FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LIVE CD UPDATE

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  • #33996

    Oh, I haven’t gotten the notice yet.


    I got the notice through pay pal, not through the website. Hopefully we will get notice through the website when they do ship.


    While I know we all want our live Lu CDs now, I would rather have them properly done & shipped safely and be a few days late, than hurried with mistakes. BTW, how are they being shipped? USPS Priority or UPS or FedEx?


    I think regular mail.


    Yeah, I’d like to know what is going on, too. Mine still says processing.


    Greetings πŸ™‚ This is my first post to the board … so, I’m not a virgin any longer πŸ™‚ WOOHOO!!!

    I’ve tried to look at some posts regarding the El Rey & Town hall shows / CDs, but may have missed the question and answer I am about to ask.

    Yesterday, I was thrilled, dare I say bubbling over, of the existence of the LA & NYC shows. When I read about these shows, then saw the setlists (I & II), well, I have to admit my pants got a little tight (BOING!). Then, today, as I read more and I came back into the stratosphere I began to wonder if the CDs were only set I and not the whole show.

    True or False? The CDs being sold are set I only. If it’s for the whole show this is a helluva deal!


    p.s. Neil Young kicked off his Fall tour in Boise, ID last night in supposrt of Crome Dreams II, which will be released this coming Tuesday. KORITFW!!!

    Neil’s setlist for 2007:


    @DreamingMan wrote:

    True or False? The CDs being sold are set I only. If it’s for the whole show this is a helluva deal!

    O.K., I read some more and I probably read it yesterday, but was too excited. I see the CDs are set I only not the whole show.

    I have onother question. Why wasn’t West done in it’s entirety? It’s an excellent album. Possibly my fav along w/ Car Wheels.

    Inside Job

    Yes the orders are shipping as of yesterday—but only after an almost comical series of obstacles, which included:
    * duplicators breaking down,
    * a long trip to the Northest part of North Hollywood at 9:30 at night because I thought it was the only post office in LA still open -only to find out that the last pickup had gone and they couldn’t accept my packages with that day’s date- so they had to be taken home and completely re-done
    *cars that wouldn’t start as i was heading to the post office
    *getting locked out of both house and previously dead car -with it running

    Not sure why i’m including all of the details, certainly not for an excuse or pity, more I think so I can try to laugh at what a stupidly ridiculous week its been. I am hoping its all downhill from here and I will be completely caught up with orders over the weekend.

    I hope you enjoy the cd’s – I have been listening to them again this week and they are truly great.

    Thanks for your patience.



    Thanks for gutting it out, I-Job. The faithful horde appreciates it! πŸ™‚

    An’ here I sit so patiently
    Waiting to find out what price
    You have to pay to get out of
    Going through all these things twice.

    – Bob


    Thanks for the hard work. Looking forward to them!!


    Insider, you are a real trouper. (Make sense?)

    Anyway, thanx alot.


    IJ, thanks again. Can you tell us whether the packages were mailed Priority Mail, which would be great ’cause that takes just a few days, or Media Mail, which could take considerably longer (esp. to the east coast)? Either way, all your efforts are appreciated. πŸ™‚

    Inside Job

    Priority and First Class


    IJ, you’re the best. 8)


    I just got home from work and THE CDs have ARRIVED! All of the LA and NY shows! I’ll be up all night listening to these. And to think, I was planning on watching college football! As Lucinda might say F@#$ FOOTBALL! Thanks INSIDE JOB and everyone who was responsible for this!

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