FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records LITTLE HONEY

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  • #36371

    ripley, your thought-provoking opinions are always welcome here, imho

    “This album has a really natural flow…” I’ve only had an initial listen of LH, but I concur.

    Standout track for me is “If Wishes…” That, of course, may change. But, right now, that song gets me *right there* 8)

    Nice going, Lucinda. ❗
    Good job, Tom & Co.


    I just received Little Honey from Amazon. There was no mention of the download songs with the order, are they going to be available later?? I thought when I placed the advance order the download songs would be free.


    I might be wrong, but I don’t think you will be able to download “Bone of Contention” until it comes out in two weeks.
    I ordered mine from best buy (should get it tomorrow). Through BB you can download several tracks.
    Hope this helps.


    Are you going to the Uptown show monday night?


    @TOverby wrote:

    Tom – You’re story is hilarious-and as you will see, all too familiar, which makes it even more funny. It’s raining in Nashville, and I’m just killing time on the bus, so I thought I’d share our version:

    Ha! Been there, done that! Thanks for sharing your & Lu’s story, Tom. Sarah & I got a kick out it (although Sarah didn’t think my experience was *that* funny when I confessed to her last night. 😳 So, as a precautionary measure -my memory is not what it used to be! – I printed out a little sign on my Mac & posted it inside the entertainment center to “remind” me to check the “B” speakers when I crank the tunes in the future…)



    @Doc wrote:

    I just received Little Honey from Amazon. There was no mention of the download songs with the order, are they going to be available later?? I thought when I placed the advance order the download songs would be free.

    I would like to know too. I called Amazon customer service about it and they had no idea what I was talking about & claimed (after putting me on hold for 5 minutes) that they couldn’t find anything about free downloads with the album pre-order.

    But I also vaguely remember it said something about October 28, so I think I’m going to see if I get an email or anything on that date. If I don’t I guess I’ll be sending Amazon an email.


    They will send an email ~ the 28th, with instructions for download.


    Love the new album. I’ve posted a review on my blog for anyone interested.


    I’ve really debated whether or not to go to the Uptown show. It’s one of the worst venues in KC since they “remodeled” it. It was an awesome venue when it had cocktail tables. I did consider driving to St. Louis for the show at the Pageant but can’t swing it. I’m going to skip the Uptown show but I did buy the the five El Rey discs. Between them and Little Honey I’ve almost o.d.’d on Lu! Are you going to the KC show?


    I am going. Heading up Monday afternoon. I haven’t been there since Dylan played in 2002.
    I was going to the Nashville show, but couldn’t. This is as close as she gets until next year.


    Can someone identify/clarify availability of (5?)bonus tracks please?
    On uk iTunes we’ve got early versions of ‘real love’ and ‘jailhouse’ and ‘I live my life”.
    I got the cd thru Amazon. What are the others and will we get them in uk? 😕


    Today is my 4th listen and I have to say this album has great flow. Starting with Real Love puts you in the mood, then song by song I hear a story about love, rock and roll, stardom, the falling, society and the resolution. Perhaps it’s just me…but I definitely dig it.

    I absolutely love Elvis Costello and Lu together, and the song…what can I say? I’ve been there 😉

    peace & love,


    @riv wrote:

    Perhaps it’s just me…but I definitely dig it.

    Nope, it’s not just you, riv… 😉



    Got to talk to Charlie Louvin last night. He put on a really good show in southern Oklahoma.
    Signed my lp and said he had a really good time recording on the record.

    If anyone hasn’t seen a Charlie Louvin concert, I highly recommend it.


    @ParkerCA wrote:

    Got to talk to Charlie Louvin last night. He put on a really good show in southern Oklahoma.
    Signed my lp and said he had a really good time recording on the record.

    If anyone hasn’t seen a Charlie Louvin concert, I highly recommend it.

    Yes, Mr. Louvin is a true Southern Gentleman. Down to earth as he can be, and very, very nice. I had the pleasure of chatting with him after his set opening for Lu at the Kentucky Theater in Lexington, and before the show when he again opened for Lu at the Alabama Theater in Birmingham.

    In Birmingham, he actually sat out on the edge of a planter on the street corner chatting for a long while with several of us (Tim from this forum was there with his Mom &, if I recall correctly, Charlie’s great-nephew was there too). He told us a great old bluegrass musician’s joke on that street corner in Birmingham –

    “What’s the difference between a banjo and a pizza?”

    “You can feed a family of four with a pizza”.

    He is a class act.


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