FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records LITTLE HONEY

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    shouldnt the main page be updated to show that she has a forthcoming album?

    Just an idea….


    Something (not someone) tells me, ripley, that the entire website might get a facelift in the near future. That and a dollar will get you a large-size beverage at the Golden Arches.


    just an fyi, if you go to and go the the little honey page, there is a link where you can listen to five of the songs: real love, if wishes were horses, jailhouse tears, little rock star, and tears of joy. they sound amazing!


    Do you have a link for Because when I go there, it redirects to, and there are no previews of the tracks. I’ve searched high and low!!!


    After takes you to Amazon, select the Item #1 Little Honey (either words or cover picture). You’ll go to the next Amazon screen; about 6 inches from the top, there’s a link to Listen to the 5 songs. Or else, simply go here:


    Not sure how I feel about the elvis costello vocal. Hopefully, it will probably grow on me.
    I really like the others. “little rock star” is great.


    Oh, Elvis….I’ll give it some time to grow but my first impressions are that he ruined such a great song 😥


    I just listened to all 5 tracks at the “Listening Party” (thanks for the link, Paul_from_LA). I loved “Little Rock Star” & “If Wishes Were Horses” especially, but I thought they all were great. The band sounds tight as hell, and I love the mix w/ Lu’s vocals way up-front like they are. The sound overall is excellent.

    And, I’ll be honest – I didn’t have super high expectations for “Jailhouse Tears” when I heard Elvis Costello was her duet partner on the track (and this has been my favorite song of the “batch” of new songs that Lu began playing live prior to the release of “West”). I have nothing against Elvis – I’ve just never been a big fan of his & thought his voice was a little grating. But, I have to say, I think his voice works well on this track. He sounds like a “three time loser” / “stoner”, and the tone of his voice meshes well w/ Lu’s on this song. I like it – I’m happy. However, having said that, after hearing Lu & John Prine together on “Wedding Bells / Let’s Turn Back The Years” on John’s album “In Spite Of Ourselves”, I would LOVE to hear him do a version of “Jailhouse Tears” with Lu as well. I think it would be awesome.

    Well, I was already looking forward to Oct. 14th but, after the “Listening Party”, I can’t wait! I think Lu has a real hit on her hands w/ “Little Honey”!



    I’m glad to see Knowing on the track list. I’m listening to the Listening Party right now. After hearing Real Love and having heard Honey Bee live, I’m not shocked to see an AC/DC cover to close the record. A lot of times, Lu’s final songs were lingering songs. This time it will be a rocker.

    My birthday is Oct 16th. This will be a nice present.


    4 of these sound phenomenal. Have to agree ’bout Elvis though, soon as that voice comes in I’m off to the next track!


    @arthurly wrote:

    4 of these sound phenomenal. Have to agree ’bout Elvis though, soon as that voice comes in I’m off to the next track!

    i don’t like elvis’ voice much either.

    i don’t know if this is too early, but i think “if wishes were horses” has gone straight into my top 10 lucinda songs. it is absolutely stunning. the rest of the songs are good. little honey is certainly sounding like it is shaping up to be lucinda’s most “rock” album.

    i’m very, very excited about this album

    also – the production on these tracks is absolutely fantastic.


    @darkhorse wrote:

    i don’t know if this is too early, but i think “if wishes were horses” has gone straight into my top 10 lucinda songs. it is absolutely stunning.

    Agreed. It has all the makings of a Lu favorite for me as well, but time will tell.

    And, it looks like I am in the decided minority about “Jailhouse Tears”, but that’s no surprise since I am the resident “LW Apologist”… 😈 😛 😆



    You may be in the minority but you’re not alone. I, too, like Jailhouse Tears.


    The more I listen to these songs, the more excited I get for the album. Sounds really solid. I’m interested how it is received by critics.

    Could this be her new “CAR WHEELS”???? I think there is a good possibility.


    I am also at the listening party right now. I really like If Wishes Were Horses. The vocals on Little Rock Star are a tad ragged. The other songs are good.

    Since I heard JailHouse Tears several times live, I like it, even with Elvis on it. Very great guitar by Doug.

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