hey inside job! I have a live cd problem

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows hey inside job! I have a live cd problem

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  • #29063

    just received the ny 5 disc set and on the world without tears sept 29 disc there are one second gaps between the tracks, it makes for a disjointed listening experience. If you can please send me out a replacement cd I would greatly appreciate it. thanks a lot

    geoff abramson
    429 Tappan ave
    north plainfield, NJ 07063


    hmm..no customer service link on the live cd site and no response to my original post. I guess customer service is non existant for these folks. thats too bad. it appears I am stuck with a bad cd and there is nothing i can do about it except maybe contact paypal. i guess i wont be buying the la set as i had planned


    Try PMing Inside Job. That will probably work.


    When I saw this first post I thought it had to be somebody having a little jest. You know the kind of thing – irony – maybe just a polite dig at those making complaints about the packaging or something……….I mean ‘a disjointed listening experience….?’

    C’mon it s a live bootleg made by Lu’s own people presumably off the desk then copied on a home PC or such like, its crudenss means it is in the raw – as it happens – kind of authentic….

    You cannot be serious……….can you?

    Inside Job

    I am guessing that disc you have is not defective,that that’s just the way it came out but i will listen to WWT again, to see if by chance you indeed have a bad one. Unfortunately, I don’t have one with me in Europe and will not be able to check it out until we return.


    Hey Hedges —

    I ordered the El Rey set, but haven’t rec’d yet, so hopefully mine doesn’t have the same problem. If so though, it’s easily fixed. Some burning programs automatically insert that annoying 1-sec gap between tracks, which isn’t a big deal if you’re recording studio tracks, but when burning a concert cd with continuous sound between tracks, that little gap is indeed annoying.

    I use a program from Roxio called “Easy CD/DVD Creator” and it not only doesn’t insert a gap when recording (unless you tell it to), but lets you fix other cd’s that do have the gaps. Just burn the tracks from your problem cd onto your computer, pull ’em up in the Roxio program, use the ‘edit’ function to identify and delete the silence gap that is part of the track, then resave each track to your computer and burn a new cd. Just like that, no gaps between tracks.

    It might sound a little difficult, but I’m not overly technical and I learned how to do it in 5-10 minutes. The program costs $20-30, but it’s well worth it (and no, I don’t work for Roxio!). I use it to burn all my cd’s and have fixed several concert cd’s with that same ‘gap’ problem you describe, and it has other cool features too, so chances are you’d use it for stuff other than just fixing this one cd.

    Any questions on it, just PM me or email me at zlh67@austin.rr.com.

    Good luck!


    Inside Job

    I followed up on this with our engineer and he checked the master and replied back to me that there aren’t any one second gaps on the original master, and all copies were made from that. That was also the night that originally had People Talkin’ left off so when it was fixed he checked it very carefully. I can send another if you like.

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