Lawrence KS 11/11/11

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lawrence KS 11/11/11

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  • #48834

    Oh Jesus. The wheels have come off. I long for an error free post.


    i have to inform that i caught both “puncuation” and “use” and don’t think this is a positive & constructive environment for my english.


    btw, i’m always terrified at the sight of commas inside quotation marks. i know it’s the norm there but i think it’s aesthetically repulsive.

    “Those 3 Days,” “Come On,” and “Essence”.


    “Those 3 Days”, “Come On”, and “Essence”.

    you can’t compare.


    HA! Thanks for making my night, G.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Oh Jesus. The wheels have come off. I long for an error free post.

    Isn’t “error-free” a compound adjective, tony? 😀

    But enough of this mixing of my day job and my true life. And punchdrunk, we’ll defer for now to Spanish/South American traditions on the “quotation and comma-period issue”, OK?


    Now this would be the point where you would think someone would be using some of those coloerful words mentioned. 😮


    Oh Lord, I misspelled already.


    @ErichB wrote:

    Oh Lord, I misspelled already.

    Oh, stoger may give you a pass since you are a relative “newbie.” 🙂


    Looks like this show is Sold Out!


    Really good show tonight considering Lucinda was fighting
    A nasty cold.

    Made it to my hotel room, I will post more tomorrow.


    Great show. Lucinda was fighting a cold but still pulled off a great show. I have some photos if someone would let me know how to post.

    Here is the set list the best I can remember it:

    1 Cant let go
    2 Crescent city
    3 Drunken angel
    4. People Talkin
    5 The nights too long
    6 Stowaway in your heart
    7 2 Kool 2 Be Forgotten
    8 Copenhagen
    9 World Without Tears
    10 Born to be loved
    11 Tryin to get to heaven
    12 Steal Your Love
    13 Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    14 Essence
    15 Changed the locks
    16 Joy

    18 Blessed
    19 It’s not my cross to bear
    20 Rockin in the free world

    I would have taken better notes but the lady that was standing below Lucinda by my wife and I, kept taking phone pics with her flash on and I didn’t want to become another distraction being on my phone.

    Do people not think this is irritating to an artist?


    Yes it is -somehow we didn’t notice her and apparently neither did Lu.


    4 The nights too long


    6 People talkin
    7 Steal Your Love
    8 2 Kool 2 Be Forgotten



    Great review from Lawrence.
    Here is the link.
    Review: Lucinda Williams
    .By Sarah Smarsh

    Sunday, November 13, 2011


    The setlist from the Lucinda Williams show at Liberty Hall. The encore was cut short, possibly because Williams was ill.
    It was her first show in Lawrence in more than 20 years, and Lucinda Williams was sick. But she put on her black leather jacket and soldiered onto stage last night at Liberty Hall, 644 Mass.

    Early in the show, she briefly warned the audience about her cold.

    “It sucks,” she said between coughs and swigs of water.

    The show did not, however, as Williams played a mostly upbeat set list that offered a taste of her latest album, “Blessed,” but was largely a walk down the alt-country maven’s hall of classics. She delighted long-time fans by opening with “Can’t Let Go” and, two songs later, “Drunken Angel” from 1998’s Grammy-winning “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road,” the quintessential Williams album for many — and thus, perhaps, the one an artist might get sick of referencing. But later in the show she happily ripped into “Joy,” a bluesy self-empowerment anthem recently adopted by some factions of the Occupy protest movement. The crowd sang along with abandon, fists pumping into the air. Rolling Stone named “Car Wheels” among the 500 greatest albums of all time for a reason.

    While Williams didn’t directly reference the political, she quickly cited the current Penn State controversy and other news items in introducing “People Talkin’,” a swinging diatribe against the world and the sorry bastards who populate it (“Livin’ is full of misery and pain/ Somebody called you a dirty name”).

    “There is so much to be pissed off about right now,” Williams told the cheering audience. Also from 2003’s “World Without Tears,” she played the crowd-favorite title track, as well as “Real Live Bleeding Fingers” and “2 Kool 2 Be 4 Gotten” (inspired in part, she said, by the Birney Imes photography book “Juke Joint”).

    Williams went way back yonder with three bits from 1988’s “Lucinda Williams” (“Crescent City,” “The Night’s Too Long” and “Changed the Locks”), songs that would have been new the last time she blew through Lawrence.

    The four-piece band reimagined two songs from 2001’s “Essence”: “Steal Your Love” got real funky with the help of bass player David Sutton, and guitarist Blake Mills, who had gone solo as the opening act, put a psychedelic riff on that album’s title track.

    For most of the evening, though, Mills worked a mean slide on his guitar strings — the sound of which feels at home on any Williams cut but has a larger presence on the “Blessed” album than on many of her studio recordings.

    From that record, Williams had Liberty Hall swaying and lighter-flicking to the tender proclamation “You Were Born to Be Loved,” and she poignantly introduced “Copenhagen” as a meditation on hearing of longtime manager Frank Callari’s death while touring in Europe (“You are flecks of light/ You are missed”). Crowd members audibly oohed and aahed over that soft melody, which twinkled thanks to longtime drummer Butch Norton. The song inspired Williams’ first-ever music video, a haunting animation by Dave Ellis, co-creator of Cartoon Network’s “Squidbillies” (“’South Park’ on acid,” Williams said), for which Williams supplied a version of the intro song in 2010.

    Williams unveiled the unrecorded “Stowaway in Your Heart,” an uptempo number with cheery vocal harmonies and lyrics about real-world love (“Thank you for giving me a place to hang around”) and covered “Tryin’ to Get to Heaven,” a song by major influence Bob Dylan, for whom she recorded a song on a recent Hank Williams tribute.

    After closing with the hard-rocking “Honey Bee” from the 2008 album “Little Honey,” Williams returned for a three-song encore: the sweet title track from “Blessed,” the Allman Brothers’ “It’s Not My Cross to Bear” and Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World.”

    The set list suggests that Williams cut the encore short — perhaps due to that nasty cold — by not playing the listed “Get Right With God,” the “Essence” record that won her a Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance. But she bid fans farewell with her first big smile of the night.

    “I’ve always loved this town. Keep fighting,” she said

    The set list: Appears not all selections were sung as 26 are listed and the”normal” total of late is about 22 selections..[attachment=0:1927s8co]luncinda_setlist Lawrence KS Nov 11 2011.jpg[/attachment:1927s8co]
    ParkerCA, thanks for the report.-“Those Three Days” followed Real Live Bleeding Fingers.


    I thought that was the song I was missing. I might have been watching “Sex Panther” during that one.
    There was a lady on the front row in front of Blake. She was in her mid to late 40s who began “clawing” at the front of the stage like a cat. At one point it got so bad, one of the guys had to tell her to get off the stage.
    So funny.


    Panther or cougar, parker? Geez, hope Overby and Lu didn’t notice her either, but doubtful. Glad you got to hear “Stowaway,” and I also envy you “The Night’s Too Long.” Thanks for the reports.

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