FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LIVE CD UPDATE

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  • #34056

    Friggin’ awesome. That’s all I got to say. I forgot when I put in my order. Got home after a shitty day at work and there was a big package on my doorstep. I ordered all them and now have hours and HOURS of Lucinda to kick back and chill with while enjoying my Guinessy goodness.

    Thanks to all of you for giving this to us!! Excellent execution. Can’t wait for Lucinda’s next studio production.

    Inside Job

    I apologise for the delayed update, but had to leave for Europe so the last week just disappeared.
    After receiving some private messages and seeing some of the posts here, it was apparent that there were some problem orders that somehow had not gotten shipped. After doing some digging I have discovered a handful of orders that were not showing up in LW store in the order file, but were listed in a separate customer file. It appears that some of the info was entered slightly incorrectly when they were initially ordered, (for instance phone numbers not entered quite right), which was causing them to not show up in the orders file, which was being matched against Paypal.
    I have gone thru and created a file of those orders and am sending it to the new fulfillment company that has now been enlisted to take over shipping etc. Out of all of the orders, I have identified 16 of these orders and have been able to match up all but three of them. Please either reach out to me via private message AND/OR email the customer service email to make sure that your order is not lost. As I have said before it is very important to do this right and get all of the orders out in a timely manner so it is very disappointing that some orders have been delayed, and realistically I guess a small percentage of problem orders could have been expected. In any event they will all get out as soon as possible.

    Inside Job

    Also — thanks for all the positive feedback on the cd’s. As someone aptly mentioned earlier in this thread, there were times last week when I was wondering what the %$#@ we were thinking, but the great response has made that a distant thought. I know it’s not been perfect- (I was not happy that the LA sleeves were a bit tight, but I think we got it fixed for NY), but considering everything I think its been a great experiment and hopefully it will lead to more. Thanks again.


    Thanks for the update, I-Job. Looking forward to receiving my shipment!


    Inside Job, I sent you a PM with my order info.
    I can’t wait to hear these CD’s.



    I guess i’m one with problems as my phone number was a french one.
    I can’t find any order in my orders status.
    What must i do to send an email to Inside job?

    Inside Job

    The problem orders and the remaining intl orders are being dealt with – with great urgency. I have been in touch with the new fulfillment company and they have ensured me they are all over it. I also have enlisted someone else back in the US to assist and oversee to make sure that all of the remaining orders get out asa effing p. I very much appreciate all of your patience. They are coming soon. Please continue to reach out to me if you think there might be a problem, and though the time difference here in Europe makes it a challenge I will make sure everything works out.


    I’ve got a NYC WWT disc with no “People Talkin'” on it, purchased at the gig. I remember reading that there’d be an address to send such discs back to so they could be replaced. Does anybody have it, by any chance? Thanks!

    Inside Job

    Send me your address in a private message and I’ll make sure a new gets sent out.


    Inside Job,
    I ordered/paid my 2 boxes more than 6 wks ago but still have not received them.
    Pls. inform me if they are under way.

    PS and I don’t care about a coupple of missing songs


    Inside Job: Since I did say you must have asked at times if the live CD thing was even worth it, I hesitate to bring up my own cd question…. but… on my copy of the NYC World without Tears disc, the title track, WWT, is not there. People talkin’ IS there, and so is the ferlinghetti poem, but no WWT. Lucinda introduces the song, then the cd goes into chat leading up to Words Fell.

    Has anyone else reported this? I read your comment that all cds were cut from the same master after the people talkin’ problem was fixed, so I am wondering…. 😕

    I’d definitely like to hear that song, but please know that I am still very happy with these CDs. You’re your efforts are truly appreciated. (And I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll be able to do something with those second sets.)

    Inside Job

    Ray – I will ask our engineer to check it out but you are the first ask about that track. There were only two masters made–the one that had PT missing and then the fixed one that I personally burned the copies of that got sent out. But I’m definitely glad you asked because it is acceptable to me if we don’t have the completely correct cds out there. It has to be right. And to answer your question about this being worth it, yes absloutely and I would do it all again. I was not at all blind to what were undertaking and given that the “permissions” to do it came late in the timeline, I knew there could be mistakes. Overall it has not been too bad, but I wanted some things to be a little beter. My biggest frustration has been with the problems that caused the shipping delays. I put 10-14 days ship time thinking I was allowing enough time. I thought I had it caught up when I left for Europe, but then I discovered a handful of problem orders and intl orders that had sort of disappeared in the LW store. In any event when we undertook this I didn’t want to be another case of an artist trying to do a store and screwing it up as has happened in several other cases. When it was a go it was going to be done right–period. There has been some bumps in the road, but overall the feedback has been fantastic and I think things will be nearly flawless very soon. But yes it has been absolutely worth it, and ultimately this was a “long run” experiment, and on that front I believe we have set it up to hopefully be able to do some things next year.

    Kees- I believe the new fulfillment company is on line and shipping and I expect them to be completely caught up with all of the orders, including the intl orders and the problem orders, very very soon. I will be reaching out to them today for an update.
    As I was saying above, it is not acceptable to me for tracks to be missing, but the copies that I made before I left for Europe were all double checked by our engineer, so I will be surprised and disappointed if there are any more mistakes.


    ij, what was the resolution for those of us that bought essence at irving plaza? (sorry, haven’t kept up on this topic) no hurry, it can wait until you get back from wherever your travels have you now.

    Inside Job

    I’m guessing you mean World Without Tears? Just send me your address in a private message and I’ll have a fixed one sent.


    yes, meant wwt. pm on it’s way, thanks

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