L A gigs, CD’s for sale?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows L A gigs, CD’s for sale?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Tim.
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  • #28934

    I am not able to attend any of the 5 nights in LA where Lucinda is playing the 5 separate albums. I understand that each night a CD will be for sale. Does anyone know if the CD’s will be available to purchase (since I’m not able to go to the shows)? Please advise. I would like to purchase the CD’s.



    The way it stands right now, the CD is only available at the venues themselves. Maybe this will change in the future if there are enough people who request them.


    I think a nicely packaged commemorative box set of one or both sets of shows would be a nice offering.


    Online petition anyone?? 🙂


    I talked with one of the cameramen last night who said that all of the filming is going to be Lucinda’s after it is done. She will have all the footage and it will be up to her as to what will be done with it. They also had five cameramen last night instead of three. Hopefully she will not sit on it too long and get something out there where people can see it. With two nights left I think they already have enough great footage.

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