Lake Charles, LA May 21, 2014

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lake Charles, LA May 21, 2014

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    Tonight at the Shearman Fine Arts Centre.
    An old You Tube with Mr. Jackson and Lu sporting cowboy hats sing Lake Charles.
    Wish Lu would add the hat to this tour.

    And found this artwork of Lu wearing a hat.



    On my way to load in hospitality etc for tonight’s show. It promises to be a very special one. Wish us luck..


    @FC356 wrote:

    On my way to load in hospitality etc for tonight’s show. It promises to be a very special one. Wish us luck..

    Let us know how the evening went FC356.

    In the meantime this may be a clue from a posting on facebook.

    “down where the soul meets the bone”…think that’s how it goes. – an amazing evening – we are Blessed Hope you find your way back to Lake Charles again soon ! Now that you have the Key, you can just let yourself in next time you visit.



    [Lucinda is presented the keys to the town of her nativity by a necktied figure who may or may not have been the mayor–perhaps it was Frank of “Frank & Tony’s Productions” which promoted both this and the Lafayette show of a couple of years back. Or perhaps it was the namesake of our humble Forum moderator. Or perhaps it was Chip of the Alejandro Escavedo song “Chip and Tony.” The guy seemed to most of this crowd to need no introduction, at any rate–nor did he proffer one, though he couldn’t resist joking about his own singing ability. Lu also got a written copy of the proclamation referencing “Lucinda Williams Day” in Lake Charles, May 21, 2014. She said she was moved and felt emotional, which seemed accurate]

    1 Can’t Let Go
    2 People Talkin’
    3 Crescent City {for the second night in a row, Lu lists in front of this one a couple of people in house whose birthday it is]
    4 The Night’s Too Long [long intro, Nashville and Loveless and Tony Brown and so on]
    5 Jackson
    6 Bus to Baton Rouge
    7 “Compassion” [solo–and this, as tonyg well knows, is the song which yields the line titling the new record. The inspiration is a Miller Williams poem, and Lu mentions writing him and her stepmother about the special nature of tonight, though they couldn’t attend. Miller was teaching at McNeese St. Univ. in 1953, and tonight’s show was on its campus]
    8 Lake Charles [duo, and Lu names specifically all the places she lived as a professor-without-tenure’s daughter: about eight or nine of them]
    9 Side of the Road [trio, sans butch]
    10 West
    11 Car Wheels on a Gravel Road [Lu ponders why she wrote this in the third person, since it turned out so patently biographical: “a safety measure I guess”]
    12 Something Wicked…
    13 Drunken Angel
    14 Pineola
    15 Changed the Locks
    16 Essence
    17 Joy
    18 Honeybee {microphone goes out near end, wiping out not only Lu’s final verse vocal, but her walk-off good-byes]

    19 Blessed [preceded by “Next time the PA goes out, just give us the high sign and we’ll start over instead”]
    20 Get Right with God

    No opener, the show started 40 minutes after posted time, but this was a special one. Of course you had a sedate and sober sitting crowd in this recital hall; I’ve never seen such a tiny soundboard area, nor one located between the third and fourth rows front of the stage. What’s next, a Baton Rouge booking? I could dig that.

    Here’s hoping westwords or someone can carry the Sunshine State torch until my reunion with a certain former Forum moderator next week.


    Good report Stoger. I was just getting ready to post the setlist, but you saved me the trouble. Mayor Randy Roach presented Lu the keys to the city and proclamation stating Lucinda Williams Day in Lake Chuck. I visited with him about 45 min before the start and he told me a great story…after Hurricane Rita devastated SW La., he went to Washington pleading for federal aid. Upon meeting Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and stating he was from Lake Charles, the first thing out of Reid’s mouth was”Lucinda Williams”

    I repeated the story to Lu after the show and she loved it. She was truly touched by the whole evening and I got to hear “West” special request by yours truly.

    I really enjoyed working with Lu, Tom,band and crew…they are truly a class act and I look forward to some Lafayette shows in the Fall…..

    Frank of Frank and Tony


    FC356 and stoger, fine reporting, thank you.
    Quite the honor for Lu to receive a 2nd City key, wasn’t the first one in California somewhere ?

    Anyway stoger great that you can re-connect with Mr. Tracy in Atlanta.
    Have fun Road Warrior.



    Yes, I believe Santa Cruz, CA is the other city Lu can claim the key to.

    Thanks for the info, Frank, on the mayor’s name and the great Sen. Reid story. “West” was an oddity that night, but I was glad to hear it. “Blessed” and “The Night’s Too Long” and “Compassion” were unexpected too, wondrous. Keep us posted on these Lafayette (the city, not the pen Forum name) shows coming up.


    The key Lu received from city of Lake Charles, as posted on her FB page.


    Stupendous reports Stoger and Frank! 😀


    @Lafayette wrote:

    The key Lu received from city of Lake Charles, as posted on her FB page.

    Wow. Your visuals and your verbals are always a treat on this Forum, Lafayette: Keep it up!


    @stoger wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    The key Lu received from city of Lake Charles, as posted on her FB page.

    Wow. Your visuals and your verbals are always a treat on this Forum, Lafayette: Keep it up!

    Aaaah….much to be said about positive reinforcement. 😀

    See you next week, my friend. Looking forward to a (Four) Horsemen reunion in Macon. 😛


    “West” was an oddity that night,

    West was my request….I have just always loved this song. When I saw Manny getting the setlist ready and saw “West” on there I was very happy. I kind of said it aloud..”, .Oh There’s West…I guess my request was granted” Butch chimed in with great…we don’t play that one enough…


    Same with me Frank. I also wish for 2 songs: Ventura and West.

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