Go see this Tour !!

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Go see this Tour !!

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    It was with some trepadation and a little concern that we attended the tour kickoff in Dallas at the HOB, our fears where quickly calmed. We may have lost Doug (allways a gent and a great talent) but if anything I found the band a little tighter,I think Chet did an outstanding job with all his instruments (and new suit ) ,Butch and Dave where rock solid ,and our new guitarist Eric jumped right in and played rather well !! As for our girl Lu, she seemed a little tense (to be expected ) at first, but once the show got rolling, everything fell into place, and along we went for an outstanding evening.
    I definately prefer the standing room general admission venues, makes for a much more intimate/energetic show.
    A first class setlist in my personal opinion,moving nicely along and raising the tempo into a great rocking finale , some faves along the way,Side of The Road,Something about…..,Crescent City, Lost it,Bleeding Fingers,etc etc.A personal high-point for me was her first song of the encore, Henrix’s “Angel” totally awed me,amazing !! I hope she plays it again for those of you not fortunate enough to have seen it at the HOB. Having seen her several times over the years its great to be re-blown away by someone who’s body of work is so personal to all who love her.Again thanks Lu.
    Also would like to say a big thanks to Tom and Lu for enduldging me with a visit,finnaly got to say Hi to Lu after badgering poor Tom for a while,thanks so very much for your time, my evening was complete,and I wandered off into the Dallas night with a new found spring in my step !! I think I was still grinning the next morning, and the sunny drive back to Okla semmed a little sunnier .
    So in finishing up,I know I’ve read a few posts from people not wanting to go to the shows because of Dougs departure,don’t cheat yourselves, it’s all good , and you know we where all a little feared when Doug first showed up…..its evolution go see the show , you’ll be glad you did.
    Again Tom and Lu thanks a million.
    Sorry I won’t be able to catch anymore of the tour dates listed so far,but thanks for an outstanding evening.


    Sounds like you had a great night. Good for you.


    I know I’ve posted this before, but it bears repeating (at least from my perspective… 😉 )







    Who opened the show?


    @zanthus wrote:

    Who opened the show?

    The revamped Buick 6 (Lu’s backing band) is opening – “revamped” in that Doug P. has been replaced with Eric S. & Chet has taken on some additional guitar duties if I am not mistaken (I haven’t seen them yet – I will tomorrow & Saturday nights…)


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