guitarist for upcoming shows…

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows guitarist for upcoming shows…

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    Just released.
    Blake Mills new video of his song “Hey Lover”



    We just saw the Lucinda Williams show in Charlottesville, VA on Mon, the 25th – phenomenal!!!! Of course, my excitement was all about seeing Lucinda, but I really thought Blake Mills nailed it. Blake, you are an incredible guitar player and you did a fantastic job. Keep it up.


    @tamandrachel wrote:

    We just saw the Lucinda Williams show in Charlottesville, VA on Mon, the 25th – phenomenal!!!! Of course, my excitement was all about seeing Lucinda, but I really thought Blake Mills nailed it. Blake, you are an incredible guitar player and you did a fantastic job. Keep it up.

    Still a 4-piece band?


    Yes, David on base, Butch on drums. I will say I was a tad disappointed not to see/hear an accordion player since one is on Blessed.


    Hey, Blake. I don’t know if you’re still checking this thread, but just thought I’d tell you how much I enjoyed your playing. I was at the Fayetteville show last night, and you were great. Sonically, you fit well with the band (you know that). Great slide work. It’s nice to see you so dedicated to making each song sound right sonically and producing enough of the original guitar lines to hold up our expectations for the song, but making it your own, too. Everyone in my section laughed every time you changed guitars, which was every song. I could see it all, though (I’m a producer). Each change produced a different sound that you needed. I started to protest at having two les pauls, but you were right. They sounded quite different. What was that guitar you were doing the slide on? At any rate, stellar work. We love Lu and you’re filling some pretty big shoes (Doug, especially), but you’re up for it. Nice.


    Good post JMH–and leads me to this question.

    Blake, how many guitars are in your collection?


    Thanks for all the lovely feedback guys…
    Here’s what’s in the boat:
    ’65 Strat
    ’69 Baritone
    ’67 Kustom 200a
    ’60 330
    ’88 Goldtop (1/2 step down)
    ’04 Redtop (personal gift from Dicky Betts)

    Some nights the set has me switching all over the place, and I’m constantly experimenting with different guitars/different songs. Slide has been mostly on the Stratocaster, some earlier shows with the 330.

    Amps have been a ’64 Deluxe Reverb and a ’57 Deluxe, and we just got a Victoria 20112 that sounds killlller. Might leave the ’57 at home next run.


    Thanks Blake. You are certainly the buzz since you joined the band — on the forum, Lu’s FB page, and someone even commented about you on the “Steal Your Love” YouTube upload from the Covington show. One of your guitars a Dickey Betts gift? Yow-za!


    The “badass guitarist” from the Lucinda show in Mankato the other night has been the topic among many seasoned musicians at my favorite watering hole. They couldn’t believe he was only 24 (he is right?).


    Hadn’t seen this thread until now for some reason. I attended the June 29 show at the Woodland Pak Zoo in Seattle. Just three days earlier, I had seen a player named Jerry Miller on a bandstand at a local car show. Miller is a founder of the group Moby Grape and lives in the local area (Tacoma). I was totally blown up by his performance and was still in a state of stunned admiration three days later. Unknown to me at the time, Miller is a highly regarded player in rock history (just read his Wikipedia entry).

    So I was all set to think on Wednesday night that Lu’s guitarist would have to be mighty good to impress me since I had heard one of the legends just a few days ago. Well, I can testify that Blake is an absolute knockout and truly a virtuoso. If he keeps this up, the sky’s the limit. He impressed me to the max!


    Blake is indeed 24 years old and he is indeed impressive!



    I just saw LW & the band at The Keswick. What a great show. Blake, I hope you see this-I LOVE your guitar playing. I’ve been playing for 45 years and so I know something. Very deliberate, tasteful and musical. Beautiful non-pentatonic accompaniment. Inspiring, for me………


    Blake is indeed 24 years old and he is indeed impressive!

    Yeah, but he is a lot older in Guitar Years!! 8)


    funny exchange at the Keswick, during Blake’s opening set.

    Woman’s voice, mid hall ” How old are you?”
    Blake “25.”
    Blake “How old are you?”
    Woman “47”

    Made me chuckle.

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