Inside Job blog-from Australia

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  • #49615

    I’d agree totally on “Righteously” as well. I missed that wailing guitar lead-in that Dougie P. did so well…



    How I love thee, Inside Job! I’ve missed your pulling back the curtain and allowing us to peek in.


    To Stoger– That colloquialism was done on purpose -for great literary effect of course. As a result I’m filing a professorial appeal to get the minus back.

    To PDL & Marclaff– the world -but more specifically U.S.


    TO: Word is the Professor is brutal when giving out marks — take the A- and run!
    (Uh, should I have inserted a “that” in front of the first “the” above?! 😕 )


    @Lefty wrote:

    (Uh, should I have inserted a “that” in front of the first “the” above?! 😕 )

    Not so sure about that, Lefty. I have been told that I use too many “thats” in my writing – that is, when that situation that doesn’t require a “that” arises, I have that urge to insert one regardless.

    And I’m told that I am too wordy at times, as well… 😉



    @tntracy wrote:

    @Lefty wrote:

    (Uh, should I have inserted a “that” in front of the first “the” above?! 😕 )

    Not so sure about that, Lefty. I have been told that I use too many “thats” in my writing – that is, when that situation that doesn’t require a “that” arises, I have that urge to insert one regardless.

    And I’m told that I am too wordy at times, as well… 😉


    And that, my friend, is that! 🙂


    I’m easy today. A+ to all and sundry. . .


    forgot completely about the 2009 australian tour. i thought the ’93 was the last one. i just keep wondering if they deserve another one after just 3 years, but that’s me being mean. sorry, kangoroos.


    This is Great! I wish I was in Australia, too. I am beyond thrilled that Doug is back. I hope to get to see Lu at least once this summer.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    forgot completely about the 2009 australian tour. i thought the ’93 was the last one. i just keep wondering if they deserve another one after just 3 years, but that’s me being mean. sorry, kangoroos.

    KangAroos, mate. And they taste as good as they look 😆


    KangAroos, mate.

    sorry, we don’t have this weird animal in brazil, so i etnocentrically reserve the right to have no clue about its spelling. 🙂


    @TOverby wrote:

    Two in a row -I’m on a roll. I’m sure Stoger is grading my grammar.


    Made it to Sydney about two hours ago and it’s déjà vu all over again. We are in exactly the same hotel room that we were in three years ago- we were also in the exact same room in Melbourne. Something very strange about that-really brings back a lot of memories from that tour three years ago. I had forgotten a lot of it and that was a good thing.. I will however, never forget being trapped in this very same 26th floor room when downtown Sydney had an electrical blackout. The elevators were down and we were not allowed to use the stairs. Hope you like the view because you ain’t going anywhere for awhile. We barely made it out in time for the 4 hour drive to Canberra. Not a memorable night as it was a log drive down and back to play to a very unresponsive audience. The ride was back was somewhat saved by some very colorful stories from the one and only Butch. No Canberra this time.

    So the Melbourne show is in the books. There was a palpable but healthy nervous energy before the show as is usual with first shows –and the first one with new guitar player Stuart. On the daily schedule sheets we have what we call the IMOTD which stands for Inspired Moment Of The Day but basically is the quote of the day from band or crew member — the quote on yesterday’s day sheet was Lucinda telling Stuart that she could already tell how great he was going to be –even though as we reminded her, he had yet to play a show. He got a lot of ribbing over that. There’s nothing like a little pressure to motivate the new guitar player. I share that anecdote because it didn’t take long to see that Stuart was going to live up to her pre-show evaluation. They had a pretty instant chemistry. Afterwards Lucinda was thrilled. Let’s just say that it was apparent that a lot of songs that had sort of gotten “lost” were suddenly back and sounding better than they had in some time and she was very happy about that. Not taking anything away from the previous guitar player but some songs had just lost their way or were not quite right. Probably more than it was realized. Two that I would put in that category were Unsuffer Me and Righteously. It turned out to be a really good night with a very big and excellent audience in the house.

    We did have one scare yesterday as Doug’s plane from Puerto Rico to LA was cancelled. After a 5 AM panic call to Tour Mg Eric, he was able to be re-routed thru NY. So his flight was now Puerto Rico to NY to LA to Sydney. He got in this morning and was able to get a full row on the plane so he slept for 12 hours. That was lucky. Lu is really looking forward to having both Stuart and Doug for these next few shows. Should be fun.


    @TOverby wrote:

    As requested here is the first post. Hopefully I’ll find some discipline and keep it up. Enjoy:

    As I mentioned above the last few weeks have been a blur. There have been recording sessions for two more tribute records, one for Jesse Winchester and one for obscure 70’s British singer songwriter/ guitar virtuoso Michael Chapman. Both tracks came out great and the Chapman track is pretty different than anything Lu has ever done. I believe that is coming out towards the end of May

    Have a listen to Lucinda’ s song on the Michael Chapman tribute album due out May 29th.
    The song is called “That Time of Night” and runs for a full 7 minutes.
    Lu’s “sultry” voice kicks in at about the 1 & 1/2 minute mark.—that-time-of-nigh.html



    I’m going to start a separate thread for this song so it doesn’t get missed here.

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