Kansas City 8/2/17

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Kansas City 8/2/17

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  • #66183

    Courtesy of Mr. S.:


    Wow. Do I actually see my own
    words on this Forum screen? Well, not all of
    them. Is there a way to widen the
    screen which I am missing? Why bother with bracketed
    commentary if it won’t show up? Oh well. Thanks tony. Maybe this
    thing will be user-friendly by early 2018.


    Ya I pinched the sides too tight. User error. I put myself down for a self-flogging. There is no delete feature that I can find so my shoddy work will stand for all eternity. Did I mention I was blotto?


    For both your KC setlist and IC setlist efforts, Tony, I applaud you and award you the highest “Mr. S” gold star. Try taking that to bank.


    Am I your favorite co-moderator?


    Great show and always good to see Stoger. My first time at knuckleheads. Very cool venue!


    Tony, no prefix or hyphen is needed; you are my favorite moderator PERIOD.  Parker, had this “new and improved” Forum not flustered me so, I would have given you a shout-out by now.  Harrumph.


    Thanks for sticking with it stoger and tony!

    Much appreciated!!


    From Tom:

    No rain! No rain! No rain! Finally. For the last three times we’ve played in KC at The Crossroads it has rained, and not just a little -and we’ve still had amazing fans who came to the show, so we knew if we could play some time without interference from the weather it would be great. And finally we got a regular hot KC summer night. And hopefully some of those people that stood out in the rain for those past shows were for this one. After announcing the show we got a lot of messages saying that they love going to Knuckleheads and that proved to be true as we had a great packed house. We were given a heads up that the train goes by every so often so we were ready for it -and what’s not to love about a train whistle. The first time it came by it had perfect timing -it came right during Stuart’s great solo on Burning Bridges -which was great because later we joked with him about how he could make his guitar sound just like a choo choo train-what a genius.
    All we can say is thank you KC for hanging in there with us -we finally got a chance to do you right.





    we drove up to see Chuck Prophet  a while back there at knuckleheads .  (yeah, a cool venue)  we were running late and got stuck by a ‘damned old train’.  if it wasn’t for my gps I wouldn’t have made it at all,  still was tricky getting across that bunch of RR tracks..





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