Jailhouse Tears

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    When/or where can we get a version of this instant classic ? you gotta love it makes me sing and grin all at the same time,maybe a little close to home……….hmmmm,I know theres a version on the radio broadcast set but you can’t download it,or at least I can’t.please help !!


    yes, I second this request!

    Also, anyone know where to find an mp3 of her version of hang down your head that appears on the LP version of WWT?


    @homosacer wrote:

    yes, I second this request!

    And I third it!! 😀

    I LOVE this song. I saw her in July in Lexington & she sang it as a duet w/ Doug. It was awesome! I hung around behind the Kentucky Theater after the show & talked to Doug (didn’t get to speak to Lu that night, as she was already on the bus) & told him that I thought he did a great job on it. He joked about having a little too much “first had experience” with the subject matter! 😀

    It is indeed an instant classic & I am crossing all my fingers & toes that it makes it on the next studio album…



    Good news all “Jailhouse Tears” fans! After playing it at the show in Birmingham last night (w/ Doug singing the male part again – very well, too!), Lu mentioned it was going to be on the next album!

    I posted up a set list, etc. for the show in the “Shows” forum if anyone is interested…



    She did Jailhouse Tears last year at the Beacon in New York with Elvis Costello doing the male part.


    Harry, I think that was in July of 2005, when she had The Love Band with her.


    That’s all well and good all these guest’s doing it, but don’t forget Doug he does a pretty damn good job of it most nights, hope he gets to do the album version.

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