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  • #29089

    Wie geht es? Wie waren die Konzerte?
    ❓ 🙂


    Hello from Germany,

    Berlin was great! The venue was an old theatre called Schillertheater. The band started with Rescue, it was the only song Lucinda stopped within and started again. The setlist seemed to be quite different to the one in Hamburg the night before. The songs I remember are:

    Are you alright
    Side of the road
    Passionate Kisses
    Jailhouse tears
    Unsuffer me
    2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten
    Drunken Angel
    Lake Charles
    Still I long for your kiss
    Steal your love
    People talkin

    This is not the right order. At the end Lucinda seemd to want to go on but the tour manager made her stop, it was kind of a rough end of the show. Anyway, a great evening, great sound, great voice.



    From what I heard (I wasn’t there, gonna have to wait for Cologne and Paris) she played 105min in Hamburg (1 set à 80min plus 25min encore) and 2 full hours in Berlin (2 sets plus encore)… From what I heard she didn’t disappoint…


    For those who speak German, a short review from someone who was in Berlin…

    Um es kurz zu fassen: Groooooooooßartig!

    2 Stunden tolle Musik!!! Als Lucinda schon 20:20 auf die Bühne kam, da sah alles noch nicht danach aus. Müde/erschöpft und eher lustlos.
    Erster Song abgebrochen, dann aber gut zu Ende gebracht. Beim zweiten auch noch sehr verhalten – aber dann ging es steil aufwärts. In Dimensionen, die ich teilweise wohl kaum in meinen kühnsten Träumen erhofft hatte!!! 2 Sets + Zugabe.
    – Und das Ganze von der ersten Reihe aus bei tollem Sound. Herz, was willst Du mehr (den Mitschnitt natürlich!!!).

    Jetzt total erschöpft, aber glücklich 🙂


    @snaggletooth: Where did you find that review?


    Lucinda’s concert in Hamburg must be a disappointment when I believe in this review (in German):

    Her concert in Köln (Cologne) will be recorded for Rockpalast:


    Hi folks,

    that was my short comment after coming back from the show last night!

    Edited English version of my German text sent to the German RustRing 🙂

    It was a really amazing show, much more than I (and my friends) had expected!
    Yes, the Schiller Theatre is an older venue, and even for me as a ‘Berliner’ it has been my first show there. And yes, the acoustic is very good, the sound was also at least very good, which added to the general atmosphere of the concert. And we were sitting front row, means no more than 8 metres away from Lucinda. Sitting, that was the only hard thing for me. Enough space to ‘dance on my seat’ – but I would have preferred to stand and dance…
    Two sets and an encore, 2 hours playing time. Sorry, I’m bad in remembering setlists. But I can tell that after the first song which the started twice (and perhaps on a level of 60 per cent) she became better and better and in the end it was perhaps 150 to 200 per cent of what I would call a ‘normal’ recent show of Lucinda!!!
    She came with a look on her face that was a mixture of tired and bored and she left as a singer who felt that this was an evening to remember.
    The audience was great as well, really ‘in the mood’ and so she interacted with us a lot. Very talkative – and yes, she wanted to play even more – but then the tour manager came…

    So far for the moment – waiting desperately for a recording (knowing that it will not be possible to transport the spirit of the night…)

    We all came out like children on Christmas Eve!


    Um es kurz zu fassen: Groooooooooßartig!

    2 Stunden tolle Musik!!! Als Lucinda schon 20:20 auf die Bühne kam, da sah alles noch nicht danach aus. Müde/erschöpft und eher lustlos.
    Erster Song abgebrochen, dann aber gut zu Ende gebracht. Beim zweiten auch noch sehr verhalten – aber dann ging es steil aufwärts. In Dimensionen, die ich teilweise wohl kaum in meinen kühnsten Träumen erhofft hatte!!! 2 Sets + Zugabe.
    – Und das Ganze von der ersten Reihe aus bei tollem Sound. Herz, was willst Du mehr (den Mitschnitt natürlich!!!).

