HMMM…. Its the New Record!!

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records HMMM…. Its the New Record!!

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    This is a huge find, Chris, thanks. “Doors of Heaven” goes way back; I got to hear it live a few times several years ago. “Bitter Memory” I’m glad to see here, and let’s hope “Port Arthur” gets some consideration for the next one. I’m pumped.


    Oh yes, I love “Port Arthur” as well! Would really be wonderful to have a proper recording of it…

    And here’s another find:
    The credits of all the songs on “The Ghosts of Highway 20″…

    And the lyrics of all the new songs:


    @swisschris wrote:

    Oh yes, I love “Port Arthur” as well! Would really be wonderful to have a proper recording of it…

    And here’s another find:
    The credits of all the songs on “The Ghosts of Highway 20″…

    And the lyrics of all the new songs:

    Just printed out credits and lyrics: thanks so much. I know I’ve heard 6 of the 14 live, though I suspect that “Bitter Memory” and “Doors of Heaven” and maybe “Factory” have been rearranged a fair amount. Possibly I’ve heard one or two of the other songs live also; I should be sure but am not.


    Favorite line from the song “Ghosts of Highway 20”:



    A blurb on the upcoming record on NPR PLUS a video of her performance of East Side of Town at the Americana Awards at the Ryman, 2015.


    The title track from Ghosts of Highway 20 is now available for download from iTunes – best $1.29 you’ll spend all day!
    (Purchase is applied to full album, if you choose to complete the album upon its release)


    Ok so I heard the new record. I don’t know how I did, but I did. Maybe it was a dream, but it seemed real. I was minding my own business, watching the Clemson-Alabama game, when I was mysteriously transported through time and space to a room full of people who looked vaguely familiar yet I was not exactly sure who they were or what they were saying to me. Someone handed me a piece of pizza and said to me “that gum you like is back in style”. Puzzled, I washed my pizza down with wine and sat in the corner. I shuddered with cold as if an alien presence had passed through me. I could hear my heart beat as loud as a drum. I peed in my pants a little.

    Music began to play and I realized through the fog of my dream-like state that it was the new Lucinda record, The Ghosts of Highway 20. Lu was singly softly to the tender guitar playing of Bill Frisell. Song after song was melancholy but accompanied by delicate guitar interplay by Bill and Greg Leisz. Towards the end of disc one there was an upbeat number followed by 2 long sad pieces, the latter of which was the title track. A couple of songs performed live last year, Bitter Memory and Factory, followed. The most haunting song was If My Love Could Kill, a sad song about the death of a father. The disc 2 closer was a departure from the mood and sound of the rest of the record.

    The record is an emotional experience and quite different from the last one. When the music ended I opened my eyes and I was home, in bed. Maybe it never happened?


    @tonyg wrote:

    Ok so I heard the new record. I don’t know how I did, but I did. Maybe it was a dream, but it seemed real. I was minding my own business, watching the Clemson-Alabama game, when I was mysteriously transported through time and space to a room full of people who looked vaguely familiar yet I was not exactly sure who they were or what they were saying to me. Someone handed me a piece of pizza and said to me “that gum you like is back in style”. Puzzled, I washed my pizza down with wine and sat in the corner. I shuddered with cold as if an alien presence had passed through me. I could hear my heart beat as loud as a drum. I peed in my pants a little.

    Music began to play and I realized through the fog of my dream-like state that it was the new Lucinda record, The Ghosts of Highway 20. Lu was singly softly to the tender guitar playing of Bill Frisell. Song after song was melancholy but accompanied by delicate guitar interplay by Bill and Greg Leisz. Towards the end of disc one there was an upbeat number followed by 2 long sad pieces, the latter of which was the title track. A couple of songs performed live last year, Bitter Memory and Factory, followed. The most haunting song was If My Love Could Kill, a sad song about the death of a father. The disc 2 closer was a departure from the mood and sound of the rest of the record.

    The record is an emotional experience and quite different from the last one. When the music ended I opened my eyes and I was home, in bed. Maybe it never happened?

    What prose, my friend! That urination detail alone is worth the read and the log-in/impulse to reply. Go Tide. NIce to see a pro-Pettibone man like yourself acknowledging the greatness of Sirs Leisz & Frisell. Royce Hall 4 March? Wish I could join you. You’ve heard “Doors of Heaven” before too, I feel sure–though I think the arrangement on the record is a departure. I don’t understand the phrase “the disc 2 closer,” since this is a single album–but we can dream it’s a double. May the gods of sweet reverie produce another vision for us soon.


    Thanks Mr. S. Expository writing, I believe you call it. The record is 14 songs and a few of them are quite long so I thought I heard 2 discs. You may be right, as you usually are.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Thanks Mr. S. Expository writing, I believe you call it. The record is 14 songs and a few of them are quite long so I thought I heard 2 discs. You may be right, as you usually are.

    No no, I just read a review which mentioned 2 discs, so YOU, prof. G, are correct in toto as always. Couldn’t even hit “edit” before you replied to expose my gaffe. Tut tut.


    @tonyg wrote:

    The most haunting song was If My Love Could Kill, a sad song about the death of a father. The disc 2 closer was a departure from the mood and sound of the rest of the record.

    The record is an emotional experience and quite different from the last one. When the music ended I opened my eyes and I was home, in bed. Maybe it never happened?

    Listen to “If My Love Could Kill!”


    Yes -it is 2 cd’s but we have purposely not made that an important point in the so called marketing. We just thought it was the best way to present -and listen to- this record. It just fit nicely on two separate discs -and two vinyls as they say now. To fit it on one cd would required some serious editing and leaving a song or two off and that wasn’t in the cards. It plays really great as two 40+ minute discs -the sequencing and everything changes.There were just a lot of musical moments at the beginnings and ending of songs that we felt needed to be heard. When you you can do things things the way you way you want to, regardless of economics -things like that can happen.


    @TomOverby wrote:

    When you you can do things things the way you way you want to, regardless of economics -things like that can happen.

    Swoon. Thanks be to Lu for always honoring her music and songs above all else, and to Tom for making this artistic autonomy and musical integrity happen for the fans. Lu respects and trusts and knows her fans. Viv


    Received my (autographed) copy in todays mail!!
    Love it when pre-orders arrive on the release day.

    So glad that the songs weren’t edited and it was released as a double cd.
    Congrats to Tom and Lu on the record and can’t wait to hear some (more) tracks live!

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