guitarist for upcoming shows…

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows guitarist for upcoming shows…

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  • #30506

    hey all,
    big Lucinda fan here, just now joining the boards. wanted to introduce myself, share my excitement, and let you guys know how honored i am to be playing guitar with her. looks like i’m jumping in late April.

    it sounds like a few of you will be present at these shows? looking fwd to it, immensely. will be working very hard to not fuck up a good thing (Val, Butch, and Dave!!!)

    see ya out there.


    Cool, Blake! Welcome to our “Friendly Forum”! I’ll see you play when Lu hits Atlanta on April 29th!



    thanks tom. ATL is my first night!

    West Words

    Hi Blake –

    Welcome! I heard you did really well at the Bardot show, and I look forward to meeting you later this tour. So far for the 2nd leg, I will be going to Atlanta, Lafayette, New Orleans Jazz Fest, and NOLA House of Blues. I’m sure there’ll be more, as more shows are announced.

    I think you may be the first band member to post to the forum, way cool. Please practice extra on Seeing Black, Copenhagan, and Blessed. I think a lot of fans will be yelling out for those. 😉 😀

    You have great timing in joining the band when this amazing album is coming out. I hope you have fun!


    West Words

    “Please practice extra on Seeing Black, Copenhagan, and Blessed. I think a lot of fans will be yelling out for those.”

    fans, as well as i! been listening to the Blessed record for a couple weeks straight, totally killing me!! so good. got Self-Titled and West down, working on the Essence and Sweet Old World jams now. lots of homework… lots more still! very e’citing


    Ok –I guess i’m a little bit late here but I would like to officially introduce Blake Mills as Lucinda’s new guitar player. We are very very excited to have Blake as the newest member of the Lucinda band. I really don’t want to put any undo pressure or create any hyped up expectations on him but let’s just say that during the auditions he came in and absolutely killed it– with Lu killing it is a different thing –he brought his own thing to the songs and he played WITH the band like he’d be there for years instead of just coming and playing parts. That is exacty what we were looking for. Lu, Butch & David are all very excited to have him join the band—as am I of course.

    Please welcome him to the family -judging from the rehearsals/auditions he is gonna bring some great stuff to the band. I know you are all going to love him like we already do.

    Welcome aboard friend-you are going to have a blast.

    We can’t wait for you to get out with us. It’s gonna be great.



    Welcome, Blake. Looking forward to seeing you “have at it” in the People’s Republic of Ithaca, March 7 🙂


    enjoyed the show at Bardot, Blake. Are you playing anywhere between now and April?


    Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself Blake, and can hardly wait to see (and hear) you in action.

    So far, we’ll be catching the Lafayette show,NO Jazz Festival, NO House of Blues, Stubbs Austin and the Houston Int’l festival! Maybe one or two more depending on where y’all (I’m practicing) go after Houston.

    (waiting patiently… for the rest of May’s shows to post before booking flights to Houston.. where driving to and visiting those cities,towns and venues will be a lot of the fun of the trip!)

    Again, Thanks for the intro!!


    Tonyg, I’ll prolly be up to something here or there. Nothing on the books as of now.


    @Lefty wrote:

    Welcome, Blake. Looking forward to seeing you “have at it” in the People’s Republic of Ithaca, March 7 🙂

    Lefty – Blake doesn’t join the band until April 29th in Atlanta. You will see Val McCallum play…



    @tntracy wrote:

    @Lefty wrote:

    Welcome, Blake. Looking forward to seeing you “have at it” in the People’s Republic of Ithaca, March 7 🙂

    Lefty – Blake doesn’t join the band until April 29th in Atlanta. You will see Val McCallum play…


    Errrr…next time I’ll read your entire post, Blake! Back to sleep now… 😳


    how cool is that .. guy joins the band and introduces himself to the fans on a message board



    How soon until he figures out how insane we are?


    @tonyg wrote:

    How soon until he figures out how insane we are?

    Yesterday? :mrgreen:


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