    Jetzt total erschöpft, aber glücklich Smile:


    Inside Job

    There was actually two encores– the first ending with Joy and then she came back out and played Unsuffer Me. It may have appeared that she wanted to play more, but she (and the band) knew Unsuffer Me was the last song because she wanted to go back out and play that one song. When it ended she walked over to a fan in the front row stage left to sign his poster. That was when the tour manager came out to get her, because a crowd was quickly gathering at the front. Just wanted it to be clear because it was a great show and didn’t think it needed to be tainted with something that apparently appeared differently than what actually happened.


    Either two encores – or two sets and one encore (as I saw it).
    – And yes, Unsuffer Me – played with full passion…

    Sure, I could see what happened after the last song (People gathering for signing their posters, CDs…). Still I think she was in the mood to play even more songs. But that’s only my opinion (or my wish perhaps).


    @Inside Job wrote:

    There was actually two encores– the first ending with Joy and then she came back out and played Unsuffer Me. It may have appeared that she wanted to play more, but she (and the band) knew Unsuffer Me was the last song because she wanted to go back out and play that one song. When it ended she walked over to a fan in the front row stage left to sign his poster. That was when the tour manager came out to get her, because a crowd was quickly gathering at the front. Just wanted it to be clear because it was a great show and didn’t think it needed to be tainted with something that apparently appeared differently than what actually happened.


    Sorry, all in German:


    Seems this time the critics and I were at the same show 😉



    @Juergen_B wrote:

    Lucinda’s concert in Hamburg must be a disappointment when I believe in this review (in German):

    Today the daily newspaper has printed a reader’s letter:

    “Offenbar gab es zwei Konzerte von Lucinda Williams in der Fabrik. Das, welches ich gesehen habe, war das Beste, was mir in den letzten Jahren passierte! Eine brilliante, gut gelaunte Lucinda, die einfach hervorragend spielte und sang. Ihr Kritiker war wohl in einem anderen Konzert?”

    Translated with Babelfish:
    “Obviously there were two concerts of Lucinda Williams in the Fabrik. That, which I had seen, was the best, which happened to me in the last years! A brilliant, good-humoured Lucinda, which played and sang simply outstanding. Their critic probably was in another concert?”


    I only can agree to Jürgens opinion. Nobody knows what concert the critic from the ” Morgenpost ” visited. If he want´s to hear a Bob Dylan concert, he should go to a Dylan concert.
    In fact Lu and her band rocked the house. They played only a few slow songs. I think she thought the Fabrik is a real rock venue. In the beginning of the concert she was a little reserved but she got better and better with every song. The band was absolutly great. They played like hell.
    After being 8 months on the road, Lu´s voice was still amazing.
    The show lasts about 105 minutes. Afterwards the band went directley to Berlin.
    We travelled 600 km to see Lucinda and the show was worth every kilometer.
    Great lu, great band, great audience, poor critics.
    Hope to see you again.


    Yay, yay!!!


    I couldn’t believe Lucinda was coming to Berlin. Luckily got third row seats, and the show really outdid my expectations! I wasn’t sure how the vibe would be…I have seen her 4 times, but always at the 9:30 Club in Washington, DC, a venue she really loves to play. I was hoping for a Lucinda in a really good mood and was a bit nervous when she first came out. But as others have mentioned, she quickly warmed up and responded to the crowd’s enthusiasm. I never would have expected so many Lucinda fans in Berlin and was totally psyched about the crowd. Even though it is a seated venue, you could feel the excitement. And when she said she loved the crowd and it was her best stop on the Europe tour so far, I believe her! She can’t really fake her moods and is not one for BS.

    I totally loved the set she played…was a great mix of stuff from various albums. So wish I could have a recording of that show. Songs that I only liked from West, I really loved in this show, for example “Are you alright?” The end was amazing, and Lucinda really rocked her heart out on Joy. Oh, I loved watching the drummer, who put on an incredible performance. I am 7 months pregnant, and my little guy was jammin out in my belly too. His first Lucinda concert!

    The acoustics at Schiller Theater were excellent, and I just really hope she decides to come back since she had such a great time. Come back Lucinda!!! Berlin loves you!!!



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