Holly Williams

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    Holly Williams (granddaughter of Hank) has a new album, Here With Me, due out on June 16th. Amazon.com has a free download of “Mama”, one of the tracks off of the new album, here.



    I saw Holly last night in Nashville, TN as an opening act. She played a 30 minute solo acoustic set providing great details about her songs as well as personal musings. I found her intriguing and several of her songs hit home for me, one of them was “Mama,” as mentioned by tnt.

    “Mama” obviously was written about her mother, citing her as a strong woman who refused to instill hate into her children’s hearts after her and Hank Jr. divorced. She mentioned her Mother often comes up on stage to sing the song with her.

    Another song I found extremely pivoting was one about her and her sister’s near fatal wreck. I had remembered reading about the accident with a few blurbs mentioned in the news. The near fatal wreck was 4 years ago, her sister was clinically dead for 10 minutes, and has endured over 26 surgeries including 4 hip replacements. She said they were told she would never walk, however, today she is managing on a cane. The name of the song is “Without Jesus Here With Me.”

    She covered a John Prine song claiming he is one of her favorite singer songwriters as well as a Gillian Welch song.

    She also told us she was recently married.

    Enjoyable set. I really wanted to go chat with her at the merch booth as she told us she would be signing CDs at intermission, however, I was front and center at the stage and did not want to leave my super spot. 8)

    tnt, she is coming to Atlanta on April 14.

    On her website is a great audio interview that launches immediately, discussing the new record.

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    @Lafayette wrote:

    tnt, she is coming to Atlanta on April 14.

    Oh man, I held my breath when I went to her Web site to check her tour schedule, thinking she was going to be an opening act. I don’t like going to see artists I really like when they are the opening act – the short set just leaves me wanting more. I just passed up seeing Matthew Ryan as an opening act. But, hooray!!! She’s headlining at Smith’s Olde Bar, a small venue in Midtown Atlanta!

    I just bought tickets – thanks for the “heads up”, Lafayette! And thanks for the review of her set…



    Well, we went to the concert night before last & Ms. Williams did not disappoint. Smith’s Olde Bar had their “small bar table” setup for the show (as opposed to standing room only) and, being the first ones in the doors, we snagged a little bar table & seats front & center. Holly played a great acoustic set, accompanied on some tunes by her new husband, Chris Coleman, also on guitar. She played several songs from her new album, and a great cover of John Prine’s “Angel From Montgomery”. She closed out the show with a rousing gospel sing-along, “I Saw The Light”.

    But for me, the surprise highlight of the evening was the first opening act. Sarah & I always try to catch any & all opening acts for shows we attend – sometimes they are unremarkable, other times we make a great personal discovery of an artist who was previous unbeknown to us. Night before last was a sterling example of the latter.

    A singer / songwriter named Julie Gribble played a great opening set. Actually from Atlanta, she had relocated to LA, but has recently returned to our fair city. Playing alone on stage on acoustic guitar while charmingly barefoot, she blew us away with her original songwriting & wonderful voice. I got to chat with her & her boyfriend at the bar prior to Holly’s set, and she is really nice & sweet to boot – a real “cool chick.” 8)

    I was so enthralled with her performance that, after her set, I immediately headed to the merch table in the back & purchased her new CD, Letting Go, as well as a copy of her previous album, Echoes In My Head. Both albums are already on my iPod & I have been enjoying them immensely over the last 2 days. And, she is scheduled to play tomorrow at Piedmont Park in Atlanta as part of the annual Dogwood Festival, so we are going to try & fight the crowds & go see her again – the weather is supposed to be perfect.

    Any way, she has a extensive sampling of MP3s on her Web site here. Also, samples of each of the tracks from her new album can be sampled on Amazon here (although they are not available for sale until May 1st). So go check her out!



    I was wondering how the show went. I’m glad you found additional music to add to your ipod!


    Holly is scheduled to appear on “Woodsongs Old Time Radio Hour,” along with “Farewell Drifters” on Monday, May 24.

    Here is a list of affiliates that broadcast taped shows.



    Holly in an exclusive video of Hank’s Lost Notebook song project.
    “Blue is My Heart”, for which Hank only wrote 8 lines of lyrics and Holly wrote 2 more verses and a bridge.




