Humphrey’s By the Bay San Diego 8/27/10

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Humphrey’s By the Bay San Diego 8/27/10

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  • #30318

    Hope the moderator doesn’t mind if I post a “pre concert” thread for tonight, but Sandy eggo (aka West Words), tntracy and other from this forum are really in for a spectacular venue for Lu’s last gig on this tour.
    Take a look at this promotional video.

    Expect cramped seating like on an airline as told by this excerpt from a recent comical review.
    8/19/2010 1 Check-in Here
    Humphrey’s By the Bay starts with one of the most amazing settings to see a concert in. On the edge of the water, the boat free-loaders all moored waiting for the show (what happens when someone in a dingy has to pee?). Drinks. Palm trees. Sun setting over the sailboats. Really a perfect picture and the stage is set for an amazing experience. But then….there is the seating.

    And Humphrey’s knows this… they get complaints. Hell I sent a letter to them 20 years ago about this. Sure, I am a sucker and love my music here, so I keep going back. And there are enough like me that the venue chooses to maximize the profits, same as an airlines economy section. What is the minimum tolerable spacing for rows of seats? They have determined it like a science. Here… at this spacing between rows the person having to use the restroom will be stepping on everyone’s toes…

    I wanted to ask people as I entered a row..”excuse me… crotch or butt?” “what?” “Crotch or butt… which would you rather deal with?
    End Quote”
    Also, I read there may be a sound curfew.
    The UPSIDE vastly counters the DOWNSIDE in my opinion to see Lu.
    Enjoy the show you lucky guys and gals.
    p.s. It’s almost two years ago to the day that Lu last performed here.


    You’re certainly correct about the seating, but the attached hotel is very nice. I checked-in about 4:30, and sat by the pool, while saying hello to JP, Patrick, and Val–the women were not present at the pool.

    The marine layer of clouds is pushing in, getting ready for the bayside show…let the fun begin!


    Of course I do not mind, LWJ, quite the contrary… 😉

    We FINALLY arrived in San Diego moments ago. What should have been a 2 hour drive turned into a 3 1/2 hour drive due to 35 miles of mid-afternoon bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-5 between Long Beach & San Diego, all for no apparent reason. We are rushing to get a bite before heading over the venue. Not much time for pre-show festivities tonight, as West Words was about 45 minutes behind us in the same traffic…

    And, we have a surprise, last minute appearance by a Friendly Forum member who just flew into town. I am on the way to meet him in the hotel bar. Three guesses who it is, and the first two do not count… :mrgreen:



    @tntracy wrote:

    And, we have a surprise, last minute appearance by a Friendly Forum member who just flew into town. I am on the way to meet him in the hotel bar. Three guesses who it is, and the first two do not count…

    Gotta be punchdrunklove,drunkenangel or that guy from Syracuse=Lefty.
    Give us a nice report Tom in the wee hours and try your video camera again.


    Um, it’s a Friday night, my guess, is stoger.

    It’s an addiction we understand.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Um, it’s a Friday night, my guess, is stoger.

    * * * * Ding Ding Ding Ding * * * *

    WE HAVE A WINNER!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



    Just got back from the show, following by after-festivities & a final stop of the evening at everyone’s favorite health-food restaurant, Denny’s. I will let those who accompanied Sarah & me ‘fess up themselves if they so choose. 😉

    The show was very, very good, awesome even. The “Chrissie & Lu encore collaboration” hinted at for two weeks finally came to literally historic fruition on “Sweet Side”; an excellent choice IMHO, and one made by Chrissie & J.P. per Miss Lu after the show. Lu, Chrissie & J.P alternated singing the verses, with all joining in on the chorus.

    I’ll defer to Roger & his ever-dependable memory on the setlist. Suffice it for me to say that Lu & Co. did an incredible job fulfilling requests from the forum & FB, while playing only 4 songs that they had played last night in Long Beach. Tonight’s set list featured more new material than either Long beach or Saratoga (“Buttercup”, “Seeing Black”, “Awakening”, “Blessed” as opener, and maybe another I am missing) and was less of a rocker than last night.

    It is late, I am tired, and I have a mini-rant about some of those in attendance – for the first half of Lu’s main set, at least (many left & their exit was actually a blessing, however – think “Chatty Cathy & Chatty Chet”). Lu even asked at one point why there were se many empty chairs in the front row (reserved for only those who buy the Humphrey’s “full boat” package of room, dinner & show. But, I won’t darken my mood tonight by reliving that part – the sound was very good, the setting fantastically beautiful (if not indeed very airline-like cramped) and Lu & the Boys were in fine, fine form (Val particularly kicked a$$ tonight, again in my ever-so-humble opinion.

    Good night,


    West Words

    OMG, my head is spinning from exhaustion, but I really wanted to get this in tonight. Awesome show to close out the mini tour, and we were treated to some rarities.

