FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LIVE CD UPDATE

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  • #34101

    Did I read the other day that the song titles, etc should be available when I put the CD in my computer and use Windows Media Player? So far, three out of five from El Rey have not produced any song titles.

    Dreaming Man


    I received today the LA set and i live in France
    The “first” album is dedicated.
    The only problem is Essence : the cover says LA but it’s written Fillmore on the CD.


    I just listened to the October 4th New York LUCINDA WILLIAMS disc yesterday and noticed a really weird editing error.

    The first 26 seconds of Track 14 repeats the last 26 seconds of Track 13. (Track 13 is Lucinda talking following CHANGED THE LOCKS and Track 14 is her performance of PASSIONATE KISSES.)

    At first I thought my CD player had skipped but when I replayed those two tracks I saw that the 26 seconds actually repeated. Are everyone else’s discs like this? I haven’t read of anyone else noticing this.


    @DreamingMan wrote:

    Did I read the other day that the song titles, etc should be available when I put the CD in my computer and use Windows Media Player? So far, three out of five from El Rey have not produced any song titles.

    Dreaming Man

    If the play-list has been submitted to the database they will show up for you. If it hasn’t, they won’t. If I remember correctly I was able to “see” only 6 or 7 of the 10 discs.


    @upto11 wrote:

    I just listened to the October 4th New York LUCINDA WILLIAMS disc yesterday and noticed a really weird editing error.

    The first 26 seconds of Track 14 repeats the last 26 seconds of Track 13. (Track 13 is Lucinda talking following CHANGED THE LOCKS and Track 14 is her performance of PASSIONATE KISSES.)

    At first I thought my CD player had skipped but when I replayed those two tracks I saw that the 26 seconds actually repeated. Are everyone else’s discs like this? I haven’t read of anyone else noticing this.

    Yes – the same thing is “wrong” with my Oct 4th NY LUCINDA WILLIAMS disc. Not a big deal really.


    So finally my El Rey set has arrived too. 😀
    Looks alright, no disc broken, sleeves okay… Couldn’t listen yet, but I’m already glad to have them CDs in my home!


    I successfully ordered one of the CDs which eventually arrived here in the UK. Now I have been trying to order further CDs but having no success. Keep getting an error message saying that the country in the address is blank but it clearly says UK. Tried emailing customer service nearly a week ago but have had no response. Can anyone help?



    Have you tried e-mailing:


    Yes, thanks, Lefty, as I said, I emailed customer service more than a week ago and have had no response. Have emailed again…

    Still it took a long long time to get the original CD I ordered – an experience many of us shared.


    Ronny Zamora

    My L.A. set arrived today (in the U.K.) – 15 days after submitting my order. Thank You!. At that rate my New York set will be here tomorrow. Currently burning them to blank discs to keep the originals mint. ‘Abandoned’ playing in the background – I feel a Lucinda fest’ coming on tonight!

    Ronny Zamora wrote:
    My L.A. set arrived today (in the U.K.) – 15 days after submitting my order. Thank You!. At that rate my New York set will be here tomorrow.

    I wouldn’t bet on it.

    I ordered all ten cds on October 1st and apparently they only shipped on 3rd December. I’d be lying if I didn’t say from thousands of internet shopping experiences this has been the worst ever. Any goodwill Lucinda generated from making these discs available long since dissipated. Indeed I doubt I will ever buy another Lucinda cd or concert ticket so shabbily has my order been dealt with.




    I got all ten of mine last week. The wait was worth it. Thanks to everyone who made it possible.


    Well wonders never cease. My cds finally turned up this morning just 70 days after I ordered them. Despite my fears from previous comments about damage due to inadequate packaging all look to be in good condition. Obviously none are signed as my order was overlooked for so long which is a disappointment but since this was never promised it would be churlish to hold that against Lucinda. Instead I just wish my order had been managed proactively from the start instead of assuming I read this forum and the order page to find out what was going on, or more generally not, in the case of my order.

    Ronny Zamora

    @Pigalle wrote:

    @Ronny Zamora wrote:

    My L.A. set arrived today (in the U.K.) – 15 days after submitting my order. Thank You!. At that rate my New York set will be here tomorrow.

    I wouldn’t bet on it.

    I ordered all ten cds on October 1st and apparently they only shipped on 3rd December. I’d be lying if I didn’t say from thousands of internet shopping experiences this has been the worst ever. Any goodwill Lucinda generated from making these discs available long since dissipated. Indeed I doubt I will ever buy another Lucinda cd or concert ticket so shabbily has my order been dealt with.

    Well, my NY set has just arrived and they took 19 days from order and they were both via paypal too! Either I am very lucky or ??

    Are these discs still a limited edition (I think I read 1000 of each were being released) – or was that only the ones released after the shows?

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