GREAT Chuck Prophet Solo Show in Atlanta Tonight!

FORUM Forums Other Topics Singers and Songwriters GREAT Chuck Prophet Solo Show in Atlanta Tonight!

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  • #30272

    I just got back from a fantastic solo show by “The Man” himself, Chick Prophet, at “the best little venue in America”, Eddie’s Attic. I was joined by Friendly Forum members West Words & stoger – thanks to the both of you for sharing the evening with me! 😀


    West Words

    Absolutely “the best musician you’ve never heard”! (Chuck’s words)

    And, another True Blood soundtrack contributor with “You Did (Bomp Shooby Dooby Bomp)”.

    West Words

    P.S. Chuck told us a story about how he had just gotten home to San Francisco after a 9-hour Southwest Airlines flight returning from a tour, and was starving because they’d only fed him the tiny bags of peanuts. The phone rings that Lucinda is at the Fillmore, and to hurry up and get down there. Chuck’s starving so he was rushing around the house trying to scavenge some food. In his haste, he just about sliced off the tip of his finger and there was blood everywhere –

    … sounds like a song to me! 😀


    @West Words wrote:

    P.S. Chuck told us a story about how he had just gotten home to San Francisco after a 9-hour Southwest Airlines flight returning from a tour, and was starving because they’d only fed him the tiny bags of peanuts. The phone rings that Lucinda is at the Fillmore, and to hurry up and get down there. Chuck’s starving so he was rushing around the house trying to scavenge some food. In his haste, he just about sliced off the tip of his finger and there was blood everywhere –

    … sounds like a song to me! 😀

    …and he bandaging it up & playing on stage at the Fillmore anyway, using only 3 fingers! 😆


    P.S. “Barracuda!!!”

    West Words

    Looks like they have been spinning Chuck like crazy on my favorite local NPR station.

    I found one in studio podcasted interview & performance from 2007.



    @tntracy wrote:

    I just got back from a fantastic solo show by “The Man” himself, Chick Prophet, at “the best little venue in America”, Eddie’s Attic. I was joined by Friendly Forum members West Words & stoger – thanks to the both of you for sharing the evening with me! 😀


    Hey Moderator, here is “Chick” 😆 Ain’t no spell check on this forum 😆 at Eddie’s Attic last week-two solo You Tubes which I understand you attended with stoger and (Sandyeggo, Sandy Claus, West Words, or Negative Nellie), just in case there is the rare chance that you haven’t seen these clips.
    For the memories.

    All kidding aside, great music.

    West Words

    Good ones, LWJ! (hmmm….will need to think of some more names for myself…) 😉

    ‘Chick’ not only put on a great music show, but was also a great stand-up comedian that night.

    Thanks for posting the video clips. 🙂


    And in my defense, all I had to drink that evening was Coca-Cola & water w/ lemon. Honest, fat-fingered typo, that was… 😉

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