FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LIVE CD UPDATE

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  • #33951

    @Tim wrote:

    I’m just being honest, Lefty. They’re being advertised as the complete album played all the way thru. When you put the money down, take it home, and then find out there’s a song or two missing that smacks of a ripoff to me.

    (I agree, Tim)

    Inside Job

    It was a mistake made during the edit and People Talkin was accidentally left out. In fact the song introduction is there, but not the song-which is evidence that it was a mistake and not a consious decision. Everything possible is being left in -and the edits are only beiing made to keep them under the 80 minute maximum, which almost all of the discs are. It will be fixed asap. Sincerely sorry for any inconvenience.


    Very Cool, Thanks Inside Job!!


    Understood, Inside Job. It makes sense, considering the quick turnaround of the CDs, that such an error could be made.

    One follow-up question, though: will those of us who bought CDs at the show be able to get “People Talkin'” once the error is corrected?

    Inside Job

    Yes- definitely – we want everybody to have exactly what they were supposed to have – nothing less.


    guess ill play the fool and take the lu stage banter chatter and ferlinghettis’ pity the nation and lose the people talking track, which was great.

    of course if i can get a rain check type download deal on that one cut it’ll do for me-

    thanks for releasing all of this stuff, warts and all, and really really do ask lu and all considered to consider letting those second sets out too-saturday was transcendent!
    thanks to lefty and inside job and all for what youre doing
    and thanks to jack straw for noticing the bad edit- id didnt on first few listenings, but i had just heard the song live.guess i was filling in the blanks-

    ps-outside of a return how we gonna establish that we bought the cd?

    peace y’all-btr/nyc


    does anyone know if we order both the LA sets and the NYC sets at the same time if they will ship the LA sets now or wait until the NYC sets are ready to ship all at one time? thanks!


    So I was at Town Hall last night (10/2, “Car Wheels”), and I saw they were selling the 9/29 “World Without Tears” set. Wondering if the disc for sale was corrected, I mentioned the missing 9/29 “People Talkin'” to the gentlemen selling CDs, and they had no idea what I was talking about.

    Any insights, Inside Job?


    LA/NY Cds?
    What is up for sale right now…does each cd include both sets for each night? and is the set list included with the cd?


    It seems so.


    @Bill wrote:

    LA/NY Cds?
    What is up for sale right now…does each cd include both sets for each night? and is the set list included with the cd?

    No, only the first set (when the album is played in its entirety) is on each CD.



    Do I understand correctly that these are available only as CDs and not digital downloads? I’m sure this question was answered somewhere, but I am new to the forum. Thanks!


    Only released on cds that I am aware of.


    @davek wrote:

    Do I understand correctly that these are available only as CDs and not digital downloads? I’m sure this question was answered somewhere, but I am new to the forum. Thanks!

    You understand correctly – no downloads available at this time, nor have I heard any word that that will ever be an option. Having said that, there was one song inadvertently left off of one of the NY CDs that an “insider” (Inside Job) on this forum has said will be made available later. While he has not mentioned how, I imagine that one song may be made available as a download. But no word on anything else.

    Welcome to the forum, BTW – I’m relatively new here myself… 😉


    Inside Job

    WWT is fixed. It was re-edited to put back People Talkin’. And the version currently available in NY is the corrected version.

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