    Holly’s new album, The Highway is simply wonderful. Sparsely produced, her wonderful voice & the music take center stage. A track stand-out for me is “Gone Away From Me” w/ Jackson Browne on backing vocals. It is beautiful & achingly poignant. Check it out!

    We are seeing her perform next Thursday night at Eddie Owen’s (of Eddie’s Attic fame) new venue, the Red Clay Theatre. I can’t wait!





    Great article! I wish she was stopping in my area on this tour.

    I’ve seen her once (open for Amos Lee in Nashville!) and would have seen her twice had I not been outside the venue trying to sell some extra tickets (after I upgraded to better seats :D) where she opened as a one off type thing for a Mellencamp show (he performed Trouble No More in its’ entirety, including ‘Lafayette’ :!:, in 2003, the year her first record was released. I found a photo on her Flickr site from the show (with Mellencamp drums behind her).


    The new record is stellar. Hopefully, tnt will post a show report. 😛


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Hopefully, tnt will post a show report. 😛

    What an amazing, emotional show! Set list & full report tomorrow – I took notes on my iPhone! 😉



    Last night’s show was one of those very special nights for me. First of all, I walked into Eddie Owen’s (former owner of the legendary venue in Decatur, GA, Eddie’s Attic) new suburban Atlanta venue, the Red Clay Theatre, in a highly-charged emotional state. Earlier in the day, something that had been bothering me greatly for two years was satisfactorily resolved, much to my relief. It is personal in nature, so we will leave it at that… 😉

    Opening for Holly was a very talented singer-songwriter named Matthew Perryman-Jones. The name rang a bell for me, but I could not place from where, and I knew I had never seen him perform before. He played an excellent opening set, just him singing with his acoustic guitar.

    Then Holly took the stage. A tall, statuesque blond, she was lovely in blue jeans, knee-high brown leather boots and a white top covered by a dark, long-sleeved outer shirt. Accompanying her for the evening was her husband, Chris Coleman, on guitar and a young lady (I didn’t catch her name) playing electric upright bass. Behind Holly on stage was a lovely grand piano.

    They played nearly every song from Holly’s outstanding new album, The Highway (this album is definitely the real deal, folks – you are really missing out if you have not heard it!), plus two songs from her previous two albums (one from each), and two covers (the set list is below, with “Perfesser-esque” bracketed comments). Late in the set, Holly mentioned that this was her seventh night performing in a row & apologized for her voice being “shot”, although it didn’t sound like it to me! 😉

    Two songs she performed from her new album, “Gone Away From Me” & “Waiting On June”, are highly emotionally-charged songs about loss that teared me up unlike any other songs besides those of Lu’s that get to me in the same way (“Blue”, “Bus To Baton Rouge”, “Pineola”, e.g.). During “Waiting On June” I looked around the rest of the audience near us & saw many an eye being dabbed with a tissue or shirt sleeve. Just an amazing, amazing song…

    The Red Clay Theatre is an old church, converted into a 257-seat music venue “for the acoustic singer-songwriter” in the same vein as Eddie’s Attic. The sound was simply amazing (we sat third row, center, thanks to some friends who saved us two seats), and was commented on several times by Holly during her set (“We are getting spoiled!”). It is awesome having such a cool venue dedicated to the music we love so near our home (10 miles). I can’t wait to go back & I can’t wait to see Holly again! Here’s the set list:

    Sometimes [lead track from her first album, The Ones We Never Knew]
    Gone Away From Me [preceded by Holly telling about Charlie Peacock, who produced the new album, asking her who her “dream duet” partner would be, to which she responded “Jackson Browne”, who ultimately guested on the album on this track]
    The Highway [preceded by a story about their Charleston, SC show the night before which had all of 12 people in the audience (Chris amended that to 18), complete with three “drunken 19-year-olds” right up front who kept screaming how much they loved Hank Jr. & how badly they wanted to hear “Family Tradition”, until Chris said he told them they were there to see the “wrong Williams”. This was followed by Chris saying it was “good to be home” & that he had family in attendance, including his 83-year-old “Granny”]
    ‘Til It Runs Dry [introduced as some “three-part harmony” featuring Dierks Bentley on the album, for whom the upright bass player substituted]
    Alone [from her second album, Here With Me – Chris & the bass player left the stage for this song & the next, which Holly performed solo on the grand piano]
    Without You [followed by Chris & the bass player re-taking the stage & Chris asking Holly, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, “Who’s that song about, Honey?”]
    Giving Up [introduced as a song about the addiction problems of a dear friend]
    Waiting On June [in introducing this song, Holly related that while everyone knows about her famous musical family on her father’s side, not many know about her mother’s family from a small town in “the Louisiana pines” named Mer Rouge, at which point the lady & gentleman sitting immediately to Sarah’s & my right “whooped” & said they were actually Holly’s cousins on her Mama’s side!]
    Angel From Montgomery [John Prine cover]

