Light up the Blues Concert Apr.13 @Club Nokia LA

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Light up the Blues Concert Apr.13 @Club Nokia LA

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    Ahem indeed, Tony G. I see you neglected to list the amateur talent interspersed between some of the pro acts, but well done–I wouldn’t have remembered all the CSN tunes, including the “Carry Me” one I wasn’t familiar with (as opposed to “Carry On,” not done).

    Good to see Tony, Tony’s bro-in-law from Mass., Grumpy M, soundman Kevin, engineer Eric L (he of “oven” fame), and of course Tom Overby himself.

    Lu was introduced as a “poet” of the American songbook, promptly said how moved she was by meeting some of the folks associated with the autism cause earlier, mentioned soundcheck and interviews also.

    Jonathan Wilson played guitar with her, Stills himself on other side. “Joy” was fine, “For What It’s Worth” superb; Stills was passive vocally for most of it, but caught fire and hit some harmony highs with Lu toward the end of it, ultimately launching guitar picks crowdward.

    Jack Black was emcee, and after Lu, he said “motherlovin’ Lucinda Williams” and attempted some metaphorical language involving Texas, Louisiana, coffee, and tea which didn’t quite mesh.

    This kid Nic Guzman did a killer “Almost Cut My Hair” with the house band; that might be the only performer I would add to Tony’s list.

    Ryan A was OUTTA THERE after his two (fine) acoustic tunes.

    Looking forward to T’s comments, then will add more.


    Club Nokia is a nice venue. I had been to the much larger Nokia Theater next door, but this was my first visit to the 2,000 seat venue. Large balcony overhanging the stage, comfortable chairs set up on the floor, with a very large bar (!) and standing area at the rear. I wasn’t really looking forward to seeing any of the performers other than Lu but everyone was awesome, especially CSN. Various other kids and unknowns also came out for a song each; Mr. Stoger is correct that I punted on all their names and song titles. I also do not know the names of the songs played by Chris Stills or Ryan Adams. 8 year old Oliver Stills played bongos throughout the night.

    CSN’s current touring band performed all night as the house band, and the house sound was expertly provided by former Lu crew member Kev Madigan. He was nominated for an Oscar last year for sound on the most recent CSN DVD.

    Lu belted out Joy, rocking out on her new electric guitar along with guitarists Stills, Shane Fontayne of CNS, and Jonathan Wilson. For What It’s Worth was excellent, Lu calling it one of her favorite songs. Lu surrendered the lead vocals to Stills near the end of the song. Stills guitar work was A+ excellent, singing less so. Apparently his hearing difficulties make it hard for him to hear himself sing. Too bad. He was a trooper last night. I saw some famous people but I don’t know their names. There was also a King’s game next door at the Staples Center, adding to the Saturday night madness.

    Like Mr. Stoger, I was pleased to see my fellow websiters. Mr. Stoger gets a spirited salute from me for travelling all the way out here yesterday and going back home today!


    @TOverby wrote:

    I was debating whether to divulge what could be considered a surprise but it is only fair to those who might be thinking about traveling to this show to know what the deal is. I of course wouldn’t want anyone to go to great time and expense (albeit for a good cause) so I will answer The Stoger’s questions but that comes with the disclaimer that if you don’t want to know stop reading now.

    The house band will be the great Crosby Stills Nash band and Lucinda was invited to bring a guitar player. Doug will be out of town so we have invited Jonathan Wilson to come and join the festivities. We just recorded The Pretender for the Jackson Browne tribute with Jonathan and Doug at Jonathan’s studio. In addition to Jonathan,the S (if you know who I’m referring to) will be sitting in on one and probably both of the songs Lucinda is doing. The S should also be a clue to one of the songs that Lu will be doing. So there you have it.

    I just heard Lucinda’s version of “The Pretender” (sort of) on WNKU. I was in another room when I realized she was on the radio. I really didn’t recognize the song until JP started talking about it after he spun the song. The song sounds so beautiful from the few lines I heard. JP said with an April release it will probably be album of the month in April and from the response he was getting (from listeners) he would have to make sure he played some more songs from the record.

    More info on the tribute album:

    New Jackson Browne Tribute Album: Don Henley, Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Raitt, Lucinda Williams, More (Details)


    Fyi, Stills is putting on another show this year at a different venue. John Mayer, Chris Stills, and Don Felder listed as performers, along with CS&N.

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