Happy New Year, You LU-natics

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  • #29625


    The visual is a little blurry, but aren’t we all that way in some fashion? 😉
    Miss you, George.

    My only new year’s resolution so far is: Gotta see NEIL! in ’09.
    (I think tony’s with me on this one.)

    Give Lucinda a hug ‘n’ kiss from all of us, T.O.
    Hope SonO is enjoying that great big gig in the sky.
    And good night, ripley, wherever you are.


    Happy New Year to you too, Lefty, and to everyone else here on our friendly little forum. I, for one, am really looking forward to next year. We’ll be seeing Lu & Co. in February here in Atlanta (and maybe the night before as well in Birmingham). And, Kathleen Edwards is FINALLY playing here in Atlanta, and at one of our favorite tiny venues, Eddie’s Attic. I have a reserved table right up front… 8)


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