Last night at Irving Plaza

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Last night at Irving Plaza

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    mister e

    Won’t someone end the suspense and let us know what happened?






    Well, it’s been over 24 hours…I flew back to Los Angeles, did the laundry, watched the Rockies beat the Padres, and then logged–on, to read the glowing reviews of Sunday’s show–and alas, there’s no reviews…

    OK then, I’ll try my attempt at a review–sorry for the bland engineering format:

    An excellent first set (Essence album), a very superb performance, especially “Steal Your Love” and “Broken Butterflies“, which were absolutely brilliant.

    Jim Lauderdale sang harmony on “Lonely Girls” and “Steal Your Love”, and returned later for the second set.

    Those who attended the show can attest to Lucinda’s emotional introduction to “Bus to Baton Rouge”. Hopefully, the CD conveys her powerful words and message.

    Fionn Regan did not repeat his Saturday evening appearance. Instead, the intermission reverted to the quiet format of Los Angeles. Within this format, the first set went from about 8:20 to about 9:45, and the second set from about 10:15 to an organic conclusion at 11:30.

    Fionn did eventually appear during the second set, and performed one song with Lucinda’s band.

    As mentioned above, Jim Lauderdale returned for the second set, and sang harmony, and his own song.

    The most dynamic guest for the second set was Willie Nile, who professed an amazing knack for being unassuming at one moment, and absolutely dominating the stage the next moment.

    Approximate playlist for second set:

    1. Still I Long For Your Kiss
    2. Honey Bee
    3. Jailhouse Tears (Jim and Lucinda)
    4. Lost In The Lonesome Pines (Jim Lauderdale singing his own song)
    5. Fionn Regan with Lucinda’s band; I think Fionn played “Put a Penny in the Slot”.
    6. Drunken Angel (Willie Nile joined on-stage)
    7. Hard Times in America (Willie Nile leading with vocal and guitar; superb harmony by Lucinda and band)
    8. I Wanna Be Sedated (Willie Nile leading a loud, raucous, happy song, joined by Lucinda and band)
    9. Unsuffer Me
    10. Joy
    11. Riders on the Storm
    12. For What It’s Worth

    Off topic: Note that Lucinda’s entire West album is available on Delta Airlines Seatback Audio-Visual on Demand (even in Economy Cattle Class): Just select the Americana collection on the second playlist screen. Also, you can flip over to Country, and listen to the Dixie Chicks “Voice Inside My Head”. Just be careful not to stray too far into the Country selections, or you might get hooked by Miranda Lambert.


    thanks for the review paul!!! lucky you(for going) lucky me (for the review)
    hope you’re having fun! (but admit it, the el rey ruled! hahaha)
    actually, i’d love to hear i wanna be sedated.
    lucinda is so much fun! more reviews please! (i’m not one to demand, i’m a horrible reviewer)


    thank you paul. it takes someone from LA to report what’s happening in NY. 😯

    stumbled on this blog while waiting for reports of the show — click on the lucinda photo for a recording from that night of Bus to Baton Rouge — including a talk/rap about the house, her mother, and mental illness. Moving — and emotional, as Paul said.


    A well-engineered commentary, paul. Thanks.
    And, thanks for the link, Ray (Link Wray?) 🙂


    You’re doing a fantastic job out here Lefty! Let us know how the Dylan/Costello show goes.


    OMIGAWRSH! lucinda went into more detail on bus to baton rouge in new york then she did in L.A.
    i guess my only comment would be, as she goes thru her process, she’s surely helped me with mine…
    she can testify anytime she wants…amen!
    thanks for posting that, and thanks to the blogger that found it poignant enough to get on his blogspot so quickly.


    Yeah Bus To Baton Rouge was definately the highlight for me.
    Willie Nile was fantastic as well. Great energy. Can’t wait for tonight!


    Sun night at Irving Plaza was my 1st Lu show. I wanted to see her so badly I went by myself. My wife and most of my pals did not want to go on a Sunday night.

    I went with some trepidation after reading posts about a song book/disconnecting with the crowd, people wandering on and off stage and false starts.

    Well all I read and worried about was for naught.
    Yes the band false started twice but hey it showed they are human
    Yes Lu has a song book but heck I’m only one year younger than her and I can understand. Don’t ask me for song list cuz I don’t remember.

    All that said it was a great show. Lu and the band were into it. The sound was great! Willy Nile was so awesome I just bought his newest cd.

    The first set was Essence and I enjoyed every sec of it.
    The second set featured more guests and cover songs and rocked the house.
    I wanna be sedated(Willy Nile) and Lu and crew doing Riders on the Storm and For whats it’s worth.

    My wife and my buddies don’t know what they missed


    sorry for not posting anything from irving plaza. i was kinda waiting for the setlist from sunday night as i didn’t keep one but i guess if paul from la. could get on plane, do his laundry, get married, have a couple of kids, and get a review up, i don’t have much excuse 8). stellar performances both nights. i preferred saturday’s 1st set to sunday’s but i like wwt more than essence but there was some eye opening things from sunday. steal your love and are you down were the highlights, the latter getting kinda spacey. lu did NOT convince me she was waiting in her car though. what i really liked about saturay night was forced tempo changes. instead of easing into the show she had to jump right into rightiously after the opener. and speaking of that song, there’s a new permanent six string. added some thump to a few songs but also took away from lucinda’s playing. i was a big fan of the sparse, uncluttered presentation, but, sh1t changes. chet and doug are both tasteful enough players that they don’t seem to step on each other a bit. sbd guy mark said she’s looking to get away from playing the guitar as much. one casualty of the 2 pickers is long for your kiss is no longer the gut wreching soul/blues number, it’s back to double time shuffle. oh, well. sh1t changes. if it was the same stuff every night, we could call lucinda the rolling stones and lose interest pretty fast. one other thing, willie nile’s real character, enjoyed his appearence alot. oh, and another thing, fionn regan looked like a real asshat with is petulant little protest saturday night. he was definitely in an impossible situation playing between sets saturday night but walking away from his mic and turning off his guitar was a joke. wrong move for a ny crowd. bob dylan, you’re not. i’m suprised people weren’t alot ruder, especially when he did it a second time. i was waiting for the sheep herders hook from saturday morning cartoons to physically yank him off. see y’all later on tonight.


    Thanks, Jackstraw, for the review. But, to reassure the ladies in the audience, I am not married, and no kids now or ever–my prostate is in formaldehyde at Cedars Sinai.


    I completely agree with Jackstraw about wanting only one guitar. I enjoy the sparse, space creating that happens with one guitar player . It was cool having one play pedal steel while one played guitar, but two guitars weren’t needed- Plus I’d much rather hear Doug solo- He’s in a whole different league than Chet. But as Jackstraw said Sh!t changes and Lu seems to be really into it-
    I also prefer more subtle drumming. Butch is a monster as Lu called him, but at times a bit heavy hitting for the more sensitive material.
    All in all still great players-
    I saw her in Albany at The Egg this March and the music was perfect- Every note and hit was purposeful and intentional- That’s what I enjoy most about that band.
    Don’t at all mean to bash, just the way I like hearing the songs played-


    paul is one of the nicest people i’ve ever had the pleasure to meet spontaneously at a show…
    i hope we get to meet up again soonly!!!

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