If Wishes Were Horses

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  • #30580
    West Words

    If this novel ever becomes a movie, I know the perfect song for the soundtrack. 😉


    If Wishes Were Horses
    A Novel
    By Robert Barclay

    In the spirit of Nicholas Sparks comes If Wishes Were Horses. Author Robert Barclay has crafted a deeply moving story of love, hope, and forgiveness, as two damaged souls torn apart by a common tragedy slowly find a way to heal. Destined to be a much-beloved classic on a par with Robert James Waller’s The Bridges of Madison County, Barclay’s If Wishes Were Horses is a story rich in emotion that will touch the heart of every reader who fervently believes in second chances at love.


    Oh god: Nicholas Sparks? I could have done without that “literary” reference for dozens of more Forum visits, WW, but let’s hope this guy Barclay’s prose style is a cut above, his maudlin quotient many notches below. This reminds me that “If. . .” has not been played on this tour, hmh. . . West Words, I now challenge you to find a work of fiction published under the title “Circles and X’s.” 😀

    West Words

    West Words, I now challenge you to find a work of fiction published under the title “Circles and X’s.”

    Nicholas Sparks IS bad! With regard to your challenge, does it have to be the words “Circles and X’s”, or does that also include what it symbolizes, i.e., ‘hugs and kisses’? Either one will be a challenge…hmmm… 😀


    what does “circles and x’s (by your name)” mean? i never understood it.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    what does “circles and x’s (by your name)” mean? i never understood it.

    It refers to an old love letter sign-off. For example,

    All My Love,

    Tom oooxxx

    The circles represent “hugs”, and the x’s, “kisses”…



    thanks, i got it now.

    and now i realize that if i had read West Word’s 2nd post here i’d get it without having to ask. 🙂

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