Greensboro, NC Setlist 9.25.09

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Greensboro, NC Setlist 9.25.09

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  • #40758

    I saw you too, Courtners. Thanks for posting those videos. I’ll watch them later when I have time.

    I was in the pit right in the middle. I started off in seat 6 and ended up in 8 so three girls could sit together. I’m sure I saw the others posting here that were also in the pit. The couple to my left said they were from the area, and I don’t think they post here. I think the other forum members were to the left of that couple (I mean facing the stage left).

    I don’t have much to add. I enjoyed the entire concert. I was really pleased that she did a few selections from the early “folk” albums.


    Amazing afternoon here at home, after my specially holidays, making a collection of all youtube’s I’m finding. 😀 😀 😀


    Hey DavidW,
    I was that guy sitting beside you in seat 9, my girlfriend was in seat 10. I should have introduced myself. What a show, huh? Remember laughing about that guy clapping out of time, and you were saying “the band can hear that…he’s going to mess them up.” He stopped shortly after that. But you are right about the band hearing. We were so close if one of us sneezed Lu would have said “bless you.”

    See you at the next one.



    Here is the last one – 2 Kool:

    Should have brought another flash card…



    Wow, those videos are really, really good courtners. Thanks again.


    I remember the guy clapping, but I don’t remember making that comment. Maybe you read my thoughts. We talked a little bit after the show. I remember you asking me if I am from that area. Your girlfriend (I think she has blond hair) asked me if I enjoyed it. Of course I said yes. I don’t know why I did not ask if you post here.

    Yes, we were really close. Lucinda looked at me a few times. I think she was looking at my Mark Twain T-shirt.


    Wow, REALLY nice video, courtners – great job! If you don’t mind me asking, what equipment did you use to shoot it?


    P.S. Welcome to the forum!


    @DavidW wrote:

    I remember the guy clapping, but I don’t remember making that comment. Maybe you read my thoughts. We talked a little bit after the show. I remember you asking me if I am from that area. Your girlfriend (I think she has blond hair) asked me if I enjoyed it. Of course I said yes. I don’t know why I did not ask if you post here.

    Yes, we were really close. Lucinda looked at me a few times. I think she was looking at my Mark Twain T-shirt.

    oops, I think I confused you with the guy sitting on my left. That must have been seat 11. Yeah, I remember you now. That orchestra pit is too cool.


    Hey – glad everyone is enjoying the videos. This is the first time I have ever brought the camera out to see live music. It is a Panasonic HD camcorder (HDC-SD5). I’ve had it for about 2 years. One 4 GB flash card holds about 40 minutes of 1080p HD video. The zoom is really, really good and I find that the sound pickup is stellar; Dolby Digital.

    Might have to take it along to see Mike Doughty in October @ the Evening Muse in Charlotte and Sonvolt in November @ the Handlebar…


    @Rainydayman wrote:

    That orchestra pit is too cool.

    I’ll be back in the pit for the Richard Thompson and Loudon Wainwright show in October. Maybe I’ll see some of you again then. I don’t know if there are any fans of Richard and Loudon here. If not, maybe when Lucinda comes back in a few years (hopefully).


    I’m a fan David, but I won’t be there. Have fun.

    Disco Stu

    I can’t watch the videos yet (at work), but based on what people are saying about them, I’m eager to get home and check them out. I’m always impressed by how good audience footage can be. My cheapo camera takes decent video but horrible audio, as I discovered after the wedding show. 🙁

    I’m guessing what’s permitted at a Lucinda show varies based on the venue. Based on what I’ve seen at recent shows as well as the discussions about and links to videos here, I’m assuming that pictures and videos are okay with Lu and Tom (and if I’m mistaken, I apologize and I’ll keep that in mind in the future). I was a little annoyed with security at the Pabst in Milwaukee. I took a couple pictures without realizing the flash was on, and was asked very nicely to turn it off but told that I could take pictures with the flash off. No worries there. Later on, though, I was taking video (that probably wouldn’t have turned out to be very good anyway – see above) and a different security guy grabbed my arm and told me to stop, adding “you’ve already been warned about this before.” Um, no, I wasn’t – I was told not to use the flash, so I didn’t.

    Anyway, in general, I think the artist and the artist’s security should dictate what’s allowed, not the venue. Of course, this goes both ways – if the artist doesn’t want any photos/videos taken, the venue should respect that even if it’s normally allowed. This discussion reminds me…Bob Dylan is notoriously strict about not allowing photos and videos, and it led to something hilarious at one of his ’08 shows. It was an outdoor show at a casino in southern Indiana, and at the concession stand they were selling disposable cameras. So a ton of people bought them and were taking pictures at the start of the show. After about three songs, security finally told them they couldn’t, and I’m sure it led to some disgruntled people who’d just paid something like $15 for a cheap disposable camera. Me, I was just wishing I’d brought my camera; I could have gotten some good and rare shots. I don’t even bring one to Dylan’s shows because it’s not nearly worth the hassle. I’ve gotten chewed out by security just for having my cell phone open.


    Phenomenal videos! I can’t believe the outstanding quality. Thx a lot for taking and posting.


    I watched a few of the videos and saved all of them. I would have been happy to just have a few low quality clips as souvenirs of the show. These videos go way beyond what I normally expect to see. Courtners, I’ll buy you and your girlfriend/wife/friend/whoever a few beers if you bring your camera to the Richard Thompson/Loudon Wainwright show in October. Actually, that might not go over too well with Richard Thompson.

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