Azoff around the time of the merger. He seemed like quite the asshole. It said he once went to a restaurant and set his menu on fire when he wasn’t served quickly enough.


    An article in today’s LA Times says there are too many acts touring at the same time this summer. It also mentions Live Nation turning off its customers by gouging them with high prices and fees.,0,7759782.story


    Power in numbers. I know it’s a needle in a haystack kinda thing, but I refuse to purchase concert tickets that are overpriced. For instance, I wanted to go to a show at Riverbend as DH and I like the atmosphere. A quick look at shows I thought we would like had me dismissing Tom Petty as prime seats were a few hundred $$$ as well as some other shows, same story. I ended up settling to see John Mayer, around $75, solely for the reason the tix were inexpensive (compared to the others) and some good seats became available. The bonus in that choice is Train is opening up for Mayer, and much, much, much to my surprise, the guy playing bass is someone I know from the San Diego area that played in an independent band I support(ed).

    My final hope is that Live Nation (and whoever determines ticket prices) starts getting the message. The fans are tired of being ******* on.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    My final hope is that Live Nation (and whoever determines ticket prices) starts getting the message. The fans are tired of being ******* on.

    Ticketmaster / Live Nation appear to be listening now.

    This article called Ticketology , from the CEO of Ticketmaster written just days ago announces some major changes including for Live Nation venues a refund up to one week before an event.


    Check it out: TM/LN fees class action lawsuit settled.

    My questions now are:

    1) What are the “conditions” to be considered part of the class?
    2) What, if anything, does a class member need to do to receive their share of the settlement?
    3) What are their fees going forward going to be? (Presumably, they will be lower, but how much lower?)

    One thing I DO know – I hope they have to pay out enough $$$ that it hurts – BAD! 👿


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