    I Saw The Light [Hank Williams, Sr. cover – introduced as “a family song” that Chris said they didn’t play for the “knuckleheads” last night]

    After the show, I purchased another copy of The Highway so I could get Holly to sign it for me (I forgot to bring my copy), so I now have a mint, unsigned copy of it for sale to anyone who may be interested… 😆



    Glad you achieved some peace-of-mind, TNT, along with seeing a great show. Nice report! 😀


    She was from North Louisiana in the town of Mer Rouge
    I fell in love in a week or two
    It didn’t take long to love a girl like that
    We were barely ten in the cotton fields
    Playing horseshoe with the colored kids
    I tried to kiss her, she grabbed a baseball bat

    I was waiting on June, I hope she comes to see me
    Waiting on June, I can’t take this feeling
    Waiting on June, I pray to God she’ll love me one of these days
    I hope I find my way waiting on June

    I went off in ’42 to fight those boys and pay my dues
    Her wallet picture kept my spirits high
    Charley boy died in my arms, he saw Jesus, I saw blood
    It soaked her wallet picture that cold night

    Well I told my best friend Charley I would kiss his girl goodbye
    He made me promise I’d go home and make Miss June my wife
    Shaking like a drunk old fool, I hopped off of that plane
    And I ran home to ask her in the rain

    Waiting on June, I hope that she says yes
    Waiting on June, in her faded summer dress
    Waiting on June, her daddy shook my hand
    And she lit up the moment I pulled out that silver band
    Waiting on June

    Well we married at the Methodist Church
    Found a big white cow and a piece of dirt
    With pecan trees to build our homestead on
    Jolynn, Becky, then Donna, then Shelby
    Our tiny house was a sanctuary
    Laughter filled those rooms all day long

    And we were waiting on June, she’s putting on her makeup
    Waiting on June, she’s trying to get her hair curled
    Waiting on June, kids listen to me
    You walk on down to Sunday school, I’ll be there in 15
    Waiting on June

    Well time flew by like they said it would
    Yeah the kids grew fast and the farm did good
    Miss Bertha made our supper everyday
    At noon that silver bell would ring
    We’d all say grace and dig on in
    We always ate together in those days

    Oh, one by one those kids went off and found a love of their own
    There’s nothing like the joy I knew when they brought their babies home
    We’d play all day in the cotton fields with the dogs I raised up right
    And end in Grandma’s kitchen every night

    Waiting on June, Honey don’t burn the bacon
    Waiting on June, our bellies are a-aching
    Waiting on June, she turns that fork so slow
    And we all had to sit there ’til the last bite was no more
    Waiting on June

    We were slower than we used to be, the nursing home told June and me
    That we’d have separate rooms side by side
    Oh what I’d give for one more night of sleeping with my wife
    Since ’45 I’ve touched her skin in the middle of the night
    So I’m lyin’ in this single bed until they cut the lights
    That’s when she’ll sneak in and I’ll be fine

    Waiting on June, so we can kiss goodnight
    Waiting on June, I’ll hold her hand so tight
    Waiting on June, I’ll love her ’til I die
    It’s bittersweet when love grows old and you really miss your wife
    Waiting on June

    Well they buried me last Tuesday morn
    The good Lord came, He took me home
    I closed my eyes and quickly went away
    But the angels let me see her everyday

    Waiting on June, our mansion is so grand
    Waiting on June, footprints in the sand
    Waiting on June, that’s the story of my life
    ‘Cause me and Jesus are standing here ’til she walks through that light
    Waiting on June

    I’m still waiting on June
    I’m always waiting on June
    No more waiting on June


    Here’s a photo from last night’s show from Holly’s Facebook fan page:


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