Keene, NH Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Keene, NH Setlist

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  • #31759

    1 Something W
    2 Car Wheels {Lu suggests it’s a “protective measure” to write in 3rd person not first person]
    3 Pineola (the intro comes at it from a new angle, Miller as Frank STanford’s MFA mentor: “You think musicians can party; it’s nothing compared to poets partying”]
    4 Drunken A
    5 East Side of Town {lu doesn’t think that one “stands out” on the new record but is glad to have been nominated for it]
    6 Those 3 Days
    7 When I Look at the World {lu gets all-self-conscious about the “bulky monstrosity” of the Songbook and compares the virtues of that to teleprompters]
    8 Compassion
    9 Lake C [long intro highlighting “CLyde Joseph Woodward III”‘s east TX quips: Lu also notes that both his parents were “country club alcoholics” in Na, TX]
    10 West
    11 Copenhagen [the usual Callari intro and a long Squidbillies tale after which doesn’t grab the crowd: I myself am almost in a sniveling heap after this great pair of songs–touch me with a feather, I crash]
    12 Are You Down {lu starts talking after and then bemoans not getting her words right: “This is what becomes of being a daughter of an English professor” is her comment on her tendency to use “too many words”]
    13 Foolishness [absolute madness during, not the least of which is a formal endorsement of neighboring politician Bernie Sanders. Lu adds lyrics about personal freedoms, then segues further while the band plays on, about Charleston and racism and her admiration for STeve Earle and Billy Bragg–“sorry if I offended anybody, no I’m not really sorry”. At the end of this 8 or 9 minute number, Lu says she will stick for rest of set to “all songs about sex drugs and rock n roll”]
    14 protection
    15 Unsuffer Me
    16 Out of Touch
    17 Essence
    18 Joy
    19 Honeybee
    20 Should I Stay
    21 Rising
    22 Get Right

    What’s to add? A great one.


    Sounds like a winner Stoger. Great report.


    I almost threw up when I realized I was a mere 58 miles away from this show and did not know it — how that happened, I will never know, but let’s just say that my U.S. geography isn’t that great. Maybe instead of “Six Blocks Away” I’ll pen a tune called “58 Miles Away” and it will be about loss, longing, regret and rock and roll deprivation. But at least I have stoger’s reporting! I’ll compensate on Saturday and make the trek to NY from my short stay in VT. I’m going to go weep now. VMo


    We got into our seats at 8:45 or so laughing that we must be nuts to drive in the rain on less tha 24 hours planning over 5 hours to just make it, when these gentlemen from Montreal sit in front of us relieved that they too had just made it with the same amount of planning. Stoger sorry we missed you Great Report and thank you for the set list. Loved, Those Three Days. Foolishness, PRICELESS. *VMo, I did not see your post. UGH!!!!


    Famed website person Tim was also in the house and just gave me a rave review of the show!


    Not Tim C of yore?!?!?!!? Next you’ll tell me “davidinmaine” was in the house, Tony. And both dd’s of nj? Was I blind and deaf? Hellfire, I loitered in lobby quite a bit. And vmorris, this other new hampshire show tonight is probably three hours or less for you. Of course if you set out now you can still make the “instrumental stylings” (“les stylings instrumentique”) of Buick 6. Just sayin’…


    Tim said he looked for you, Mr. S. Too bad you did not connect.



    I was about to hit the road and saw that it was a 7pm start, with Lu likely taking the stage at 8 or thereabouts, and I didn’t think I could make it before 9pm. Not my best day. Also, I was having dinner with Sven and I couldn’t bail (even though of all people, he would likely understand). I will shake this disappointment off, and focus on Friday and Saturday, although I won’t be able to enjoy the shows with you, my friend! Maybe consider New Haven and Katonah?? Viv


    @vmorris wrote:


    I was about to hit the road and saw that it was a 7pm start, with Lu likely taking the stage at 8 or thereabouts, and I didn’t think I could make it before 9pm. Not my best day. Also, I was having dinner with Sven and I couldn’t bail (even though of all people, he would likely understand). I will shake this disappointment off, and focus on Friday and Saturday, although I won’t be able to enjoy the shows with you, my friend! Maybe consider New Haven and Katonah?? Viv

    I will be in New Haven, yes.


    …and I’m just an outsider looking in. Thankful for all the great reporting!


    From Tom:
    Every night is different and tonight was no exception. It was an extremely loquacious Lucinda in Keene as she told stories before and after many of the songs. Foolishness went to epic proportion and included improvised section about Charleston, racism, personal freedom and ended with an endorsement of Bernie Sanders.
    Other highlights included the first appearances of both West and Copenhagen, both requests. West was possibly as beautiful as she has ever sung it. Also of note was a very focused tight version of Those Three Days.

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