    1) Blessed
    2) Tears of Joy
    3) Kiss Like Your Kiss
    4) Are You All Right
    5) Concrete & Barbed Wire
    6) Crescent City
    7) Something About What Happens When We Talk
    8 Jackson
    9) Greenville
    10) Right In Time
    11) Awakening (these are the best interpretation of the lyrics I heard and wrote down in the dark, please don’t hold me to them – “I will lick my wounds… in the awakening… I will pray for nothing… I will say what I want to… I will not make amends…I will honor the mistaken… I will honor the truth… In the awakening… the forsaken… I will not mourn my youth… I will not mourn my losses…I will not mourn the dead… I will have no bosses… I will want for nothing…I will give you a gift…”) Great song.
    12) Seeing Black
    13) Unsuffer Me
    14) Come On
    15) Honey Bee
    16) Righteously

    17) Sweet Side – with Chrissie & JP joining in! Chrissie kneeled at the altar that is Lucinda. Lucinda commented “we made some history tonight”
    18) Joy – ” don’t let Sarah Palin take your joy; don’t let the fearmongerers take your joy”

    Tom, Stog, and Paul – please feel free to make any additions or corrections.

    Thank you Tom O for being such a gracious and welcoming host, and THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH, LUCINDA, for an awesome mini tour!!!

    Love you all! Till next time. 🙂


    Thank you Tom & West Words, for staying up late to file your reports. I hope you enjoyed your healthy meal at Denny’s. I had retired earlier to my room at Humphrey’s, just after midnight.

    I’ll just add some comments about Humphrey’s.


    1. Humphrey’s realized they had soft ticket sales, and removed several rear rows of unsold seats, and allowed folks to stand, stretch, and dance in that area. That offered some relief from the cramped seating and yak-yak audience. They also kept a few rows of rear unsold seats, and allowed guests to just sit as they wished.

    2. Humphrey’s security seemed more relaxed. They allowed the audience to move-up and stand by the stage during Righteously and Sweet Side.


    The well-documented horrible seating, with the cabled chairs and minimal leg room. After the show, we noticed the staff had to cut each cable, and remove each chair, so the AstroTurf could be cleaned. What a chore for each show, to cable each chair to its neighbor.

    I only have 15 minutes on this computer–so I’ll end.

    Really, a remarkable show. Perhaps, the Lucinda-Chrissie performance of Sweet Side will appear somewhere on the net soon.


    Excellent reports…thanks so much!


    Man, wasn’t that chicken fried steak w/gravy some of Denny’s finest, Tom? Since Chrissie was not among the four of us in the booth, we all went carnivorous. She did catch a whiff of hog early in her set and, apparently like Long Beach, let fly with some anti-barbeque sentiments. Seemingly she and Lu “bonded” during the first part of the aftershow, but no Chrissie appearance to the masses with backstage stickers. Former Humphrey’s Lu opener Lisa Sanders was among this crowd, however.

    West Words, fine setlist: Unlike me once and Paul once, you actually got song number seven listed accurately. “Buttercup” was in fact not played, Tom, but you nailed the others. In addition to Sarah Palin and the “fear mongerers,” Lu bade us not let The Tea Party pilfer our joy either.

    Thanks to all for welcoming me back into the fan fold. A one-off definitely worth it. . .


    @stoger wrote:

    carnivorous. She did catch a whiff of hog early in her set and, apparently like Long Beach, let fly with some anti-barbeque sentiments. Seemingly she and Lu “bonded” during the first part of the aftershow,

    A nice bonding photo of JP,Chrissie and Lu from FB.[attachment=0:280gbi2d]JP, Chrissie & Lu San Diego.jpg[/attachment:280gbi2d]
    Many thanks Friendly Forum team on the scene for the reporting.


    Great photo, LWJ–this was a “public” bonding moment, with apparent private ones following. Forgot to mention that all I needed to do on Internet Explorer here at the North Harbor Dr. Holiday Inn business center computer was type in the one letter “L”–and immediately I could click on this Forum website. Wonder which other guests might have preceded me 😆


    Lu looks so very happy.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Lu looks so very happy.

    She was indeed in great spirits after the show, reveling all with stories about “the bonding”…

    Stoger, we actually passed by Wynola Pizza and Red Barn outside Julian, CA where Ms. Petite is playing tonight at about 5:45 PM (I almost stopped to see if you were in early attendance). We also noticed a flyer for the show in downtown Julian at Diggity’s Dog House were we ate lunch. We drove up into the mountains east of San Diego late this morning, and continued on east through the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park out to the Salton Sea to tip our toes in the warm, salty water. We’re sitting at our gate at the San Diego airport as I type this…

    Safe travels to all “Lu-heads” who are headed back east this weekend!


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