Letterman Being Taped Tomorrow?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Letterman Being Taped Tomorrow?

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    Can anyone confirm that the Letterman show is indeed being taped tomorrow? I’m seriously considering skipping one of my classes and heading in to try to get Lucinda’s autograph on one of my records – never gotten one before, but wouldn’t that be dopey of me to find out she pre-taped?

    If anyone can confirm or conject, as well as suggest a time to arrive, I would appreciate it. The last time I stayed outside Letterman was to get Rickie Lee Jones’ autograph in February 2007, which was a very successful but very cold endeavor. It was well worth it. For those of you who don’t know her, if you love Lucinda then you will probably also fall head over heels for Rickie Lee Jones.

    Thanks guys.


    In spite of the lack of affirmation I showed up and can count myself a lucky fan. 🙂

    I was in the crowd of folks waiting to get their eBay-ready items signed by Bill Hader and Calista Flockhart. Hader was very kind to all, just a really nice guy, Flockhart pissed everyone off by not signing anything.

    Everybody thus left, and before I knew it save for a few onlookers with cameras I was the only person there really waiting for Lucinda. Even Paul Schaeffer and Alan Kalter left before she did. Until she came out I looked kind of silly standing there with my “West” LP. At least 20 gawkers eyed my LP quizzically as they strolled down the street. It’s not a comfortable feeling, but it was worthwhile.

    At about 5 after 6 she strolled out and on her way back to her tourbus she signed my “West” LP and was also generous enough to sign my s/t CD cover. I mentioned tomorrow’s concert, among other things, and she seemed genuinely excited about it. She was such a total sweetheart; everything I could have hoped she would be based on what others on here have revealed.

    Can’t wait for the show tomorrow.


    Good for you. Great stuff.


    Love hearing stories like this. Congrats!


    ^ Thank you both. Standing outside waiting for her took its toll on my one leg – I feel sharp pains in my right shin, probably from leaning too much on it – but just thinking of how beautiful the LP looks with her signature on it is more than consolation. Also saw her perform tonight with my mom and Lucinda ROCKED the house, and she did a lot of surprises from “Essence” I didn’t expect to hear and also “People Talkin'” which is one of my favorites. My mom had a BLAST.

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