FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LIVE CD UPDATE

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  • #34086

    Hey Inside Job — I can’t speak for everybody, but I *hope* the general consensus on this site is: this is a **great** idea, but the execution could’ve been better. As fans of Lu’s music, the more we can get, the better, but the delays and lack of communication are frustrating. Knowing that the hardcore fans who are likely to be interested in this rare-live stuff are those least willing to wait patiently for it, setting expectations and meeting them is of course critical. Not a slam on you either because I know you are but part of this whole project, and you’re here on the frontlines clearly doing all you can. But….

    I ordered my cd on 10/9 (order #275), so was expecting I might have it by 10/23 or so (a coupla weeks), but nothing came. So I emailed the store and…. no response. Then I saw the update saying orders placed before 10/23 had been shipped, so I waited another week or so and… nothing.

    I then PM’d you and you responded (thanks!) saying it had indeed been shipped last Wed the 7th, so I’m waiting to get that. For grins though, I checked my order status on the site and it still said “processing”. Yesterday, I got an auto-email of some sort saying the order had shipped that day. I thought it shipped last Wed, but ok. So I checked the store again and status still says…. “processing.” 🙁

    Then TODAY I got an email saying my order had been cancelled, then an email after that saying to disregard the previous email (????) and that my cd had been shipped. When it shipped, I have no idea, but again, for grins, I checked status on the site and…. still says “processing”.

    So I have no idea if it’s shipped or wait and I guess will just wait to see what I get when.

    I have all the faith in the world I’ll get it eventually, but it’s been a bit frustrating.

    That said, MY feedback for you is: I’m sure I’ll feel it was well worth the trouble when i get the cd, and I hope no one on your end is saying it’s not. In other words, fix it as best you can, but don’t chuck it!!

    p.s. has anyone thought of partnering with “Instant Live”? (; just a thought…


    Now here’s a twist: Not only did I happily receive my Live CDs very promptly after they were shipped, I got an extra set of the 5 NYC disks delivered to me, even though they were never ordered! A bonus set, perhaps?

    I got an email over the weekend notifying me that this package was being shipped (very strange), and then got an email from the fulfillment company telling me to ignore that shipment advise — they said it was all due to a problem with carrying over some orders from the LW site. So I ignored it, but the package arrived nevertheless. 🙄

    Not a complaint, really, unless I am being charged….


    Hahaha… I wouldn’t mind getting the NY set for free too!


    Can anyone provide the track information for the WWT Live CD from NY? I received the CD, but it seems that it does not exist in any internet DBs as of yet (CDDB, etc.). This is the only CD that I have had this problem with so far. It contains 21 tracks that only show as Track 01, Track 02, etc. And no information shows for artist, title, etc. Thanks in advance for any assistance. 🙂


    due to lack of info on my NY discs i have had to contact Paypal for some help. I’m patient but come on; I paid $75.00 on Oct. 2nd and have not received anything and cannot check status of this order. NOW I am getting impatient and I love Lucinda to death but I want what I purchased! 😡


    @Snaggletooth wrote:

    Hahaha… I wouldn’t mind getting the NY set for free too!

    I’m trying to figure out how to return it – I don’t want any bad karma!! Anyway, my first set was signed by Lucinda; that’s more than enough of a bonus. 8)


    It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve heard from Inside Job and still no CD’s. 😥


    This may or may not help. I pm’d Inside Job about my NY order (ordered last week of October). IJ said “had to repress the WWT NY cd because a track that was there very mysteriously disappeared on some copies”.


    Mine finally showed up a coupla days ago. I got the Car Wheels cd from El Rey. Overall, it’s a solid cd, although there seems to be an edit, ie, not quite the complete show (after the first song, Lucinda says “We’re gonna bring out a special guest…” and then before any intro or anything else, it abrubtly goes to the next track.

    No biggie though. There doesn’t appear to be any other edits and the “pros” far outweigh the “cons” on this cd. Specials guests are Steve Earle, Allison Moorer and Mike Campbell from Tom Petty’s “Heartbreakers” and Lucinda is clearly having a blast during this performance (“I feel like it’s my BIRTHDAY PARTY y’all!!!”).

    My advice to anyone who hasn’t rec’d their order is just to wait it out. This is no sheisty “take the money and run” operation and there are clearly people working to make everything right. I think there were some bumps in the road and/or not everything was set up right to handle the volume of orders they’re getting or whatever, but I think everyone will get what they ordered (eventually). I’m probably going to order the El Rey WWT disc since that’s probably my fave Lu cd (I got Car Wheels first because that being her most popular, i thought it might sell out fast…..).


    Finally got my El Rey set yesterday .

    Ordered on the first day of availability so quite a wait but it was well worth it. Not as raw as I had expected given that it must have been recorded off the live desk but a great sense of place and of ‘being there’ which is all you can ask of live recordings I think. Glad to hear Lucinda in such great form and sounding so well.


    I also already received my El Rey set! I’m from Spain.


    Mine turned up here in the UK today too 😀

    Methinks the signed ones ran out 😥 but never mind – I’m sure they are worth the wait (not had time to listen to any of them yet).

    Off to see the Sheffield show tomorrow night so it’s quite a Lu week!


    First let me say that that I received the LA shows a couple of weeks ago and LOVED ‘EM! What an amazing experience to be able to enjoy what I never in a million years would have thought I’d ever be able to hear!

    I just received my copies of the NY shows yesterday. The SWEET OLD WORLD disc is missing PROVE MY LOVE. Will the corrected version automatically be sent out or do I need to alert someone? (Or does this posting serve that purpose?)

    Thanks in advance!


    Now I’ll answer my own question:

    After I posted here I sent an e-mail to and promptly heard back that a new copy will automatically be sent out.

    Automatic for the People – Cool!


    @Inside Job wrote:

    I know it’s not been perfect- (I was not happy that the LA sleeves were a bit tight, but I think we got it fixed for NY), but considering everything I think its been a great experiment and hopefully it will lead to more. Thanks again.

    Tight” is almost an understatement. I felt like a crack fiend 😈 trying to get into those SOBs. Actually, had to set the CD case down on the table, take about 6-7 deep breaths and go at it a little slower. I’m glad I was sober when I was opening them or I might have shredded them sleeves to ribbons.

    Great job to all those involved. Sounds like it was a taxing issue, especially being on a different continent. I look forward (fingers crossed) to set II being available someday.

    Keep on rockin’,
    Tim Parrish / Dreaming Man

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