FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LIVE CD UPDATE

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    IJ: thanks for checking it out. It IS strange that only one WWT CD would have this problem….

    BTW, I have no problem with bumps in the road. In fact, thanks for getting everybody ON that road! 8)


    ❓ one question b4 ordering the live cds.
    Did these live cd recorded “onboard”? or it’s someone who brought his tape recorder ?

    Inside Job

    Joe From Paris: We specially brought in the engineer/ mixer from the West album to record and mix into a live two track Pro Tools setup. We wanted these to sound as good as they possibly could and I think the sound is better or as good as any other instant live recording I have heard.


    Ok thanks for the info, gonna order these cds in a few weeks 8)

    Inside Job

    Here is the latest : The LW store is now fully online with the fulfillment company and I am told that the all but a handful of orders placed by Nov. 5 will ship on Thurs.
    I mistakenly responded to a few of you in private messages that they would ship on Weds., but because of the time difference here in Europe I read the email incorrectly.
    I truly appreciate everyone’s patience as we were worked thru all the issues, that obviously took longer to get thru than I had anticipated. It has been a source of great frustration, but your overall understanding has been fantastic. Please continue to reach out to me if there are problems.


    Everyone here seems to have had a positive experience. I ordered the two sets separately.

    My first order was on September 30. This was sent to an incorrect address (I’m in VA, this shipped to Tennessee). When I sent an e-mail to the customer service e-mail address, all I received back was a message that the tracking information showed the order was delivered, in Tennessee. I replied that the order was not sent to my Virginia address, and that I’ve never had a Tennessee address. Please send my CDs to my Virginia address. This was about two weeks ago. I’ve had no reply. I still have no CDs. I’ve opened a Paypal dispute, and heard nothing back.

    My second order was on October 16. I’ve heard nothing. I’ve received nothing. I’ve e-mailed customer service. I’ve opened a dispute via Paypal. No one has tried to satisfy me yet.

    Has anyone else had such a negative experience? It appears as though everyone has been receiving their CDs, and is enjoying them. Personally, this has been so bad on my end I’m reminded of the fan club fiasco… yet another Lucinda online item I paid for and never received anything.

    I’m sorely disappointed. Am I the only one?


    You’re not the only one. I ordered and paid for the L.A. set on October 1; never heard anything of it ever since. Well, hope dies last…

    Inside Job

    Zilla0902– I responded to your PM earlier, and again minutes ago. Your order was one of the ones that I personally mailed. It was not shipped to Tenn., it was returned there because for some reason it was not able to be delivered to your address in VA. The same preprinted USPS postage stickers were the same that were used for every order, so I don’t know what the problem was. Out of all of the orders we currently have only received 2 back to the return address and unfortunately yours was one of them. If it had been able to be delivered when it supposed to be you would have been one of the first to get them. I have asked someone to look into your order and resend it asap.

    Snaggletooth — I am puzzled why you would say that no one ever responded, when in fact you PM’ed me on Nov. 1 at 4:47 PM and I responded 11/1 at 10:44 PM. Not only did I explain that your order was international and as a result was delayed, but I also mentioned to you that the venue for the Cologne show had changed to the Kantine and you responded back asking about showtime, which at that time I did not know.
    In addition I know you are one of the regulars here and undoubtedly have seen my updates.

    I understand everyones frustration with the delays and problems in the shipping of some of the orders, and no one is as frustrated as I am, and I have spent every minute possible trying to deal with the issues as fast as possible.
    I have tried to be open and honest about it and have posted several updates, (and invited PM’s) here to keep everyone apprised of what was happening. It is very disheartening to hear that no one responded, because at the very least I felt I was doing that. I cannot apologise enough for the delay, and i expect that most of you who ordered prior to Nov. 5 to will seeing your orders arrive in the next day or so -with the exception of intl orders which take a few extra days.



    In your most recent update on this forum you posted:

    Here is the latest : The LW store is now fully online with the fulfillment company and I am told that the all but a handful of orders placed by Nov. 5 will ship on Thurs.

    My order placed Oct 16 is still not here, and says processing when I check the status.

    This and everything else detailed in our PMs is very discouraging to me. I placed one of the first orders as well (on Sept 30), and have received nothing but headaches for my trouble. I hope this improves soon.


    @Inside Job wrote:

    Snaggletooth — I am puzzled why you would say that no one ever responded, when in fact you PM’ed me on Nov. 1 at 4:47 PM and I responded 11/1 at 10:44 PM. Not only did I explain that your order was international and as a result was delayed, but I also mentioned to you that the venue for the Cologne show had changed to the Kantine and you responded back asking about showtime, which at that time I did not know.
    In addition I know you are one of the regulars here and undoubtedly have seen my updates.

    Sorry Insider, of course you’re right, and I didn’t mean it that way! I do apologize. What I meant to say is that I haven’t recieved a notice of shipping yet. I sent another e-mail to the shop and got the answer that my set will be shipped within the next 24 thru 48 hours, so all should be well… I just was a little disappointed that the CDs weren’t here before the Cologne show, but it’s nothing. The gig in Cologne was SO GOOD, I don’t mind the delay of the CDs no more…

    Again: SORRY for my too short and in some way incorrect post. I didn’t have the time for the whole story, and looking back I know I’d better have not posted anything at all instead of what I did post…

    Inside Job

    Snaggle – No problem- glad you enjoyed the show. It was a good one. I’m just a little touchy right now until the rest of the orders start landing which should be today and Weds in the US, and a couple of days later in the UK. I was told that all international orders has shipped by or on Fri. and Mon, so I assume that includes your order.
    Something I hadn’t explained in great detail is what happened with some of the intl orders. When most of the orders originally were placed they disappeared from the place in the store that all the other orders appeared because the shipping charges were under charged. Once the whole mess was uncovered I decided to eat the extra shipping charges and get the orders out as fast as possible -especially since they all required manual handling. Anyway –enjoy Paris–let’s hope it happens. We are hearing that there is a chance of a power company strike and no one knows at thi point whether that will affect the show. We don’t think it will but keep your fingers crossed.

    Inside Job

    Zilla0902– I did a little more digging into your initial order and looked into the tracking. The ship to address was your old one. I will PM you the details.
    In any event I had the 9/30 order overnighted for AM delivery today and the 10/16 order went out on Fri. so it may also make it today or tomorrow.
    The customer service here does matter to me very much and nobody is as disappointed with the problems as I am. Unfortunately, as the fantastic number of orders came rolling in the number of problems also multiplied, which caught us off guard, and I say us in the truest definition of the word because at the time there was two of us working thru everything. While that has now been rectified, I was also very disappointed with how long it took for our store to get connected to the fulfillment company etc. and the already delayed orders to get shipped.
    I guess what I’m trying to say is that it was not a customer service issue so much as a resources being overwhelmed issue. But neither really matters until your orders arrive which as I mentioned above, should be today and tomorrow. I hope that resolves everything as satisfactory as possible. I apologise for all the headaches and hope you enjoy the cds.



    @Inside Job wrote:

    … We don’t think it will but keep your fingers crossed.

    I’ll do!!!


    The LA CDs already arrived this morning via FedEx. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I can now give these as a gift today for my friend’s birthday, and not have to skirt the issue until they arrive.

    I appreciate you going the extra mile to get these here this quickly.

    Inside Job

    That’s great -I’m very relieved to hear that – wish your friend a Happy Birthday for me

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