FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows JAN/FEB 2013 DATES

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    I went to their site and read the band bio. Based on that, it seems possible they may take hostages. I look forward to a report.


    The opening act for the Belly Up show is:

    featuring the solo appearance of Marlon Rabenreither from the Sister Ruby Band.

    The opening act for the Phoenix, Flagstaff, and Albuquerque shows is:

    featuring the solo appearance of Walter Salas-Humara from the Silos.


    From the website:

    Gold Star is the solo project of Los Angeles based singer-songwriter Marlon Rabenreither (The Sister Ruby Band). Gold Star’s foray into retrospective melancholy looks through the prism of acoustic American music with an unapologetic vulnerability and an eye towards loss and heartbreak.

    Gold Star’s self-titled debut EP – scheduled for release on February 19, 2013 – is an organic collection of songs within a stripped-down sonic environment; it fuses acoustic simplicity and warm harmonies with deconstructed Americana elements and intertwines intricate fingerpicking with ambient organ, wurlitzer and steel guitar, all the while defying the singer-songwriter archetype.

    I picked a bad week to quit sniffing glue.


    @tonyg wrote:

    I picked a bad week to quit sniffing glue.

    There are other intoxicants ya know, tonyg… 😈



    From Walter’s website:

    A Cuban-American whose parents fled Castro’s Havana with him still in the womb, Walter Salas-Humara was raised bilingual just across the Florida Straits in Fort Lauderdale. College at University of Florida in Gainesville and a residency with the Vulgar Boatmen left him with a lifelong habit of Mudcrutch/Tom Petty-style crunchy guitar riffs. Chasing the punk prairie fire to New York just in time to sift through the ashes, he formed The Silos in 1985 with guitarist Bob Rupe and violinist Mary Rowell, plugging the main cable of American rock idiom into the jerry-rigged soundboard of Velvets-era feral experimentalism. The unlikely result, as evidenced by About Her Steps (1986), the seminal Cuba (1987) and their RCA debut The Silos (i.e., The One with the Bird on the Cover, 1990) was a loose-limbed conceptual country-rock that in turn influenced (if not outright inspired) the alt-country No Depression movement just around the corner. The band was voted Best New American Band in Rolling Stone Magazine’s Critics’ Poll of 1987 and appeared on Late Night with David Letterman in 1990.

    Holy shit. Thank God Stoger will be there to explain all this music to me.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Holy shit. Thank God Stoger will be there to explain all this music to me.

    Yes I’m sure stoger is the one to explain, but if you didn’t get my TN Williams reference, it may all be for naught 😆

    I’m looking forward to Solana, kinda like a Harold’s Cave Creek reunion, hahaha


    A reunion! Yes.


    Some quick info on the openers:
    Gold Star – Marlon is someone Lu and I have been following and have become great friends with. We have seen Sister Ruby several times and Gold Star is his new stripped down thing -we are excited that he is opening at the B-Up ans someone you will see more of in the future. Both Lu and I really love his songs.

    Kenneth Brian Band -Actually this will not be the whole band -it will mostly be the Kenneth and rhythm guitar player Travis who has played with Rosie Flores. We saw these guys in LA a couple of months ago and were blown away -really really great songs and great guitar playing. They are one of two new artists to sign on with Hello Cleveland Mgmt (several here will be familiar with the other one but more on that later) I think the Lu crowd will really take to Kenneth.


    I saw Kenneth was opening for the shows I’m attending. I know I’m going to like him from what I’ve heard via his website and YouTube. It will be interesting to see if he plays sans shirt.


    Perhaps we will see numbers like these from Kenneth, opening for Lu as a duo.


    Anyone see a resemblance to Blaze Foley? I do.


    Wow, just now catching up with this info on openers: thanks to all who dug up stuff. I can’t speak to Marion and Kenneth, but we may get a stripped-down “Changed the Locks” (is that oxymoronic?) from Walter S-H; the Silos once recorded it, and I’ve heard it live from them once, on a bill with Anne McCue I think. Have also seen them with Jon Dee Graham. Check out their CD with “Telephone” in the title, illustration of same on cover (forgotten full title). I was sorry to note the passing of bassist Drew Macklin of the Silos a few years back; he also played bass with Anne for awhile, I believe.


    Does anyone have recent set lists? I’m going to the MIM tomorrow and was just curious what might be expected for this short show at a lovely venue.


    Oh, and for those going to the Arizona shows, the opener ,Walter Salas-Humara, is fantastic…from one of my favorite bands ever, The Silos. Check out their stuff, especially the first three albums.


    @MinorCharacter wrote:

    Does anyone have recent set lists? I’m going to the MIM tomorrow and was just curious what might be expected for this short show at a lovely venue.

    Lu is known for “mixing it up” from night to night, so a set list will only provide some clues. Also, this tour, which just kicked off last night, consists of just Lu & Doug Pettibone, so past set lists with a full band would be of little help…

    At any rate, you can see last night’s set list here. Welcome to the forum, BTW…



    Welcome minorcharacter!

    From the Belly Up show thread:

    Lake Charles
    Side of the Road
    World Without Tears
    Happy Woman Blues
    Bitter Memory
    Stowaway in Your Heart
    The Nights Too Long
    Bus to Baton Rouge
    Don’t Know How You’re Living
    Sweet Side
    Ugly Truth
    Make The World Go Away
    Concrete and Barbed Wire
    Something Wicked This Way Comes
    I Lost It
    Still I Long For Your Kiss
    Changed The Locks
    Honey Bee

    This Old Guitar
    Nothin in Ramblin

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