Holly Williams

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  • #39731

    Great report, tnt! The one song about her alchoholic friend tugs at my heartstrings.

    The closest she gets to me is Indianapolis and I’m not sure the date works for me.


    tnt- My .02 on your superb reporting.
    It’s got everything including a venue report, Holly’s fashion report,Perfessor’s style, teary eyes, Holly’s stage comments, etc.,etc.-Easily the FF post of the year.
    Your iPhone certainly works for you.
    Your posting of the lyrics of “Waiting on June” prompted me to do a little search.
    An excerpt from a recent interview with Holly.

    Her personal favorite song on the album is โ€œWaiting on Juneโ€ because it is the story from her grandfather to her grandmother. โ€œI put myself in his shoes and tried to describe his life loving her, committing to her, and waiting on her from eight years old to marry him, to waiting on her in Heaven. I am the most proud of this song, more than any other song I’ve ever written. It is the hardest for me to get through, but the definite audience favorite,โ€ she said.
    The full interview follows.


    I phoned my local record store and placed an order for “The Highway” and because it’s classified as an import it will take approx. three weeks to arrive.

    I thought so much of the lyrics of “Waiting on June” that I cheated and found a free download-The song is almost 7 minutes with very little repetition.
    So FF have a listen to Holly and Gwyneth Paltrow.




    Why, thank you, LWJ. I’m glad to hear you ordered The Highway, but I would have sent you my spare copy (no charge!) – I even still have your address… ๐Ÿ˜‰ At any rate, I am supremely confident you will not be disappointed in the album one iota. It is one of the better, if not the best, albums I have purchased in at least the last year. Holly’s ability to tell a heart-wrenching story in her music is amazing, and very reminiscent of another Williams lady we all know & love… ๐Ÿ˜€

    Yeah, “Waiting On June” gets to me at several levels, from my own feelings for my dear wife, to watching my Uncle (who raised me as his own) slowly die of a broken heart eight years after he lost the one & only love of his life, my dear Aunt Jane, who was a second Mother to me after my own Mother passed away when I was 11 years old. The poignancy of the lyrics just overwhelm me with each listen…


    P.S. Yes, my new iPhone is wonderful for taking concert / set list notes. I use an app called Evernote that syncs whatever I enter in a iPhone note through my Evernote account on the Internet & then back to my iMac. I didn’t even have to re-type here in the FF the song titles or the beginning of my notes – just copy & paste, then embellish the notes & formatting. Ain’t technology grand? ๐Ÿ˜‰


    tnt, most kind of you to offer to send me your 2nd copy of The Highway but just keep your autographed copy on your shelf in mint condition and play the copy over and over.
    Holly’s lyrics are certainly poignant as you said.
    Yes, technology is great and advancing almost daily.



    I use my iPhone too Tom. Just make sure your battery is fully charged before the show or you will have to ask Stoger what songs were played like I once did. ๐Ÿ˜†


    @tonyg wrote:

    Just make sure your battery is fully charged before the show or you will have to ask Stoger what songs were played like I once did. ๐Ÿ˜†

    LOL! Stoger, the human iPhone backup! ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†



    @LWjetta wrote:

    keep your autographed copy on your shelf in mint condition and play the copy over and over.

    Nearly all my CDs are in “mint” condition, LWJ, as I rarely play any of them more than once. When I buy a new CD, I immediately rip it into iTunes on my iMac & then copy the digital files to my iPad, iPhone & iPod. Henceforth, any time I want to hear the CD, I either stream it from my iMac to my home stereo system, or I listen on one of my portable devices… 8)



    Good read, Lefty.

    I wonder when this woman has time to sleep between her music, her boutique, cooking and entertaining, and writing a blog. I just subscribed to her blog and interested in trying her Zucchini Cheddar Bread recipe. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thanks for the link, Lefty – it’s funny, but you beat Holly herself in posting this link – she just posted it on Facebook a few minutes ago! ๐Ÿ˜†

    I love the line from the interview, “and ‘Waiting on June’ off of this one is for sure the one that makes even the old men cry” – I can personally vouch for that… ๐Ÿ˜‰



    The glowing reviews of The Highway continue…

    This entire album is brutally honest and absolutely beautiful. The Highway isnโ€™t simply an Americana record, certainly not a Texas record, sadly couldnโ€™t even be referred to as country by most modern definitionsโ€ฆbut the one label it deserves is brilliant.



    Holly Williams doing an On Air with JP on WNKU in the noon hour (EDST), today. Live stream link is on the right.



    Easily one of the most achingly beautiful songs I have EVER heard…




    @tntracy wrote:

    Easily one of the most achingly beautiful songs I have EVER heard…



    I will listen soon. And welcome back to the Forum, friend.


    “The Highway” is just a beautiful collection of songs. I’ve been listening to it often.

    The girl singing in the video is the amazing Annie Clements out of Nashville. A bass player and vocalist, she toured with Jennifer Nettles, sits in with Holly (just a few days ago at ACL), and looks like she will be touring with Amos Lee (she played with him during a Leno spot a month or so ago. I didn’t know about her until that appearance).

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