Harrisburg Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Harrisburg Setlist

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    [Contrary to Annapolis, Lu walks on at (apparently) 7:00 sharp; the show ends at 8:39].

    1 Can’t Let Go (so the setlist says; I missed it)
    2 Car Wheels
    3 Drunken a
    4 Pineola {Lu officially retires the label “beautiful loser” in favor of “beautiful misfit”; she praises her fan base for its/our status: “they read, they follow current events”]
    5 West Memphis [Lu opines that “most of you” know the history behind the Memphis Three–but dead silence suggests otherwise]
    6 Big Black Train [“my little song about feeling like crap”]
    7 Lake Charles {new elements in the intro like “we thought we would live forever back then” & “we thought we were invincible”]
    8 Fruits of My Labor
    9 Are You Down
    10 STolen Moments
    11 Changed the Locks
    12 Out of Touch
    13 Righteously
    14 Joy
    15 You Can’t Rule Me
    16 Get Right with God [Lu insists on clarifying, while the band is walking off, that the title/song does not contradict the previous song in defiance of the Supreme Court, is not some right-wing number, in fact fits with all the previous songs]

    Man, I can’t remember the last time I attended a full-length rock concert and was thrust back on the streets at 8:45 p.m. Great show, but how to finish the evening? I mean, having the option of two hours of prime time TV after a full show is unknown to me. But thanks to friends and fellow fans Rhonda and Jackie for accompanying me to McGrath’s Irish pub for debriefing, and thus saving me from hotel TV.


    Great report from our intrepid traveler! Going to bed early is also an option.


    Mr. Stoger, Tony and I live vicariously through you!


    Thanks, seangod. And Tony, going to bed early is the Butch Norton default option, but not for party people like the Stog-ster.

    dr winston oboogie

    I must add my thanks also for keeping us up to date with all things Lu..I do not always post, but be sure I check in every day to see how our lady is getting on..keep up the good work.


    Thanks, Dr. Hope you can make some of those January shows on your side of the pond. I’m not crossing over then, but possibly in July or so for what is rumoured (Brit. sp.) to be a second European tour of 2023!

    dr winston oboogie

    Will be in Glasgow for the Celtic Connections gig at The Royal Concert Hall, possibilty of July sounds good as well, how extensive is the rumoured tour expected to be ?

    Got Beth Nielsen Chapman at Celtic Connections the week after Lucinda, theN Bruce in Edinburgh and two nights in Gothenburg in June.

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