Hotel Cafe 3/3

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Hotel Cafe 3/3

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    I thought “stogeresque” had more gravitas than “stogerific”… 🙄


    Tony.. glad to see your posts as I was real concerned of how you might feel the next day after the horrific tumble…

    The concert was a blast!
    So good to get to meet all the FF members as well.
    Except for the part where Tony missed that (unmarked , in a dimly lit, painted black floor) step and hit the deck , it was really a blast going to the Velvet Margarita. Such a cool place, and exactly the type of place I would think of as a Lucinda fav.

    Absolutely loved the two concerts I was fortunate enough to attend and was struck by how really good Lu’s voice was sounding, not that it doesn’t always, but if possible it seems to be even better. Part of that could be how long it was for me in between shows and part could be the acoustics of the small venues (McCabes was extraordinary).

    The two shows combined set lists made for a double header for me that I honestly don’t think could have been better. Several new songs that I’ve never heard, a bunch of(all) favorites, couple rarities and a great version of Jimi’s “Angel”.

    Thanks to all for the hospitalities and for helping me navigate (stoger) getting in and navigating the last couple shows of the world tour. Great, great time.

    *Speaking of navigating, I took your advise Tony, and took the 101 back to San Francisco to fly out, I decided to check out Big Sur, it was really cool for the first couple hours, but then fog moved in, followed by nightfall, followed by about seven hours of me knowing this will my only trip up that stretch of road again. Ever. 😮




    @tonyg wrote:

    The show was pretty awesome. People packed in like sardines. Good music and good clean fun closed out this great idea of a tour. I met Neil Young’s oldest son, who was pleasant and courteous. After the show various people repaired to the Velvet Margarita across the street for refreshments. Those in attendance saw me miss a step down from the bar to the lounge, 4 drinks in hand, and go sailing through the air like Underdog and crash land, unable to break my fall with my hands, on the floor with an enormous thud. Glass, booze and ice emanated from me like a supernova. I cut my hand, my head, and severely bruised my knees. I have ice bags on them now. West Words, SeaSamishMike, and my friend Matt will be talking about this for some time. My friend Matt’s face went completely white. It was a fitting finale to a great 2 plus weeks.

    …we met Neil Young’s oldest son too in Pomona…He was talking with Stuart Mathis and us about so many stories as the recording of “Le Noise” and his father’s autobiography…at the end before he left the backstage we took a picture but I forget to ask him about email adress or something like that and now I’m searchig for him to send it but I think it will be a hard challenge…some help will be much appreciated… 😉

    West Words

    Tony did indeed take a terrible tumble. Stog, I would have tried to catch him had I not had my back turned, and heard the crash before I saw it. Matt ran to Tony so fast it was only later that we found his tortilla chip suspended in the bean dip, like a Pompeii relic. Tony is one tough dude. After what seemed like hours of his lying face flat on the floor, motionless and soundless, he came up cracking jokes.

    Lu’s voice and the show were better than ever, sure wish I could have made more of the World Tour of LA gigs. Thanks to Paul for snaring the great seats for us.

    Rock ‘n roll is not for sissies. 😯


    I think what I said was “who ordered the Margarita?”. 😆

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